C++ 元程式設計 |
下面我們使用 Lua 來表示 C++ 類別的定義,以及包含該類別的 C++ 模組(編譯單元)。
require "cppmeta" :import() -- Define class. Rectangle = Class "Rectangle" :include "public <string>" :include "<sstream>" :include "<iostream>" :property "double width = 0.0" :property "double height = 0.0" :func[[ /* Get the surface area of the rectangle. */ double get_area() const { return get_width() * get_height(); } ]] :func[[ /* Resize rectangle by scale factor. */ void scale(double amount = 0) { set_width(get_width() * amount); set_height(get_height() * amount); } ]] :func[[ /* Convert rectangle to string. */ std::string tostring() { ostringstream os; os << "Rectangle[" << get_width() << "," << get_height() << "]"; return os.str(); } ]] -- Define module (compilation unit). Rectanglem = Module "rectanglem" :include "<iostream>" :using_namespace"std" :class(Rectangle) :func[[ /* entry point */ int main() { Rectangle s; s.set_width(10); s.set_height(20); s.scale(2); cout << s.tostring() << " " << s.get_area() << " " << s.get_class_name() << endl; return 0; } ]] -- Insert into any class a member function returning class name. -- This is a helper function, achieving aspect oriented programming somewhat. function name_class(class) local ccode = cppmeta.subst([[ /* Return name of class as string. */ std::string get_class_name() { return "%(name)"; } ]], {name = class.name}) class:func(ccode):include("public <string>") return c end name_class(Rectangle) -- add other functions to class. Rectanglem:write() -- generate source files for C++ compiler. -- Just for fun, print out a list of method names and descriptions too. for _,v in ipairs(Rectangle.funcs) do print(v.name, v.comment) end
我們希望自動在標準 C++ 中產生這兩個檔案
#ifndef MODULE_rectanglem #define MODULE_rectanglem #include <string> class Rectangle { public: Rectangle::Rectangle(); explicit Rectangle::Rectangle(const Rectangle & other); Rectangle & operator=(const Rectangle & other); double get_width() const { return width; } void set_width(double _) { width = _; } double get_height() const { return height; } void set_height(double _) { height = _; } double get_area() const; void scale(double amount = 0); std::string tostring(); std::string get_class_name(); private: double width; double height; }; #endif // first include
#include "rectanglem.h" #include <sstream> #include <iostream> using namespace std; Rectangle::Rectangle() : width(0.0), height(0.0) { } Rectangle::Rectangle(const Rectangle & other) : width(other.width), height(other.height) { } Rectangle & Rectangle::operator=(const Rectangle & other) { width = other.width; height = other.height; } double Rectangle::get_area() const { return get_width() * get_height(); } void Rectangle::scale(double amount) { set_width(get_width() * amount); set_height(get_height() * amount); } std::string Rectangle::tostring() { ostringstream os; os << "Rectangle[" << get_width() << "," << get_height() << "]"; return os.str(); } std::string Rectangle::get_class_name() { return "Rectangle"; } int main() { Rectangle s; s.set_width(10); s.set_height(20); s.scale(2); cout << s.tostring() << " " << s.get_area() << " " << s.get_class_name() << endl; return 0; }
警告:這段程式碼是粗略的草稿。目前的程式碼不會處理特殊情況,甚至也不會處理大多數的情況。然而,我相信這種方法相當穩健。它大多避免了完全剖析 C++ 的困難。此程式碼經過驗證,可在 Lua 5.1 上執行。
請參閱 LuaProxyDll 以了解相關的 C 元程式設計範例。
