協程當作事件處理器 |
result = block(self, event)
是將腳本內容 (例如,狀態) 和事件作為引數的 SWIG 封裝函式,且會封鎖 (讓出) 腳本,直到事件發生為止,接著將詳細資料複製到結果結構 (繼續執行) 中?
我的回答是,何不採用 Lua 撰寫?下方架構每秒可處理數十萬則事件轉發,因此改用 C 撰寫不太可能有顯著成效;CPU 時間會受到實際處理要求的成本支配。
local cocreate, resume, yield, costatus = coroutine.create, coroutine.resume, coroutine.yield, coroutine.status local LOG = function(...) io.stderr:write(os.date"!%F %T ") io.stderr:write(...) io.stderr:write"\n" end -- This function expects to be a coroutine. When it is started, -- it initializes itself, and then awaits further instructions. -- Whenever it has nothing else to do it yields, unless it was -- told to quit in which case it returns. function supervisor(...) -- each event is a table of sets of coroutines; -- we assume we can handle the events in any order. local events = {} -- This table associates coroutines with names, mostly -- for debugging local name = {} -- to signal that we're done local done = false -- This function removes all references to a coro -- from all events, which we do when the coro dies. -- We could use weak tables to do the same thing. -- On the other hand, we might want to clean up other -- data associated with the coroutine. Anyway, this is easy: local function remove(coro) for _, coros in pairs(events) do coros[coro] = nil end name[coro] = nil end -- Convenience function to log tracebacks local function log_traceback(coro, msg, err) LOG("Coroutine ", name[coro], " ", msg, ":") local tb = debug.traceback(coro, err) for line in tb:gmatch"[^\n]+" do LOG(" ", line) end end -- The core routine, which handles the results of a -- coroutine.resume. First argument is the coro, rest -- are the return values from coro.resume(). The only -- thing we're expecting from the coro is a "waitfor" -- command, but other ones could be added... local function handle_resume(coro, ok, todo, ...) if costatus(coro) == "dead" then remove(coro) -- always get rid of it. -- log a traceback on error if not ok then log_traceback(coro, "failed with error", todo) end elseif todo ~= "waitfor" then -- todo should be "waitfor" and ... the event. -- If we had more verbs, we could use a case-table. log_traceback(coro, "unknown request "..tostring(todo), "bad return value") remove(coro) else -- We don't care if the event doesn't exist (should we?) local q = events[...] if q == nil then q = {}; events[...] = q end -- We might want to tell the upper level that a new -- event needs to be recognized, though. -- if next(q) == nil then addevent((...)) end q[coro] = true end end -- A table of actions; essentially a case statement local handler = {} -- do a clean exit (although actually there's no -- cleanup necessary, but there might be.) function handler.done() done = true end -- debugging: report on status function handler.status() -- invert the events table for nicer printing local n, e = {}, {} for evt, coros in pairs(events) do for coro in pairs(coros) do local who = name[coro] n[#n+1] = who e[who] = evt end end -- sort the names table.sort(n) -- and produce the report for _, who in ipairs(n) do LOG(who, " is waiting for ", tostring(e[who])) end end -- introduce a new actor (coroutine) into the system, and run -- it until it blocks function handler.introduce(who, func, ...) local coro = cocreate(func) name[coro] = who -- let it initialize itself return handle_resume(coro, resume(coro, ...)) end -- send an event to whoever cares function handler.signal(what, ...) local q = events[what] if q and next(q) then for coro in pairs(q) do q[coro] = nil -- handled handle_resume(coro, resume(coro, what, ...)) end -- Maybe tell the top-level whether the event is -- still active? return next(q) ~= nil else -- No-one cares, sniff. "Log" the fact LOG("Event ", tostring(what), " dropped into the bit bucket") end end -- Set the __index meta for the handler table to avoid having -- to test for bad commands explicitly local function logargs(...) local t = {n = select("#", ...), ...} if t.n > 0 then for i = 1, t.n do local ti = t[i] t[i] = (type(ti) == "string" and "%q" or "%s") :format(tostring(ti)) end LOG("..with arguments: ", table.concat(t, ", ")) end end function handler:__index(what) LOG("Supervisor received unknown message ", what) return logargs end setmetatable(handler, handler) -- auxiliary function to handle a command, necessary to -- capture multiple returns from yield() local function handle(simonsays, ...) return handler[simonsays](...) end -- The main loop is a bit anti-climactic LOG"Starting up" local rv = handle(...) repeat rv = handle(yield(rv)) until done LOG"Shutting down" end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Sample very simple processor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local function block(event) return yield("waitfor", event) end local function process(n) for i = 1, n do local e, howmany = block"TICK" assert(e == "TICK" and howmany == i) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Test driver in Lua ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local super = cocreate(supervisor) local function check(ok, rv) if not ok then LOG("supervisor crashed") local tb = debug.traceback(super, rv) for line in tb:gmatch"[^\n]+" do LOG(" ", line) end os.exit(1) end return rv end local function send(msg, ...) return check(resume(super, msg, ...)) end local nprocess, nreps = tonumber(arg[1]) or 10, tonumber(arg[2] or 12) for i = 1, tonumber(nprocess) do send("introduce", ("p%04i"):format(i), process, nreps) end local j = 1 while send("signal", "TICK", j) do j = j + 1 end -- This should be empty send"status" send"done" LOG("Endcount ", j)