Lpeg 配方 |
LPeg 最新(2024 年)教學。羅伯托·伊魯薩林斯基(lpeg 和 lua 的作者)的 [掌握 LPeg]
參閱 LpegTutorial 了解簡介,以及 [線上 LPeg 文法測試器] 進行實驗。
放置使用 LPeg 進行剖析的 Lua 程式碼範例,有助於進一步了解如何使用剖析表示文法。
local number = {} local digit = R("09") -- Matches: 10, -10, 0 number.integer = (S("+-") ^ -1) * (digit ^ 1) -- Matches: .6, .899, .9999873 number.fractional = (P(".") ) * (digit ^ 1) -- Matches: 55.97, -90.8, .9 number.decimal = (number.integer * -- Integer (number.fractional ^ -1)) + -- Fractional ((S("+-") ^ -1) * number.fractional) -- Completely fractional number -- Matches: 60.9e07, 9e-4, 681E09 number.scientific = number.decimal * -- Decimal number S("Ee") * -- E or e number.integer -- Exponent -- Matches all of the above number.number = number.scientific + number.decimal -- Decimal number allows for everything else, and scientific matches scientific
local BEGIN_COMMENT = lpeg.P("/*") local END_COMMENT = lpeg.P("*/") local NOT_BEGIN = (1 - BEGIN_COMMENT)^0 local NOT_END = (1 - END_COMMENT)^0 local FULL_COMMENT_CONTENTS = BEGIN_COMMENT * NOT_END * END_COMMENT -- Parser to find comments from a string local searchParser = (NOT_BEGIN * lpeg.C(FULL_COMMENT_CONTENTS))^0 -- Parser to find non-comments from a string local filterParser = (lpeg.C(NOT_BEGIN) * FULL_COMMENT_CONTENTS)^0 * lpeg.C(NOT_BEGIN) -- Simpler version, although empirically it is slower.... (why?) ... any optimization -- suggestions are desired as well as optimum integration w/ C++ comments and other -- syntax elements local searchParser = (lpeg.C(FULL_COMMENT_CONTENTS) + 1)^0 -- Suggestion by Roberto to make the search faster -- Works because it loops fast over all non-slashes, then it begins the slower match phase local searchParser = ((1 - lpeg.P"/")^0 * (lpeg.C(FULL_COMMENT_CONTENTS) + 1))^0
中給出數字。do local add = function (x,y) return x+y end local P,Ca,Cc= lpeg.P,lpeg.Ca,lpeg.Cc local symbols = { I=1,V=5,X=10,L=50,C=100,D=500,M=1000, IV=4,IX=9,XL=40,XC=90,CD=400,CM=900} local env = getfenv(1) for s,n in pairs(symbols) do env[s:lower()] = P(s)*Cc(n)/add end setfenv(1,env) local MS = m^0 local CS = (d*c^(-4)+cd+cm+c^(-4))^(-1) local XS = (l*x^(-4)+xl+xc+x^(-4))^(-1) local IS = (v*i^(-4)+ix+iv+i^(-4))^(-1) local p = Ca(Cc(0)*MS*CS*XS*IS) local result = p:match(text:upper()) print(result or "?") end
do local C,Cb,Cmt,R,S = lpeg.C,lpeg.Cb,lpeg.Cmt,lpeg.R,lpeg.S local some = function (p) return (p+1)^1 end local digit,space = R "09",S " " local num = C(digit^1)/tonumber local check = Cmt(Cb(1)*num,function (s,i,x,y) if y == x+1 then return i,y end end) local monotone = some(C(num*(space^1*check)^0)) local m = monotone:match(text) print (m or "?") end
若找不到整數值或範圍,傳回 nil
local re = require 're' local list_parser = re.compile [[ list <- ( singleint_or_range ( ',' singleint_or_range ) * ) -> {} singleint_or_range <- range / singleint singleint <- { int } -> {} range <- ( { int } '-' { int } ) -> {} int <- %d+ ]] local function parse_list(list_string) local t = list_parser:match(list_string) -- further processing to remove overlaps, duplicates, sort into ascending order, etc return t end
function multiply_pattern(item, count) return lpeg.Cmt(lpeg.P(true), function(s, i) local set, offset = {}, i for j = 1, count do set[j], offset = lpeg.match(item * lpeg.Cp(), s, offset) if not offset then return false end end return offset, set end) end
詳細說明 [在此說明],以及一種方法,用於匹配模式出現的最小次數和最大次數。
