Klass 模組 |
方法和建構子。毀構子也已透過非官方/不受支援的 newproxy()
-- $FILE klass.lua -- $VERSION 0.0.5 -- $AUTHOR Ketmar -- $DESCRIPTION -- another simple prototype-based class engine with finalizers and support for 'inherited' calls -- -- $LICENSE -- WTFPL -- -- $DEPENDS -- kmodule -- -- $USAGE -- local newclass = class(nil, "baseclass") -- function newclass:Method (...) print(self); end; -- -- local class2 = class(newclass) -- function class2:Method (...) print(self); inherited(self, ...); end; -- -- local inst = class2("argument to Constructor!"); -- -- iherited() will do nothing if there's no inherited method. %-) -- class can have 2 special methods: -- :Constructor (...) -- :Destructor () -- `Destructor' will be called when class is going to be destroyed by GC -- -- DO NOT FORGET TO PASS `self' TO inherited()! -- -- earch method can know it's name from variable (not field!) method -- -- one can add/alter methods in class or instance in runtime. -- -- $HISTORY -- [+] works with Lua 5.2 beta -- [+] added :isA(obj) -- -- cache global functions local assert, type, rawget, rawset = assert, type, rawget, rawset; local getmetatable, setmetatable = getmetatable, setmetatable; --local newproxy = newproxy; local setfenv, getfenv = setfenv, getfenv; local getinfo, getupvalue, setupvalue, upvaluejoin; local newlua = false; local _klassG; --local print, tostring = print, tostring; if not setfenv then require "debug"; getinfo, getupvalue, setupvalue, upvaluejoin = debug.getinfo, debug.getupvalue, debug.setupvalue, debug.upvaluejoin; newlua = true; setfenv = function (f, t) f = (type(f) == 'function' and f or getinfo(f+1, 'f').func); local up, name = 0; repeat up = up+1; name = getupvalue(f, up) until name == '_ENV' or name == nil; if name then upvaluejoin(f, up, function() return name; end, 1); -- use unique upvalue setupvalue(f, up, t); end; end; getfenv = function (f) f = (type(f) == 'function' and f or getinfo(f+1, 'f').func); local up, name, val = 0; repeat up = up+1; name, val = getupvalue(f, up); until name == '_ENV' or name == nil; return val; end; _klassG = _ENV; end; module(..., package.seeall); local specialFields = { _className=true, _parent=true, }; -- $DESCR -- find field in class or in it's parents -- $IN -- class -- class definition or instance -- fld -- field name (of any type) -- $OUT -- $OR good -- value -- $OR bad -- nil local function findField (class, fld) if specialFields[fld] then return rawget(class, fld); end; local res; repeat --print("findField", fld, class._className); res = rawget(rawget(class, "_fields"), fld); if res ~= nil then return res; end; -- not found, go up class = rawget(class, "_parent"); until not class; -- default result: nil end; -- metatable for 'see everything' --local seeallmt = { __index = _G }; -- $DESCR -- add field or method, install environment for method -- $IN -- class -- class definition or instance -- fld -- field name (of any type) -- value -- field value or metod -- $OUT local function newField (class, fld, value) local fields = rawget(class, "_fields"); if type(value) == "function" then -- new method, change envtable to make inherited() visible assert(not specialFields[fld]); local inh = function (self, ...) --print("inherited", fld, class._className); local m = rawget(class, "_parent"); if m then m = findField(m, fld); -- search upwards if m then return m(self, ...); end; end; end; --local env = { method = fld }; --setmetatable(env, seeallmt); setfenv(inh, env); --print(tostring(_ENV), tostring(package.seeall)); local seeallmt; if newlua then seeallmt = { __index = _ENV }; else seeallmt = { __index = _G }; end; local env = { method = fld, inherited = inh }; setmetatable(env, seeallmt); setfenv(value, env); end; rawset(specialFields[fld] and class or fields, fld, value); end; local classNew; -- $DESCR -- create new class (with possible inheritance) -- $IN -- class parent -- parent or nil -- nil/str className -- class name -- $OUT -- class function class (parent, className) if className == nil and type(parent) == "string" then className, parent = parent, nil; end; local res = { New = classNew, _className = className or "<unnamed>", _parent = parent, _fields = {}, __call = classNew, __index = findField, __newindex = newField, }; setmetatable(res, res); if not res.isA then -- no 'isA' method, add it res.isA = function (self, class) while self do if self == class then return true; end; self = rawget(self, "_parent"); end; return false; end; end; return res; end; -- $DESCR -- create new class instance -- $IN -- class -- class definition -- ... -- constructor args -- $OUT -- class_instance classNew = function (classDef, ...) local res = class(classDef, rawget(classDef, "_className")); if not newlua then -- this trick registers "object finalizer" in Lua 5.1 local proxy = newproxy(true); -- create proxy (userdata) with empty metatable local mt = getmetatable(proxy); mt.__gc = function () local dd = res.Destructor; if dd then dd(res); end; end; rawset(res, "__gc", proxy); else -- this trick registers "object finalizer" in Lua 5.2 local mt = getmetatable(res); rawset(mt, "__gc", function () local dd = res.Destructor; if dd then dd(res); end; end); setmetatable(res, mt); end; -- end of "object finalizer" trick local cc = res.Constructor; if cc then cc(res, ...); end; return res; end; if newlua then _klassG.class = class; else _G.class = class; end;
require "klass"; print("\n\n==============================="); local BaseClass = class("base"); function BaseClass:Constructor (...) print("BaseClass."..method); end; function BaseClass:Me (...) print("BaseClass."..method); print(self); end; function BaseClass:ClassName (...) print("BaseClass."..method); return "BaseClass"; end; function BaseClass:Test () print("BaseClass."..method); inherited(self); end; function BaseClass:Destructor () print("BaseClass."..method); print(self); end; local NewClass = class(BaseClass, "new"); function NewClass:Constructor (...) print("NewClass."..method); inherited(self); end; function NewClass:ClassName (...) print("NewClass."..method); return "NewClass"; end; function NewClass:Destructor () print("NewClass."..method); print(self); inherited(self); print("NewClass instance is dead"); end; print("\27[37;1mcreating BaseClass instance...\27[0m"); local bc = BaseClass(); print("\27[37;1mcreating NewClass instance...\27[0m"); local nc = NewClass(); function nc:Test () print("!!!"); inherited(self); end; print("\27[37;1mbc:ClassName()\27[0m"); print(bc:ClassName()); print("\27[37;1mnc:ClassName()\27[0m"); print(nc:ClassName()); print("\27[37;1mbc:Me()\27[0m"); bc:Me(); print("\27[37;1mnc:Me()\27[0m"); nc:Me(); print("\27[37;1mnc:Test()\27[0m"); nc:Test(); --[[ print(BaseClass); print(NewClass); print(nc.parent); print(nc.parent.parent); ]] print("nc:isA(bc): "..tostring(nc:isA(bc))); print("nc:isA(BaseClass): "..tostring(nc:isA(BaseClass))); print("\27[37;1mdone\27[0m"); bc = nil; nc = nil; collectgarbage("collect"); collectgarbage("collect");