清單操作 |
狡猾的 Lua 語法糖,將資料表用作清單,正等著被開發…這些函式有許多毫不掩飾地具有函式的風味,非常有用,但如果您不是函式程式設計師,可能需要一段時間才能習慣使用它們。
-- Map a function over a list function map(f, l) local m = {} for i = 1, getn(l) do m[i] = f(l[i]) end return m end -- Map a function over a list of lists function mapCall(f, l) local m = {} for i = 1, getn(l) do m[i] = call(f, l[i]) end return m end -- Apply a function to each element of a list function apply(f, l) for i = 1, getn(l) do f(l[i]) end end -- Execute the members of a list as assignments (assumes the keys are -- strings) function assign(l) foreach(l, function (i, v) setglobal(i, v) end) end -- Turn a table into a list of lists function listify(t) local l = {} foreach(t, function (i, v) tinsert(%l, {i,v}) end) return l end -- Call a function with values from 1..n, returning a list of results function loop(n, f) local l = {} for i = 1, n do tinsert(l, f(i)) end return l end -- Concatenate two lists and return the result function concat(l, m) local n = {} foreachi(l, function (i, v) tinsert(%n, v) end) foreachi(m, function (i, v) tinsert(%n, v) end) return n end -- Reverse a list and return the result function reverse(l) local m = {} for i = getn(l), 1, -1 do tinsert(m, l[i]) end return m end -- Zip some lists together with a function function zipWith(f, ls) local m, len = {}, getn(ls) for i = 1, call(max, map(getn, ls)) do local t = {} for j = 1, len do tinsert(t, ls[j][i]) end tinsert(m, call(f, t)) end return m end -- Transpose a matrix (can be used to do unzip) function transpose(ls) local ms, len = {}, getn(ls) for i = 1, call(max, map(getn, ls)) do ms[i] = {} for j = 1, len do tinsert(ms[i], ls[j][i]) end end return ms end zip = transpose unzip = transpose -- Project a list of fields from a list of records -- l: list of records -- f: field to project -- returns -- l: list of f fields function project(l, f) local p = {} for i = 1, getn(l) do p[i] = l[i][f] end return p end -- Make an index for a list on the given field function makeIndex(f, l) local ind = {} for i = 1, getn(l) do ind[l[i][f]] = i end return ind end