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   table.binsearch( table, value [, compval [, reversed] ] )
   Searches the table through BinarySearch for the given value.
   If the  value is found:
      it returns a table holding all the mathing indices (e.g. { startindice,endindice } )
      endindice may be the same as startindice if only one matching indice was found
   If compval is given:
      then it must be a function that takes one value and returns a second value2,
      to be compared with the input value, e.g.:
      compvalue = function( value ) return value[1] end
   If reversed is set to true:
      then the search assumes that the table is sorted in reverse order (largest value at position 1)
      note when reversed is given compval must be given as well, it can be nil/_ in this case
   Return value:
      on success: a table holding matching indices (e.g. { startindice,endindice } )
      on failure: nil
   -- Avoid heap allocs for performance
   local default_fcompval = function( value ) return value end
   local fcompf = function( a,b ) return a < b end
   local fcompr = function( a,b ) return a > b end
   function table.binsearch( tbl,value,fcompval,reversed )
      -- Initialise functions
      local fcompval = fcompval or default_fcompval
      local fcomp = reversed and fcompr or fcompf
      --  Initialise numbers
      local iStart,iEnd,iMid = 1,#tbl,0
      -- Binary Search
      while iStart <= iEnd do
         -- calculate middle
         iMid = math.floor( (iStart+iEnd)/2 )
         -- get compare value
         local value2 = fcompval( tbl[iMid] )
         -- get all values that match
         if value == value2 then
            local tfound,num = { iMid,iMid },iMid - 1
            while value == fcompval( tbl[num] ) do -- ERROR: this may cause fail in fcompval if num is out of range and tbl[num] is nil
               tfound[1],num = num,num - 1
            num = iMid + 1
            while value == fcompval( tbl[num] ) do -- ERROR: this may cause fail in fcompval if num is out of range and tbl[num] is nil
               tfound[2],num = num,num + 1
            return tfound
         -- keep searching
         elseif fcomp( value,value2 ) then
            iEnd = iMid - 1
            iStart = iMid + 1


-- test: table size 0
t = {}
local v = table.binsearch(t, 5); assert(v == nil)

-- test: table size 1
t = {5}
local v = table.binsearch(t, 4); assert(v == nil)
local v = table.binsearch(t, 5); assert(v[1] == 1)
local v = table.binsearch(t, 6); assert(v == nil)

-- test: table size 2
t = {4,6}
local v = table.binsearch(t, 3); assert(v == nil)
local v = table.binsearch(t, 4); assert(v[1] == 1)
local v = table.binsearch(t, 5); assert(v == nil)
local v = table.binsearch(t, 6); assert(v[1] == 2)
local v = table.binsearch(t, 7); assert(v == nil)

-- test: typical, with duplicate
t = {0,2,4,4,6,8,10}
local v = table.binsearch(t, 0); assert(v[1] == 1)
local v = table.binsearch(t, 10); assert(v[1] == 7)
local v = table.binsearch(t, 4); assert(v[1] == 3 and v[2] == 4)
local v = table.binsearch(t, 5); assert(v == nil)
local v = table.binsearch(t, 11); assert(v == nil)
local v = table.binsearch(t, -1); assert(v == nil)

-- test: identical
t = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}
local v = table.binsearch(t, 1); assert(v[1] == 1 and v[2] == 10)

-- test: fcomp
t = {10,52,34,44,86,38}
local v = table.binsearch(t, 6, function(v) return v % 10 end); assert(v[1] == 5)
local v = table.binsearch(t, 4, function(v) return v % 10 end); assert(v[1] == 3 and v[2] == 4)

-- test: reverse
t = {10,8,6,4,4,2,0}
local v = table.binsearch(t, 6,_,1); assert(v[1] == 3)
local v = table.binsearch(t, 4,_,1); assert(v[1] == 4 and v[2] == 5)

print "DONE"


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