有限狀態機 |
> From: romeo kalebic <romeo.kalebic@k...> > > I'm learning lua with small fsm machine built in C and all actions are > built in lua. > FSM is described with: old_state, event, new_state and action. > > state1, event1, state2, action1 > state1, event2, state3, action2 > etc.. > > Now, I like to describe fsm in lua, maybe in lua table or ?.
在 Lua 中執行此項目的簡單方法之一,就是在上方範例中建立一個資料表
fsm = FSM{ {state1, event1, state2, action1}, {state1, event2, state3, action2}, ... }
其中 FSM 是稍後要說明的函數。
local a = fsm[state][event]
state = a.new
若需要,可以再做一些錯誤檢查(例如,如果 a
是 nil
,那麼轉換 (state
) 為無效)。另外,您可能想執行 a.action(state, event, a.new)
函數 FSM
會採用上面簡單的語法,並為 (state
) 使用含有欄位 (action
) 的資料表。
function FSM(t) local a = {} for _,v in ipairs(t) do local old, event, new, action = v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4] if a[old] == nil then a[old] = {} end a[old][event] = {new = new, action = action} end return a end
享受吧。 ——LuizHenriqueDeFigueiredo
function action1() print("action1") end function action2() print("action2") end function FSM(t) local a = {} for _,v in ipairs(t) do local old, event, new, action = v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4] if a[old] == nil then a[old] = {} end a[old][event] = {new = new, action = action} end return a end fsm = FSM{ {"state1", "event1", "state2", action1}, {"state1", "event2", "state3", action2}, } local a = fsm["state1"]["event1"] a.action() state = a.new
注意:以上程式碼與 Lua 5.0 和 5.1 相符。