資料傾印器 |
包含一個單一的 Lua 函式,可輕鬆放入獨立的模組,或整合至較大的模組中。此函式有四個參數,但僅第一個是強制性的。它總是傳回一個字串值,該值為有效的 Lua 程式碼。只要執行此區塊,即可將原始變數的完整結構匯入至變數中。對於簡單的結構而言,只有一個 Lua 指令,例如表的建構函式,但有些比較複雜的功能會輸出包含更多指令的指令碼。
傾印簡單的 Lua 函式(無封閉值)debug
function DataDumper(value[, varname, fastmode, indent])
「varname =」值
:最佳化速度。不支援元表、閉包、C 函式和參照。傳回沒有任何空白或換行符號的程式碼片段!false
:額外的縮排層級數。預設為 0。
-- Define a shortcut function for testing function dump(...) print(DataDumper(...), "\n---") end -- Simple types: dump(8) --> return 8 dump(true) --> return true dump() --> return nil dump('Hello') --> return "Hello" -- Functions: f1 = print function f2() return "Hello" end do local val = 9 function f3() return val end end dump(f1) --> return print dump(f2) --> return loadstring("?LuaQ\000... dump(f3) --[[ the following 16 lines script: local closures = {} local function closure(t) closures[#closures+1] = t t[1] = assert(loadstring(t[1])) return t[1] end local t = closure { "?LuaQ\000...", 9 } for _,t in pairs(closures) do for i = 2,#t do debug.setupvalue(t[1], i-1, t[i]) end end]] -- Tables: dump({}) --> return { } dump({1,2,3}) --> return { 1, 2, 3 } dump({a=9,b=2}) --> return { a=9, b=2 } t1 = setmetatable({1},{2}) t2 = {}; t2.next = t2 t3 = {[false] = true, 'Hello', ["key1"] = 10, ["function"] = "keyword", {1,2}} setmetatable(t3, {__index = t2}) t3[3] = t2 dump(t1) --> return setmetatable({ 1 },{ 2 }) dump(t2) --[[ the following 3 lines script: local t = { next=nil } t.next = t return t ]] dump(t3) --[[ the following 14 lines script: local t = setmetatable( { [false]=true, "Hello", { 1, 2 }, { next=nil }, ["function"] = "keyword", key1=10 }, { __index={ next=nil } } ) getmetatable(t).__index.next = getmetatable(t).__index t[3].next = t[3] return t ]] -- Parameters dump(t1, 'a') --> a = setmetatable({ 1 },{ 2 }) dump({}, '') --> { } dump({ { {} } },a,true) --> return {{{},},}
--[[ DataDumper.lua Copyright (c) 2007 Olivetti-Engineering SA Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] local dumplua_closure = [[ local closures = {} local function closure(t) closures[#closures+1] = t t[1] = assert(loadstring(t[1])) return t[1] end for _,t in pairs(closures) do for i = 2,#t do debug.setupvalue(t[1], i-1, t[i]) end end ]] local lua_reserved_keywords = { 'and', 'break', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'false', 'for', 'function', 'if', 'in', 'local', 'nil', 'not', 'or', 'repeat', 'return', 'then', 'true', 'until', 'while' } local function keys(t) local res = {} local oktypes = { stringstring = true, numbernumber = true } local function cmpfct(a,b) if oktypes[type(a)..type(b)] then return a < b else return type(a) < type(b) end end for k in pairs(t) do res[#res+1] = k end table.sort(res, cmpfct) return res end local c_functions = {} for _,lib in pairs{'_G', 'string', 'table', 'math', 'io', 'os', 'coroutine', 'package', 'debug'} do local t = _G[lib] or {} lib = lib .. "." if lib == "_G." then lib = "" end for k,v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == 'function' and not pcall(string.dump, v) then c_functions[v] = lib..k end end end function DataDumper(value, varname, fastmode, ident) local defined, dumplua = {} -- Local variables for speed optimization local string_format, type, string_dump, string_rep = string.format, type, string.dump, string.rep local tostring, pairs, table_concat = tostring, pairs, table.concat local keycache, strvalcache, out, closure_cnt = {}, {}, {}, 0 setmetatable(strvalcache, {__index = function(t,value) local res = string_format('%q', value) t[value] = res return res end}) local fcts = { string = function(value) return strvalcache[value] end, number = function(value) return value end, boolean = function(value) return tostring(value) end, ['nil'] = function(value) return 'nil' end, ['function'] = function(value) return string_format("loadstring(%q)", string_dump(value)) end, userdata = function() error("Cannot dump userdata") end, thread = function() error("Cannot dump threads") end, } local function test_defined(value, path) if defined[value] then if path:match("^getmetatable.