Hash Dos 攻擊 |
--------- Simulated HTTP POST attack -- 40000 unique Strings, length 32, estimated POST data length 1.328Mbytes ============================================================== Good strings, Bad strings -------------------------------------------------------------- Lua 5.1 0.430 secs 29.753 secs Lua 5.1 (second hash fix) 0.452 secs 0.515 secs Lua 5.2.0 0.450 secs 29.850 secs Lua 5.2.1-work1 0.450 secs 0.380 secs LuaJit 2.0.0-beta9 0.086 secs 11.988 secs
-- number of bytes not used in hash function ============================================================== String length < 15, 15-20 , 20-32 , 32-64 -------------------------------------------------------------- Lua 5.1 0 , 0 , 0 , len/2 Lua 5.2.0 0 , 0 , 0 , len/2 LuaJit 2.0.0-beta9 0-1 , 2-4 , len-16 , len-16
攻擊者只需要 3 個未在雜湊函數中使用的位元組,就能夠產生超過 1600 萬個具有相同雜湊值的字串(所有字串都需要具有相同的長度)。對於 Lua 5.1 和 5.2.0,所需的最小字串長度為 32 位元組,對於 LuaJIT 2.0,所需的最小長度僅為 17 位元組。
-- pseudo code, This is not true Lua code function NewStringMarker(state, hash) local marker = {len = 0, is_marker = true, hash = hash, refcount = 0} local bucket = GetBucketHead(state, hash) -- get bucket Append(bucket, marker) return marker end function NewString(state, str, len, hash, has_marker) local elem = { len = len, has_marker = has_marker, hash = hash, str = str } local bucket = GetBucketHead(state, hash) -- get bucket Append(bucket, elem) return elem end function ReleaseStringMarker(state, str, len) -- rehash string with first hash function to find marker. local hash1 = FirstHashFunc(str, len, state.seed) local bucket = GetBucketHead(state, hash1) foreach(elem in bucket) do -- check if hash matches if (elem.hash == hash) then -- check if this is a marker if (elem.is_marker) then if (--(elem.refcount) == 0) then -- free unused marker and remove from bucket Remove(bucket, elem) return -- done end end end end end -- called by GC function FreeString(state, elem) if (elem.has_marker) then -- find marker using first hash function ReleaseStringMarker(state, elem.str, elem.len) end assert(not elem.is_marker) -- free string element. end function LuaNewInternString(state, str, len) local first_hash = true local depth = 0 local marker = nil local has_marker = false local hash1 = 0 local hash = 0 -- current hash local bucket = nil hash1 = FirstHashFunc(str, len, state.seed) hash = hash1 rehashed: bucket = GetBucketHead(state, hash) -- get bucket using current hash value. foreach(elem in bucket) do -- check if hash matches if (elem.hash == hash) then -- check if this is a marker if (elem.is_marker) then marker = elem else -- check if this is the string we are looking for. if (elem.len == len and elem.str == str) then -- found string return elem end end end depth++ end -- string not found if (first_hash) then -- check if there is already a marker for the first hash if (marker) then -- we need to search for the string using second hash function. has_marker = true hash = SecondHashFunc(str, len, hash1) -- seed second hash with first hash value depth = 0 first_hash = false goto rehashed end -- if bucket is over limit if (depth > DEPTH_LIMIT) then hash = SecondHashFunc(str, len, hash1) -- seed second hash with first hash value -- create marker marker = NewStringMarker(state, hash1) marker.refcount++ has_marker = true end else -- second hash function was used, inc. reference counter of marker. marker.refcount++ end -- create new string return NewString(state, str, len, hash, has_marker) end