類別及方法範例 |
在發現史上最好的腳本語言 Lua 的最初興奮過後,我開始嘗試類別及方法。我研究了各種實作方式,發現 Christian Lindig(電子郵件:lindig |at| cs.uni-sb.de)的方法最為簡潔。但我發現有些地方可以改進,使其更易於理解。我在 Christian Lindig 的程式碼新增了一項功能,讓使用者能夠輕鬆新增類別建構式,而無須直接處理 obj。
如何使用 INC_Class.lua
以下程式碼展示了類別建構式和繼承功能的範例。請注意類別 cTiger 如何從 cAnimal 繼承
cTiger = setclass("Tiger", cAnimal)
此外,請注意如果您有一個名為「init」的類別方法,程式碼會在您呼叫 class:new() 時自動執行。
require("INC_Class.lua") --=========================== cAnimal=setclass("Animal") function cAnimal.methods:init(action, cutename) self.superaction = action self.supercutename = cutename end --========================== cTiger=setclass("Tiger", cAnimal) function cTiger.methods:init(cutename) self:init_super("HUNT (Tiger)", "Zoo Animal (Tiger)") self.action = "ROAR FOR ME!!" self.cutename = cutename end --========================== Tiger1 = cAnimal:new("HUNT", "Zoo Animal") Tiger2 = cTiger:new("Mr Grumpy") Tiger3 = cTiger:new("Mr Hungry") print("CLASSNAME FOR TIGER1 = ", Tiger1:classname()) print("CLASSNAME FOR TIGER2 = ", Tiger2:classname()) print("CLASSNAME FOR TIGER3 = ", Tiger3:classname()) print("===============") print("SUPER ACTION",Tiger1.superaction) print("SUPER CUTENAME",Tiger1.supercutename) print("ACTION ",Tiger1.action) print("CUTENAME",Tiger1.cutename) print("===============") print("SUPER ACTION",Tiger2.superaction) print("SUPER CUTENAME",Tiger2.supercutename) print("ACTION ",Tiger2.action) print("CUTENAME",Tiger2.cutename) print("===============") print("SUPER ACTION",Tiger3.superaction) print("SUPER CUTENAME",Tiger3.supercutename) print("ACTION ",Tiger3.action) print("CUTENAME",Tiger3.cutename)
----------------------------------------------------- ---- SETCLASS CLONES THE BASIC OBJECT CLASS TO CREATE NEW CLASSES ----------------------------------------------------- -- Supports INHERITANCE -- -- Sam Lie, 17 May 2004 -- Modified Code from Christian Lindig - lindig (at) cs.uni-sb.de --------------------------------------------------------------- -- EVERYTHING INHERITS FROM THIS BASIC OBJECT CLASS BaseObject = { super = nil, name = "Object", new = function(class) local obj = {class = class} local meta = { __index = function(self,key) return class.methods[key] end } setmetatable(obj,meta) return obj end, methods = {classname = function(self) return(self.class.name) end}, data = {} } function setclass(name, super) if (super == nil) then super = BaseObject end local class = { super = super; name = name; new = function(self, ...) local obj = super.new(self, "___CREATE_ONLY___"); -- check if calling function init -- pass arguments into init function if (super.methods.init) then obj.init_super = super.methods.init end if (self.methods.init) then if (tostring(arg[1]) ~= "___CREATE_ONLY___") then obj.init = self.methods.init if obj.init then obj:init(unpack(arg)) end end end return obj end, methods = {} } -- if class slot unavailable, check super class -- if applied to argument, pass it to the class method new setmetatable(class, { __index = function(self,key) return self.super[key] end, __call = function(self,...) return self.new(self,unpack(arg)) end }) -- if instance method unavailable, check method slot in super class setmetatable(class.methods, { __index = function(self,key) return class.super.methods[key] end }) return class end
dontspamme_sam_lie2000@yahoo.com,2004 年 5 月 17 日