*%)$") then out[#out+1] = string_format("s%s, %s)\n", path:sub(2,-2), defined[value]) else out[#out+1] = path .. " = " .. defined[value] .. "\n" end return true end defined[value] = path end local function make_key(t, key) local s if type(key) == 'string' and key:match('^[_%a][_%w]*$') then s = key .. "=" else s = "[" .. dumplua(key, 0) .. "]=" end t[key] = s return s end for _,k in ipairs(lua_reserved_keywords) do keycache[k] = '["'..k..'"] = ' end if fastmode then fcts.table = function (value) -- Table value local numidx = 1 out[#out+1] = "{" for key,val in pairs(value) do if key == numidx then numidx = numidx + 1 else out[#out+1] = keycache[key] end local str = dumplua(val) out[#out+1] = str.."," end if string.sub(out[#out], -1) == "," then out[#out] = string.sub(out[#out], 1, -2); end out[#out+1] = "}" return "" end else fcts.table = function (value, ident, path) if test_defined(value, path) then return "nil" end -- Table value local sep, str, numidx, totallen = " ", {}, 1, 0 local meta, metastr = (debug or getfenv()).getmetatable(value) if meta then ident = ident + 1 metastr = dumplua(meta, ident, "getmetatable("..path..")") totallen = totallen + #metastr + 16 end for _,key in pairs(keys(value)) do local val = value[key] local s = "" local subpath = path or "" if key == numidx then subpath = subpath .. "[" .. numidx .. "]" numidx = numidx + 1 else s = keycache[key] if not s:match "^%[" then subpath = subpath .. "." end subpath = subpath .. s:gsub("%s*=%s*$","") end s = s .. dumplua(val, ident+1, subpath) str[#str+1] = s totallen = totallen + #s + 2 end if totallen > 80 then sep = "\n" .. string_rep(" ", ident+1) end str = "{"..sep..table_concat(str, ","..sep).." "..sep:sub(1,-3).."}" if meta then sep = sep:sub(1,-3) return "setmetatable("..sep..str..","..sep..metastr..sep:sub(1,-3)..")" end return str end fcts['function'] = function (value, ident, path) if test_defined(value, path) then return "nil" end if c_functions[value] then return c_functions[value] elseif debug == nil or debug.getupvalue(value, 1) == nil then return string_format("loadstring(%q)", string_dump(value)) end closure_cnt = closure_cnt + 1 local res = {string.dump(value)} for i = 1,math.huge do local name, v = debug.getupvalue(value,i) if name == nil then break end res[i+1] = v end return "closure " .. dumplua(res, ident, "closures["..closure_cnt.."]") end end function dumplua(value, ident, path) return fcts[type(value)](value, ident, path) end if varname == nil then varname = "return " elseif varname:match("^[%a_][%w_]*$") then varname = varname .. " = " end if fastmode then setmetatable(keycache, {__index = make_key }) out[1] = varname table.insert(out,dumplua(value, 0)) return table.concat(out) else setmetatable(keycache, {__index = make_key }) local items = {} for i=1,10 do items[i] = '' end items[3] = dumplua(value, ident or 0, "t") if closure_cnt > 0 then items[1], items[6] = dumplua_closure:match("(.*\n)\n(.*)") out[#out+1] = "" end if #out > 0 then items[2], items[4] = "local t = ", "\n" items[5] = table.concat(out) items[7] = varname .. "t" else items[2] = varname end return table.concat(items) end end