-- cppmeta.lua -- (c) David Manura, 2007-02. -- Licensed under the same terms as Lua itself. module("cppmeta", package.seeall) function import() local env = getfenv(2) for k,v in pairs(cppmeta) do env[k] = v end return cppmeta end -- remove leading indents from string local function unindent(s) local spacer = string.match(s, "( *)}%s*$") local t = {} string.gsub(s, "[^\n]+", function(s) t[#t+1] = s; return "" end) for i = 1,#t do t[i] = string.gsub(t[i], "^" .. spacer, "") end s = table.concat(t, "\n") return s end -- substitute variables in string function subst(s, vars) for k,v in pairs(vars) do s = string.gsub(s, "%%%(" .. k .. "%)", v) end return s end -- remove whitespace at beginning and end of string local function trim(s) s = string.gsub(s, "^%s+", "") s = string.gsub(s, "%s+$", "") return s end -- extracts leading C comment (if any) from string. local function remove_comment(ccode) local comment ccode = string.gsub(ccode, "^%s*/%*(.-)%*/%s*", function(s) comment = s; return "" end) return ccode, comment end -- format function definition local function format_funcdef(func, parent) -- Remove default assignments from arguments local args = func.args args = string.gsub(args, "%s*=[^,)]+", "") local body = func.body if string.sub(body, 1, 1) == "{" then body = " " .. body end local mods = (func.mods == "") and "" or " " .. func.mods local prefix = parent and (parent .. "::") or "" local cfunc = " " .. func.type .. "\n" .. prefix .. func.name .. "(" .. args .. ")" .. mods .. body .. "\n" return cfunc end -- parse function from C++ string. local function parse_func(ccode) local comment ccode, comment = remove_comment(ccode) ccode = unindent(ccode) local type, name, args, mods, body = string.match(ccode, "^%s*([^(]+)%s+([%w_]+)%s*%((.*)%)%s*([^{]-)%s*({.*})") assert(type, ccode) --print("F", type,";",name, ";",args, ";",body) local func = {name = name, args = args, type = type, mods = mods, body = body, comment = comment} return func end -- parse property from C++ string local function parse_property(ccode) ccode = trim(ccode) local type, name, default = string.match(ccode, "^%s*(.+)%s+([%w_]+)%s*=%s*(.-)%s*$") --print('P', type, ';', name, ';', default) assert(type, ccode) local prop = {name = name, type = type, default = default} return prop end -- parse "include" from C++ string local function parse_include(ccode) ccode = trim(ccode) local ccode2 = string.gsub(ccode, "^%s*public%s+", "") local visibility = (ccode2 ~= ccode) and "public" or "private" local include = {ccode2, visibility = visibility} return include end Class = {} Class.__index = Class setmetatable(Class, {__call = function(self, ...) return Class.new(...) end}) -- Construct class. function Class.new(name) return setmetatable({ name = name, properties = {}, funcs = {}, includes = {} }, Class) end -- Use property in class. function Class:property(ccode) local prop = parse_property(ccode) table.insert(self.properties, prop) return self end -- Use (member) function in class. function Class:func(ccode) local func = parse_func(ccode) table.insert(self.funcs, func) return self end -- Use include in class. function Class:include(ccode) local include = parse_include(ccode) table.insert(self.includes, include) return self end -- Return string of C++ code for class declaration. function Class:declaration() local cfields = "" for _,prop in ipairs(self.properties) do local cfield = " %type %name;\n" cfield = string.gsub(cfield, "%%type", prop.type) cfield = string.gsub(cfield, "%%name", prop.name) cfields = cfields .. cfield end local cpubs = "" for _,prop in ipairs(self.properties) do local cfield = " %type get_%name() const { return %name; }\n" .. " void set_%name(%type _) { %name = _; }\n" cfield = string.gsub(cfield, "%%type", prop.type) cfield = string.gsub(cfield, "%%name", prop.name) cpubs = cpubs .. cfield end for _,func in ipairs(self.funcs) do local mods = (func.mods == "") and "" or " " .. func.mods local cfunc = " " .. func.type .. " " .. func.name .. "(" .. func.args .. ")" .. mods .. ";\n" cpubs = cpubs .. cfunc end local c = subst([[ class %(name) { public: %(name)::%(name)(); explicit %(name)::%(name)(const %(name) & other); %(name) & operator=(const %(name) & other); %(cpubs) private: %(cfields) }; ]], {name = self.name, cpubs = cpubs, cfields = cfields}) return c end -- Return string of