星期和月份中的日期範例 |
-- returns the number of days in a given month and year -- Compatible with Lua 5.0 and 5.1. -- from sam_lie function get_days_in_month(month, year) local days_in_month = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } local d = days_in_month[month] -- check for leap year if (month == 2) then if (math.mod(year,4) == 0) then if (math.mod(year,100) == 0)then if (math.mod(year,400) == 0) then d = 29 end else d = 29 end end end return d end -- RiciLake comments: -- It would be better to create the days_in_month table outside the -- function, like this (using % so it only works in Lua 5.1) do local days_in_month = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } local function is_leap_year(year) return year % 4 == 0 and (year % 100 ~= 0 or year % 400 == 0) end function get_days_in_month(month, year) if month == 2 and is_leap_year(year) then return 29 else return days_in_month[month] end end end -- It's also possible to avoid the table altogether: function get_days_in_month(month, year) return month == 2 and is_leap_year(year) and 29 or ("\31\28\31\30\31\30\31\31\30\31\30\31"):byte(month) end
替代版本,作者為:RichardWarburton,使用內建的 Lua 函式庫回傳指定月份和年份中的天數。[*1]
function get_days_in_month(mnth, yr) return os.date('*t',os.time{year=yr,month=mnth+1,day=0})['day'] end
-- returns the day of week integer and the name of the week -- Compatible with Lua 5.0 and 5.1. -- from sam_lie function get_day_of_week(dd, mm, yy) local days = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" } local mmx = mm if (mm == 1) then mmx = 13; yy = yy-1 end if (mm == 2) then mmx = 14; yy = yy-1 end local val8 = dd + (mmx*2) + math.floor(((mmx+1)*3)/5) + yy + math.floor(yy/4) - math.floor(yy/100) + math.floor(yy/400) + 2 local val9 = math.floor(val8/7) local dw = val8-(val9*7) if (dw == 0) then dw = 7 end return dw, days[dw] end -- alternate version - returns the day of week integer and the name of the week -- Compatible with Lua 5.0 and 5.1. -- from http://richard.warburton.it function get_day_of_week(dd, mm, yy) dw=os.date('*t',os.time{year=yy,month=mm,day=dd})['wday'] return dw,({"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat" })[dw] end -- given a string date of '2006-12-31' breaks it down to integer yy, mm and dd -- Compatible with Lua 5.0 and 5.1. -- from sam_lie function get_date_parts(date_str) local iyy, imm, idd if (date_str) then x = string.gsub(date_str, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)", function (yy,mm,dd) iyy = tonumber(yy) imm = tonumber(mm) idd = tonumber(dd) end) end return iyy, imm, idd end -- alternate version - given a string date of '2006-12-31' breaks it down to integer yy, mm and dd -- Compatible with Lua 5.0 and 5.1. -- from http://richard.warburton.it function get_date_parts(date_str) _,_,y,m,d=string.find(date_str, "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)") return tonumber(y),tonumber(m),tonumber(d) end
assert(get_days_in_month(1,2007) == 31) assert(get_days_in_month(2,2007) == 28) assert(get_days_in_month(3,2007) == 31) assert(get_days_in_month(4,2007) == 30) assert(get_days_in_month(5,2007) == 31) assert(get_days_in_month(6,2007) == 30) assert(get_days_in_month(7,2007) == 31) assert(get_days_in_month(8,2007) == 31) assert(get_days_in_month(9,2007) == 30) assert(get_days_in_month(10,2007) == 31) assert(get_days_in_month(11,2007) == 30) assert(get_days_in_month(12,2007) == 31) -- See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leap_year assert(get_days_in_month(2,2008) == 29) -- leap year assert(get_days_in_month(2,2000) == 29) -- leap year -- note: this can fail in Richard's implementation. [*1] assert(get_days_in_month(2,1900) == 28) -- not leap year local i, n = get_day_of_week(1,1,2007) assert(i == 2 and n == 'Mon') assert(get_day_of_week(1,1,2007) == 2) assert(get_day_of_week(2,1,2007) == 3) assert(get_day_of_week(3,1,2007) == 4) assert(get_day_of_week(4,1,2007) == 5) assert(get_day_of_week(5,1,2007) == 6) assert(get_day_of_week(6,1,2007) == 7) assert(get_day_of_week(7,1,2007) == 1) assert(get_day_of_week(1,2,2007) == 5)
下列程式碼會回傳一個包含 {year=years, month=months, day=days, hour=hours, min=minutes, sec=seconds} 的表格,代表兩個日期之間的時間,這兩個日期為 os.time 建立,作者為:RichardWarburton。
local timeDiff = function(t2,t1) local d1,d2,carry,diff = os.date('*t',t1),os.date('*t',t2),false,{} local colMax = {60,60,24,os.date('*t',os.time{year=d1.year,month=d1.month+1,day=0}).day,12} d2.hour = d2.hour - (d2.isdst and 1 or 0) + (d1.isdst and 1 or 0) -- handle dst for i,v in ipairs({'sec','min','hour','day','month','year'}) do diff[v] = d2[v] - d1[v] + (carry and -1 or 0) carry = diff[v] < 0 if carry then diff[v] = diff[v] + colMax[i] end end return diff end local td=timeDiff(os.time{year=2007,month=10,day=5,hour=10,min=10,sec=5},os.time{year=2006,month=11,day=6,hour=10,min=10,sec=5}) for i,v in pairs(td) do print(i,v) end min 0 day 29 month 10 sec 0 hour 1 year 0