延遲排序 |
To quicksort(Set) If Set is empty, then return an empty vector Otherwise Select a value in Set, Pivot Make Left from all values in Set less than Pivot Make Right from all values in Set greater than Pivot Return the concatenation of Quicksort(Left), Pivot, Quicksort(Right)
類似地,我們可以透過先建立一個從 1 到 n 的整數向量,然後將向量的元素相乘來計算階乘 (factorial)(n)。
在這兩種情況下,我們都有某種「虛擬」的中間結構,實際上我們會將它納入程式流程中以將其消滅。[1] 然而,有時揭露中間結構可能會有用。
例如,假設我們有一個非常大的家庭收入向量,比如一百萬個家庭。我們想要計算一些衡量所得不平等的指標;常用的指標是找出最高五分之一(也就是收入最高的 20% 人口)的平均收入與最低五分之一(也就是收入最低的 20% 人口)的平均收入之比。
要計算這個數值,我們需要對收入向量進行半排序。理想情況下,我們只想將其排序到足以讓我們萃取(無序)第一和最後五分之一。一種達成這項目的通用方法是執行延遲的快速排序演算法;首先,當我們到達對應於 20% 點的節點時停止;接著我們重新開始,在到達 80% 點時停止。為了(通常)做到這一點,我們需要讓至少部分隱含二元樹保持存在。
Lua 發行版包含 sort.lua
function qsort(vec, low, high) if low < high then local middle = partition(vec, low, high) qsort(vec, low, middle-1) qsort(vec, middle+1, high) end end
我將 partition
-- Ensure that that the element at i is in the right position, -- and return a closure which can be used for continuing the sort. function quicksorter(i, vec, low, high) if low >= high then return quicksorter else -- low < high -- partition the vector and initialize the child closures local middle = partition(vec, low, high) local left, right = quicksorter -- Create the promise local function self(i, vec, low, high) if i < middle then left = left(i, vec, low, middle-1) return self elseif i > middle then right = right(i, vec, middle+1, high) return self end end -- Force the promise until i is in the right position return self(i, vec, low, high) end end function lazysort(vec, low, high) local sorter = quicksorter return function(i) sorter = sorter(i, vec, low, high) return vec[i] end end
我並沒有實際測試上述程式碼,但我確實寫了一個延遲排序的真實版本;你可以從 [這裡] 下載。真實版本包含幾個效能:首先,它對小型範圍使用插入排序;其次,它合併二元樹以使其始終完整。
function rangemean(v, low, high) local sum = v[low] for i = low+1, high do sum = sum + v[i] end return sum / (high - low + 1) end function disparity(v) local getter = lazysort(v) local bottom = math.ceil(#v / 5) getter(bottom) local top = math.floor(#v * 4 / 5) getter(top) return rangemean(v, top, #v) / rangemean(v, 1, bottom) end
> math.randomseed(31415926) > test = {}; for i = 1, 1e6 do test[i] = math.random(1e4) end > now = os.clock(); print(disparity(test)); print(os.clock() - now) 8.9768793870336 0.6796875 > > -- By comparison: > > math.randomseed(31415926) > test = {}; for i = 1, 1e6 do test[i] = math.random(1e4) end > now = os.clock(); table.sort(test); print (rangemean(test,8e5,1e6)/rangemean(test,1,2e5)); print(os.clock() - now) 8.9768793870336 1.8828125
所以,即使它是用 Lua 編寫,而 table.sort 是用 C 編寫,對於這個運算來說,它快了三倍。換句話說,它不是玩具。
> test = {}; for i = 1, 500 do test[i] = math.random(1e4) end > getter = lazysort(test) > =getter(100) 1954 > > -- By uncommenting the viewing code, we can look at the tree structure: > getter"" Root +-Sorted [1, 1) +-Node [1, 501) | +-Node [1, 249) | | +-Node [1, 169) | | | +-Leaf [1, 47) Unsorted | | | +-Sorted [47, 48) | | | +-Node [48, 169) | | | +-Leaf [48, 83) Unsorted | | | +-Sorted [83, 103) | | | +-Leaf [103, 169) Unsorted | | +-Sorted [169, 170) | | +-Leaf [170, 249) Unsorted | +-Sorted [249, 250) | +-Leaf [250, 501) Unsorted +-Sorted [501, 500) > > -- "Partitioned" would be a better word than "Unsorted". > -- Now, let's ask for another element, some distance away > > =getter(400) 7877 > getter"" Root +-Sorted [1, 1) +-Node [1, 501) | +-Node [1, 249) | | +-Node [1, 169) | | | +-Leaf [1, 47) Unsorted | | | +-Sorted [47, 48) | | | +-Node [48, 169) | | | +-Leaf [48, 83) Unsorted | | | +-Sorted [83, 103) | | | +-Leaf [103, 169) Unsorted | | +-Sorted [169, 170) | | +-Leaf [170, 249) Unsorted | +-Sorted [249, 250) | +-Node [250, 501) | +-Leaf [250, 382) Unsorted | +-Sorted [382, 383) | +-Node [383, 501) | +-Node [383, 441) | | +-Leaf [383, 391) Unsorted | | +-Sorted [391, 408) | | +-Leaf [408, 441) Unsorted | +-Sorted [441, 442) | +-Leaf [442, 501) Unsorted +-Sorted [501, 500) > > -- Leaf [250, 501) has now been expanded down to element 400. > > -- Now, let's watch as it merges tree nodes. > > =getter(387) 7546 > getter"" Root +-Sorted [1, 1) +-Node [1, 501) | +-Node [1, 249) | | +-Node [1, 169) | | | +-Leaf [1, 47) Unsorted | | | +-Sorted [47, 48) | | | +-Node [48, 169) | | | +-Leaf [48, 83) Unsorted | | | +-Sorted [83, 103) | | | +-Leaf [103, 169) Unsorted | | +-Sorted [169, 170) | | +-Leaf [170, 249) Unsorted | +-Sorted [249, 250) | +-Node [250, 501) | +-Leaf [250, 382) Unsorted | +-Sorted [382, 408) | +-Node [408, 501) | +-Leaf [408, 441) Unsorted | +-Sorted [441, 442) | +-Leaf [442, 501) Unsorted +-Sorted [501, 500) > > Leaf [383, 391] has been fully sorted, so it can be merged into it's parent, Node [383, 441). > That in turn creates another merge, leaving the tree as shown above.
[1]若要認識略為學術化(但仍可理解)的討論,請閱讀 Lex Augusteijn 關於[排序態射。]寫的有趣論文。