C++ code for class implementation. function Class:implementation() local cinit = "" if #self.properties > 0 then for _,prop in ipairs(self.properties) do cinit = cinit .. ", " .. prop.name .. "(" .. prop.default .. ")" end cinit = ":" .. string.sub(cinit, 2) end local cinit3 = "" if #self.properties > 0 then for _,prop in ipairs(self.properties) do cinit3 = cinit3 .. ", " .. prop.name .. "(other." .. prop.name .. ")" end cinit3 = ":" .. string.sub(cinit3, 2) end local cassigninit = "" if #self.properties > 0 then for _,prop in ipairs(self.properties) do cassigninit = cassigninit .. " " .. prop.name .. " = other." .. prop.name .. ";\n" end end local cfuncs = "" for _,func in ipairs(self.funcs) do local cfunc = format_funcdef(func, self.name) cfuncs = cfuncs .. cfunc end local c = subst([[ %(name)::%(name)() %(cinit) { } %(name)::%(name)(const %(name) & other) %(cinit3) { } %(name) & %(name)::operator=(const %(name) & other) { %(cassigninit) } %(cfuncs) ]], {cinit3 = cinit3, cassigninit = cassigninit, cinit = cinit, name = self.name, cfuncs = cfuncs}) return c end Module = {} Module.__index = Module setmetatable(Module, {__call = function(self, ...) return Module.new(...) end}) -- Construct module. function Module.new(name) return setmetatable({ name = name, includes = {}, using_namespaces = {}, classes = {}, funcs = {} }, Module) end -- Use include in module. function Module:include(ccode) local include = parse_include(ccode) table.insert(self.includes, include) return self end -- Use namespace in module. function Module:using_namespace(name) name = trim(name) table.insert(self.using_namespaces, name) return self end -- Define class in module. function Module:class(o) table.insert(self.classes, o) return self end -- Define function in module. function Module:func(ccode) local func = parse_func(ccode) table.insert(self.funcs, func) return self end -- Return srting of C++ code for module header. function Module:header() local cincludes = "" local includes = {} for _,v in ipairs(includes) do includes[#includes+1] = v end for _,class in ipairs(self.classes) do for _,v in ipairs(class.includes) do includes[#includes+1] = v end end local found = {} for _,v in ipairs(includes) do if v.visibility == "public" and not found[v[1]] then cincludes = cincludes .. "#include " .. v[1] .. "\n" found[v[1]] = true end end local cclassdecs = "" for _,class in ipairs(self.classes) do cclassdecs = cclassdecs .. class:declaration() end local c = subst([[ #ifndef MODULE_%(name) #define MODULE_%(name) %(cincludes) %(cclassdecs) #endif // first include ]], {name = self.name, cincludes = cincludes, cclassdecs = cclassdecs}) return c end -- Return string of C++ code for module implementation. function Module:implementation() local cincludes = "" local found = {} for _,class in ipairs(self.classes) do local includes = class.includes for _,v in ipairs(includes) do if v.visibility == "private" and not found[v[1]] then cincludes = cincludes .. "#include " .. v[1] .. "\n" found[v[1]] = true end end end local cusings = "" for _,ns in ipairs(self.using_namespaces) do cusings = cusings .. "using namespace " .. ns .. ";\n"; end local cdefs = "" for _,class in ipairs(self.classes) do cdefs = cdefs .. class:implementation() .. "\n" end local cfuncs = "" for _,func in ipairs(self.funcs) do local cfunc = format_funcdef(func) cfuncs = cfuncs .. cfunc end local c = subst([[ #include "%(name).h" %(cincludes) %(cusings) %(cdefs) %(cfuncdefs) ]], {name = self.name, cdefs = cdefs, cincludes = cincludes, cfuncdefs = cfuncs, cusings = cusings}) return c end -- Write module sources to files. function Module:write() local fh = assert(io.open(self.name .. ".h", "w")) fh:write(self:header()) fh:close() local fh = assert(io.open(self.name .. ".cpp", "w")) fh:write(self:implementation()) fh:close() end