Debugging And Testing |
的全域變數,儲存正在處理的檔案中的目前行號,這可能有意義。另請參閱 OptimisationCodingTips 中的 fast_assert
-- Give warning with, optionally, the name of program and file -- s: warning string function warn(s) if then write(_STDERR, .. ": ") end if file then write(_STDERR, file .. ": ") end writeLine(_STDERR, s) end -- Die with error -- s: error string function die(s) warn(s) error() end -- Die with line number -- s: error string function dieLine(s) die(s .. " at line " .. line) end -- Die with error if value is nil -- v: value -- s: error string function affirm(v, s) if not v then die(s) end end -- Die with error and line number if value is nil -- v: value -- s: error string function affirmLine(v, s) if not v then dieLine(s) end end -- Print a debugging message -- s: debugging message function debug(s) if _DEBUG then writeLine(_STDERR, s) end end
和 print
-- Extend tostring to work better on tables -- make it output in {a,b,c...;x1=y1,x2=y2...} format; use nexti -- only output the LH part if there is a table.n and members 1..n -- x: object to convert to string -- returns -- s: string representation function tostring(x) local s if type(x) == "table" then s = "{" local i, v = next(x) while i do s = s .. tostring(i) .. "=" .. tostring(v) i, v = next(x, i) if i then s = s .. "," end end return s .. "}" else return %tostring(x) end end -- Extend print to work better on tables -- arg: objects to print function print(...) for i = 1, getn(arg) do arg[i] = tostring(arg[i]) end call(%print, arg) end
這裡提供 Get/DiffGlobalNames
-- GetGlobalNames - returns hash table of current -- global names -- function GetGlobalNames() local names = {} for i,x in globals() do names[i] = 1 end return names end -- DiffGlobalNames - shows diff of current global names -- vs previously recorded -- function DiffGlobalNames(t) local gtable = globals() local deleted = {} local added = {} for i,x in t do if not gtable[i] then tinsert(deleted, i) end end for i,x in gtable do if not t[i] then tinsert(added, i) end end sort(deleted) sort(added) print("Changes to global names:") print(" Deleted") for i = 1, getn(deleted) do print(" "..deleted[i]) end print(" Added") for i = 1, getn(added) do print(" "..added[i]) end end