Csv Utils

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移除 CSV 引號

-- Used to escape "'s by toCSV
function escapeCSV(s)
  if string.find(s, '[,"]') then
    s = '"' .. string.gsub(s, '"', '""') .. '"'
  return s

從 CSV 字串轉換成表格

-- Convert from CSV string to table (converts a single line of a CSV file)
function fromCSV(s)
  s = s .. ','        -- ending comma
  local t = {}        -- table to collect fields
  local fieldstart = 1
    -- next field is quoted? (start with `"'?)
    if string.find(s, '^"', fieldstart) then
      local a, c
      local i  = fieldstart
        -- find closing quote
        a, i, c = string.find(s, '"("?)', i+1)
      until c ~= '"'    -- quote not followed by quote?
      if not i then error('unmatched "') end
      local f = string.sub(s, fieldstart+1, i-1)
      table.insert(t, (string.gsub(f, '""', '"')))
      fieldstart = string.find(s, ',', i) + 1
    else                -- unquoted; find next comma
      local nexti = string.find(s, ',', fieldstart)
      table.insert(t, string.sub(s, fieldstart, nexti-1))
      fieldstart = nexti + 1
  until fieldstart > string.len(s)
  return t

從表格轉換成 CSV 字串

-- Convert from table to CSV string
function toCSV(tt)
  local s = ""
-- ChM 23.02.2014: changed pairs to ipairs 
-- assumption is that fromCSV and toCSV maintain data as ordered array
  for _,p in ipairs(tt) do  
    s = s .. "," .. escapeCSV(p)
  return string.sub(s, 2)      -- remove first comma

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上次編輯 2020 年 9 月 22 日 下午 2:46 GMT (diff)