C++ 簡易 Lua 包装器类

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此包装器的宗旨是为 C++ 提供方便的机制,用以公开方法和调用脚本函数。C++ 程序员所需要做的,就是继承自特定类,就能获得加载 Lua 脚本、公开带有任何标记的方法、以及调用脚本函数的服务。

以下範例显示了如何将 Lua 脚本内嵌于类中。欲知详细信息,请在 http://yag2002.sourceforge.net 联系 Yag2002 组。



Lua 脚本

print( "in Lua: starting script" )
print( "in Lua: calling exposed exposedMethods ..." )

-- exposed method1: [ std::string, float ] exposedMethod1(int, float)
a, b = testScript.exposedMethod1(42, 0.42)

print("in Lua:", a, b)

-- exposed method2: void exposedMethod2( int, std::string)
testScript.exposedMethod2( 65, "Hello" )

print("in Lua: exposed exposedMethods have been called")

-- callable script function ( from entity )
function scriptFcn1(x)    
    print("in Lua: scriptFcn1 has been called with argument: ", x)

function scriptFcn2(x, y)    
    print("in Lua: scriptFcn2 has been called with arguments: ", x, ", ", y)
    return "result: ", x * 2, y *2

C++ 代码

#include "vrc_script.h"

//! Class for embedding a test script
class EnTestScript : public vrc::BaseScript< EnTestScript >

                                                EnTestScript( const std::string& scriptfile );

        virtual                                 ~EnTestScript();

        //! Start loading and executing the test script
        void                                    start();

        //! test for an exposed method
        void                                    exposedMethod1( const Params& arguments, Params& returnvalues );

        //! test for an exposed method
        void                                    exposedMethod2( const Params& arguments, Params& returnvalues );


        //! Script file
        std::string                             _scriptFile;

EnTestScript::EnTestScript( const std::string& scriptfile )
 _scriptFile( scriptfile )


void EnTestScript::start()
        // load script file and scope all exposed methods with 'testScript'
        loadScript( "testScript", _scriptFile );

        // expose methods
        Params arguments;
        Params returnsvalues;

        //Note: for adding a parameter type into a Params container one can define an initial value ( which is normally ignored ).
        //      it is important that the compiler can deduce the 'add' method by knowing the type which is added. 
        //      currently int, float, double, and std::string types are supported.
        //      take also care on the order you define the arguments or return values.

        // expose method 1 having the pseudo-signatur: [ std::string, float ] method1( int, float )
            arguments.add( 0 );       // here just pass an int variable or a constant int, we take 0
            arguments.add( 0.0f );    // here just pass a float variable or a constant float, we take 0.0f
            returnsvalues.add( std::string() );
            returnsvalues.add( 0.0f );
            exposeMethod( "exposedMethod1", &EnTestScript::exposedMethod1, arguments, returnsvalues );

        // some tests
            size_t argumentcontainersize = arguments.size();
            assert( argumentcontainersize == 2 );

            size_t returnsvaluescontainersize = returnsvalues.size();
            assert( returnsvaluescontainersize == 2 );

            const type_info& typeofelementatindexZero = arguments.getTypeInfo( 0 );
            assert( typeofelementatindexZero == typeid( int ) );

            const type_info& typeofelementatindexOne  = arguments.getTypeInfo( 1 );
            assert( typeofelementatindexOne == typeid( float ) );

        // expose method 2 having the pseudo-signatur: void method1( int, std::string )
            arguments.add( 0 );
            arguments.add( std::string() );
            exposeMethod( "exposedMethod2", &EnTestScript::exposedMethod2, arguments );

        // execute the script after exposing methods

        // call script function scriptFcn1: void scriptFcn1( int )
            Params args;
            args.add( 100.42 );
            // the function has no return value
            callScriptFunction( "scriptFcn1", &args );

        // call script function scriptFcn2: [ std::string, int, int ] scriptFcn2( int, int )
            Params args;
            args.add( 100 );
            args.add( 150 );

            Params rets;
            rets.add( std::string() );
            rets.add( 0 );
            rets.add( 0 );
            callScriptFunction( "scriptFcn2", &args, &rets );

            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "in Entity: scriptFcn2 returned: " << GET_SCRIPT_PARAMVALUE( rets, 0, std::string ) << " "
                << GET_SCRIPT_PARAMVALUE( rets, 1, int ) << " " << GET_SCRIPT_PARAMVALUE( rets, 2, int );
            log_debug << msg.str() << std::endl;           

        // close the script and clean up its resources
    catch( const ScriptingException& e )
        log_error << "TestScript: error occured during script test: " << e.what() << std::endl;

void EnTestScript::exposedMethod1( const Params& arguments, Params& returnvalues )
    // get parameters
    std::stringstream msg;
    msg << "in Entity: exposedMethod1( " << GET_SCRIPT_PARAMVALUE( arguments, 0, int ) << " " << GET_SCRIPT_PARAMVALUE( arguments, 1, float ) << " )";
    log_debug << msg.str() << std::endl;

    // set return values
    SET_SCRIPT_PARAMVALUE( returnvalues, 0, std::string, "returnvalue is: " );
    SET_SCRIPT_PARAMVALUE( returnvalues, 1, float, 0.12345f );

void EnTestScript::exposedMethod2( const Params& arguments, Params& returnvalues )
    std::stringstream msg;
    msg << "in Entity: exposedMethod2( " << GET_SCRIPT_PARAMVALUE( arguments, 0, int ) << ", " << GET_SCRIPT_PARAMVALUE( arguments, 1, std::string ) << " )";
    log_debug << msg.str() << std::endl;

int main( int argc, char** argv )
    EnTestScript ts( "<path>/script.lua" );

    return 0;


in Lua: starting script
in Lua: calling exposed exposedMethods ...
in Entity: exposedMethod1( 42 0.42 )
in Lua: returnvalue is:         0.12345000356436
in Entity: exposedMethod2( 65, Hello )
in Lua: exposed exposedMethods have been called
in Lua: scriptFcn1 has been called with argument:       100.42
in Lua: scriptFcn2 has been called with arguments:      100     ,       150
in Entity: scriptFcn2 returned: result:  200 300


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