C++ Lua 資料傳遞

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這個範例程式碼說明了如何在 C++ 和 lua 腳本間傳遞資料。請閱讀以下兩段程式碼的註解和文字輸出(cout 和 print 陳述式)。


[C++] Passing 'arg' array to script
[C++] Running script
[lua] These args were passed into the script from C
1       45
2       99
[lua] Script returning data back to C
[C++] These values were returned from the script
script returned 1
script returned 9
script returned a table

C++ 程式碼

extern "C"
   #include <lua.h>
   #include <lauxlib.h>
   #include <lualib.h>
#include <iostream>

// a list of libs to expose for use in scripts
static const luaL_reg lualibs[] = 
  {"base", luaopen_base},
  {"table", luaopen_table},
  {"io", luaopen_io},
  {"string", luaopen_string},
  {"math", luaopen_math},
  {"debug", luaopen_debug},
  {"loadlib", luaopen_loadlib}, 
  /* add your libraries here */

// load the list of libs
static void openstdlibs( lua_State *l ) 
  const luaL_reg *lib = lualibs;
  for (; lib->func; lib++) 
    lib->func(l);  /* open library */
    lua_settop(l, 0);  /* discard any results */

int main()
   int status;
   lua_State* state = lua_open();

   openstdlibs( state );
   status = luaL_loadfile( state, "args.lua" );

   std::cout << "[C++] Passing 'arg' array to script" << std::endl;

   // start array structure
   lua_newtable( state );

   // set first element "1" to value 45
   lua_pushnumber( state, 1 );
   lua_pushnumber( state, 45 );
   lua_rawset( state, -3 );

   // set second element "2" to value 99
   lua_pushnumber( state, 2 );
   lua_pushnumber( state, 99 );
   lua_rawset( state, -3 );
   // set the number of elements (index to the last array element)
   lua_pushliteral( state, "n" );
   lua_pushnumber( state, 2 );
   lua_rawset( state, -3 );

   // set the name of the array that the script will access
   lua_setglobal( state, "arg" );

   std::cout << "[C++] Running script" << std::endl;
   int result = 0;
   if (status == 0)
      result = lua_pcall( state, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0 );
      std::cout << "bad" << std::endl;
   if (result != 0)
      std::cerr << "[C++] script failed" << std::endl;

   std::cout << "[C++] These values were returned from the script" << std::endl;
   while (lua_gettop( state ))
      switch (lua_type( state, lua_gettop( state ) ))
         case LUA_TNUMBER: std::cout << "script returned " << lua_tonumber( state, lua_gettop( state ) ) << std::endl; break;
         case LUA_TTABLE:  std::cout << "script returned a table" << std::endl; break;
         case LUA_TSTRING: std::cout << "script returned " << lua_tostring( state, lua_gettop( state ) ) << std::endl; break;
         case LUA_TBOOLEAN:std::cout << "script returned " << lua_toboolean( state, lua_gettop( state ) ) << std::endl; break;
         default: std::cout << "script returned unknown param" << std::endl; break;
      lua_pop( state, 1 );
   lua_close( state );
   return 0;

Lua 腳本「args.lua」

io.write( "[lua] These args were passed into the script from C\n" );

for i=1,table.getn(arg) do

io.write("[lua] Script returning data back to C\n")

local temp = {}

return temp,9,1

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上次編輯時間為 2020 年 6 月 2 日下午 3:26 GMT (diff)