日期格式函數 |
..Sam Lie
--===================================================== -- the reason this routine is needed is because lua does not -- have a sort indexed table function function table_sort(a, sortfield) local new1 = {} local new2 = {} for k,v in pairs(a) do table.insert(new1, { key=k, val=v } ) end table.sort(new1, function (a,b) return (a.val[sortfield] < b.val[sortfield]) end) for k,v in pairs(new1) do table.insert(new2, v.val) end return new2 end ---============================================================ function padzero(s, count) return string.rep("0", count-string.len(s)) .. s end --======================================================================== -- get date parts for a given ISO 8601 date format (http://richard.warburton.it ) function get_date_parts(date_str) _,_,y,m,d=string.find(date_str, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)") return tonumber(y),tonumber(m),tonumber(d) end --==================================================== function getmonth(month) local months = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" } return months[tonumber(month)] end --==================================================== function getday_posfix(day) local idd = math.mod(day,10) return (idd==1 and day~=11 and "st") or (idd==2 and day~=12 and "nd") or (idd==3 and day~=13 and "rd") or "th" end --======================================================================== -- Given a date of certain date_format, returns the date parts yy,mm,dd -- eg. "12 May 2007" with date_format "dd mmm yyyy" -- or "12.05.07" with date_format "dd.mm.yy" -- will return 2007, 5, 12 -- function get_formatted_date_parts(date_str, date_format) local d,m,y, arr, x, yy, mm, dd, use_month_names local months = { jan=1, feb=2, mar=3, apr=4, may=5, jun=6, jul=7, aug=8, sep=9, oct=10, nov=11, dec=12 } if (date_format) then if string.find(date_format, "mmm") then use_month_names = true else use_month_names = false end d = string.find(date_format, "dd") m = string.find(date_format, "mm") y = string.find(date_format, "yy") arr = { { pos=y, b="yy" }, { pos=m, b="mm" } , { pos=d, b="dd" } } arr = table_sort(arr, "pos") date_format = string.gsub(date_format,"yyyy","(%%d+)") date_format = string.gsub(date_format,"mmm","(%%a+)") date_format = string.gsub(date_format,"yy","(%%d+)") date_format = string.gsub(date_format,"mm","(%%d+)") date_format = string.gsub(date_format,"dd","(%%d+)") date_format = string.gsub(date_format," ","%%s") else date_format = "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)" arr = { { pos=1, b="yy" }, { pos=2, b="mm" } , { pos=3, b="dd" } } end if (date_str and date_str~="") then _, _, arr[1].c, arr[2].c, arr[3].c = string.find(string.lower(date_str), date_format) else return nil, nil, nil end arr = table_sort(arr, "b") yy = arr[3].c mm = arr[2].c dd = arr[1].c if (use_month_names) then mm = months[lower(string.sub(mm,1,3))] if (not mm) then error("Invalid month name.") end end -- for naughty people who still use two digit years. if (string.len(yy)==2) then if (tonumber(yy)>40) then yy = "19"..yy else yy = "20"..yy end end return tonumber(yy),tonumber(mm),tonumber(dd) end --======================================================================== -- Note : date_str has to be ISO 8601 date format ie. yyyy-mm-dd -- function format_date(date_str, dateformat) local iyy, imm, idd if (date_str and date_str~="") then iyy, imm, idd = get_date_parts(date_str) dateformat = string.gsub(dateformat, "DDD", idd..string.upper(getday_posfix(idd))) dateformat = string.gsub(dateformat, "ddd", idd..getday_posfix(idd) ) dateformat = string.gsub(dateformat, "dd", padzero(idd,2)) dateformat = string.gsub(dateformat, "MMM", string.upper(getmonth(imm))) dateformat = string.gsub(dateformat, "mmm", getmonth(imm)) dateformat = string.gsub(dateformat, "mm", padzero(imm,2)) dateformat = string.gsub(dateformat, "yyyy", padzero(iyy,4)) dateformat = string.gsub(dateformat, "yy", string.sub(padzero(iyy,4),3,4)) else dateformat = "" end return(dateformat) end --=============================================== -- convert date to excel serial day number -- function date_to_excel_date(dd, mm, yy) local days, monthdays, leapyears, nonleapyears, nonnonleapyears monthdays= { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } leapyears=tonumber(math.floor((yy-1900)/4)); nonleapyears=tonumber(math.floor((yy-1900)/100)) nonnonleapyears=tonumber(math.floor((yy-1600)/400)) if ((math.mod(yy,4)==0) and mm<3) then leapyears = leapyears - 1 end days= 365 * (yy-1900) + leapyears - nonleapyears + nonnonleapyears c=1 while (c<mm) do days = days + monthdays[c] c=c+1 end days=days+dd+1 return days end
adate = os.date() print("Todays date according to your OS format :", adate) -- for example "mm/dd/yyyy" could be your OS locale date format. yy,mm,dd = get_formatted_date_parts(adate, "mm/dd/yyyy") ISO_date = yy .. "-" .. mm .. "-" .. dd print("Date formated in ISO 8601", ISO_date) print(format_date(ISO_date, "dd MMM yyyy") ) print(format_date(ISO_date, "ddd mmm yyyy") ) print(format_date(ISO_date, "dd/mm/yy") ) print(format_date(ISO_date, "yyyy.mm.dd") ) print(format_date(ISO_date, "Today is the ddd of mmm, yyyy.") ) print( date_to_excel_date(22, 2, 2009) ) -- outputs 39866