--[[ = ABOUT This module uses Roberto Ierusalimschy's powerful new pattern matching library LPeg[1] to tokenize Lua source-code in to a table of tokens. I think it handles all of Lua's syntax, but if you find anything missing I would appreciate a mail at peter@peterodding.com. This lexer is based on the BNF[2] from the Lua manual. = USAGE I've saved my copy of this module under [$LUA_PATH/lexers/lua.lua] which means I can use it like in the following interactive prompt: Lua 5.1.1 Copyright (C) 1994-2006 Lua.org, PUC-Rio > require 'lexers.lua' > tokens = lexers.lua [=[ >> 42 or 0 >> -- some Lua source-code in a string]=] > = tokens table: 00422E40 > lexers.lua.print(tokens) line 1, number: `42` line 1, whitespace: ` ` line 1, keyword: `or` line 1, whitespace: ` ` line 1, number: `0` line 1, whitespace: ` ` line 2, comment: `-- some Lua source-code in a string` total of 7 tokens, 2 lines The returned table [tokens] looks like this: { -- type , text, line { 'number' , '42', 1 }, { 'whitespace', ' ' , 1 }, { 'keyword' , 'or', 1 }, { 'whitespace', ' ' , 1 }, { 'number' , '0' , 1 }, { 'whitespace', '\n', 1 }, { 'comment' , '-- some Lua source-code in a string', 2 }, } = CREDITS Written by Peter Odding, 2007/04/04 = THANKS TO - the Lua authors for a wonderful language; - Roberto for LPeg; - caffeine for keeping me awake :) = LICENSE Shamelessly ripped from the SQLite[3] project: The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of a legal notice, here is a blessing: May you do good and not evil. May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. May you share freely, never taking more than you give. [1] http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg.html [2] https://lua.dev.org.tw/manual/5.1/manual.html#8 [3] https://sqlite.dev.org.tw --]] -- since this module is intended to be loaded with require() we receive the -- name used to load us in ... and pass it on to module() module(..., package.seeall) -- written for LPeg .5, by the way local lpeg = require 'lpeg' local P, R, S, C, Cc, Ct = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct -- create a pattern which captures the lua value [id] and the input matching -- [patt] in a table local function token(id, patt) return Ct(Cc(id) * C(patt)) end local digit = R('09') -- range of valid characters after first character of identifier local idsafe = R('AZ', 'az', '\127\255') + P '_' -- operators local operator = token('operator', P '==' + P '~=' + P '<=' + P '>=' + P '...' + P '..' + S '+-*/%^#=<>;:,.{}[]()') -- identifiers local ident = token('identifier', idsafe * (idsafe + digit + P '.') ^ 0) -- keywords local keyword = token('keyword', (P 'and' + P 'break' + P 'do' + P 'else' + P 'elseif' + P 'end' + P 'false' + P 'for' + P 'function' + P 'if' + P 'in' + P 'local' + P 'nil' + P 'not' + P 'or' + P 'repeat' + P 'return' + P 'then' + P 'true' + P 'until' + P 'while') * -(idsafe + digit)) -- numbers local number_sign = S'+-'^-1 local number_decimal = digit ^ 1 local number_hexadecimal = P '0' * S 'xX' * R('09', 'AF', 'af') ^ 1 local number_float = (digit^1 * P'.' * digit^0 + P'.' * digit^1) * (S'eE' * number_sign * digit^1)^-1 local number = token('number', number_hexadecimal + number_float + number_decimal) -- callback for [=[ long strings ]=] -- ps. LPeg is for Lua what regex is for Perl, which makes me smile :) local longstring = #(P '[[' + (P '[' * P '=' ^ 0 * P '[')) local longstring = longstring * P(function(input, index) local level = input:match('^%[(=*)%[', index) if level then local _, stop = input:find(']' .. level .. ']', index, true) if stop then return stop + 1 end end end) -- strings local singlequoted_string = P "'" * ((1 - S "'\r\n\f\\") + (P '\\' * 1)) ^ 0 * "'" local doublequoted_string = P '"' * ((1 - S '"\r\n\f\\') + (P '\\' * 1)) ^ 0 * '"' local string = token('string', singlequoted_string + doublequoted_string + longstring) -- comments local singleline_comment = P '--' * (1 - S '\r\n\f') ^ 0 local multiline_comment = P '--' * longstring local comment = token('comment', multiline_comment + singleline_comment) -- whitespace local whitespace = token('whitespace', S('\r\n\f\t ')^1) -- ordered choice of all tokens and last-resort error which consumes one character local any_token = whitespace + number + keyword + ident + string + comment + operator + token('error', 1) -- private interface local table_of_tokens = Ct(any_token ^ 0) -- increment [line] by the number of line-ends in [text] local function sync(line, text) local index, limit = 1, #text while index <= limit do local start, stop = text:find('\r\n', index, true) if not start then start, stop = text:find('[\r\n\f]', index) if not start then break end end index = stop + 1 line = line + 1 end return line end -- we only need to synchronize the line-counter for these token types local multiline_tokens = { comment = true, string = true, whitespace = true } -- public interface getmetatable(getfenv(1)).__call = function(self, input) assert(type(input) == 'string', 'bad argument #1 (expected string)') local line = 1 local tokens = lpeg.match(table_of_tokens, input) for i, token in pairs(tokens) do token[3] = line if multiline_tokens[token[1]] then line = sync(line, token[2]) end end return tokens end -- if you really want to try it out before writing any code :P function print(tokens) local print, format = _G.print, _G.string.format for _, token in pairs(tokens) do print(format('line %i, %s: `%s`', token[3], token[1], token[2])) end print(format('total of %i tokens, %i lines', #tokens, tokens[#tokens][3])) end
local lpeg = require "lpeg"; local locale = lpeg.locale(); local P, S, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.V; local C, Cb, Cc, Cg, Cs, Cmt = lpeg.C, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cmt; local shebang = P "#" * (P(1) - P "\n")^0 * P "\n"; local function K (k) -- keyword return P(k) * -(locale.alnum + P "_"); end local lua = P { (shebang)^-1 * V "space" * V "chunk" * V "space" * -P(1); -- keywords keywords = K "and" + K "break" + K "do" + K "else" + K "elseif" + K "end" + K "false" + K "for" + K "function" + K "if" + K "in" + K "local" + K "nil" + K "not" + K "or" + K "repeat" + K "return" + K "then" + K "true" + K "until" + K "while"; -- longstrings longstring = P { -- from Roberto Ierusalimschy's lpeg examples V "open" * C((P(1) - V "closeeq")^0) * V "close" / function (o, s) return s end; open = "[" * Cg((P "=")^0, "init") * P "[" * (P "\n")^-1; close = "]" * C((P "=")^0) * "]"; closeeq = Cmt(V "close" * Cb "init", function (s, i, a, b) return a == b end) }; -- comments & whitespace comment = P "--" * V "longstring" + P "--" * (P(1) - P "\n")^0 * (P "\n" + -P(1)); space = (locale.space + V "comment")^0; -- Types and Comments Name = (locale.alpha + P "_") * (locale.alnum + P "_")^0 - V "keywords"; Number = (P "-")^-1 * V "space" * P "0x" * locale.xdigit^1 * -(locale.alnum + P "_") + (P "-")^-1 * V "space" * locale.digit^1 * (P "." * locale.digit^1)^-1 * (S "eE" * (P "-")^-1 * locale.digit^1)^-1 * -(locale.alnum + P "_") + (P "-")^-1 * V "space" * P "." * locale.digit^1 * (S "eE" * (P "-")^-1 * locale.digit^1)^-1 * -(locale.alnum + P "_"); String = P "\"" * (P "\\" * P(1) + (1 - P "\""))^0 * P "\"" + P "'" * (P "\\" * P(1) + (1 - P "'"))^0 * P "'" + V "longstring"; -- Lua Complete Syntax chunk = (V "space" * V "stat" * (V "space" * P ";")^-1)^0 * (V "space" * V "laststat" * (V "space" * P ";")^-1)^-1; block = V "chunk"; stat = K "do" * V "space" * V "block" * V "space" * K "end" + K "while" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * K "do" * V "space" * V "block" * V "space" * K "end" + K "repeat" * V "space" * V "block" * V "space" * K "until" * V "space" * V "exp" + K "if" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * K "then" * V "space" * V "block" * V "space" * (K "elseif" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * K "then" * V "space" * V "block" * V "space" )^0 * (K "else" * V "space" * V "block" * V "space")^-1 * K "end" + K "for" * V "space" * V "Name" * V "space" * P "=" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * P "," * V "space" * V "exp" * (V "space" * P "," * V "space" * V "exp")^-1 * V "space" * K "do" * V "space" * V "block" * V "space" * K "end" + K "for" * V "space" * V "namelist" * V "space" * K "in" * V "space" * V "explist" * V "space" * K "do" * V "space" * V "block" * V "space" * K "end" + K "function" * V "space" * V "funcname" * V "space" * V "funcbody" + K "local" * V "space" * K "function" * V "space" * V "Name" * V "space" * V "funcbody" + K "local" * V "space" * V "namelist" * (V "space" * P "=" * V "space" * V "explist")^-1 + V "varlist" * V "space" * P "=" * V "space" * V "explist" + V "functioncall"; laststat = K "return" * (V "space" * V "explist")^-1 + K "break"; funcname = V "Name" * (V "space" * P "." * V "space" * V "Name")^0 * (V "space" * P ":" * V "space" * V "Name")^-1; namelist = V "Name" * (V "space" * P "," * V "space" * V "Name")^0; varlist = V "var" * (V "space" * P "," * V "space" * V "var")^0; -- Let's come up with a syntax that does not use left recursion -- (only listing changes to Lua 5.1 extended BNF syntax) -- value ::= nil | false | true | Number | String | '...' | function | -- tableconstructor | functioncall | var | '(' exp ')' -- exp ::= unop exp | value [binop exp] -- prefix ::= '(' exp ')' | Name -- index ::= '[' exp ']' | '.' Name -- call ::= args | ':' Name args -- suffix ::= call | index -- var ::= prefix {suffix} index | Name -- functioncall ::= prefix {suffix} call -- Something that represents a value (or many values) value = K "nil" + K "false" + K "true" + V "Number" + V "String" + P "..." + V "function" + V "tableconstructor" + V "functioncall" + V "var" + P "(" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * P ")"; -- An expression operates on values to produce a new value or is a value exp = V "unop" * V "space" * V "exp" + V "value" * (V "space" * V "binop" * V "space" * V "exp")^-1; -- Index and Call index = P "[" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * P "]" + P "." * V "space" * V "Name"; call = V "args" + P ":" * V "space" * V "Name" * V "space" * V "args"; -- A Prefix is a the leftmost side of a var(iable) or functioncall prefix = P "(" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * P ")" + V "Name"; -- A Suffix is a Call or Index suffix = V "call" + V "index"; var = V "prefix" * (V "space" * V "suffix" * #(V "space" * V "suffix"))^0 * V "space" * V "index" + V "Name"; functioncall = V "prefix" * (V "space" * V "suffix" * #(V "space" * V "suffix"))^0 * V "space" * V "call"; explist = V "exp" * (V "space" * P "," * V "space" * V "exp")^0; args = P "(" * V "space" * (V "explist" * V "space")^-1 * P ")" + V "tableconstructor" + V "String"; ["function"] = K "function" * V "space" * V "funcbody"; funcbody = P "(" * V "space" * (V "parlist" * V "space")^-1 * P ")" * V "space" * V "block" * V "space" * K "end"; parlist = V "namelist" * (V "space" * P "," * V "space" * P "...")^-1 + P "..."; tableconstructor = P "{" * V "space" * (V "fieldlist" * V "space")^-1 * P "}"; fieldlist = V "field" * (V "space" * V "fieldsep" * V "space" * V "field")^0 * (V "space" * V "fieldsep")^-1; field = P "[" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * P "]" * V "space" * P "=" * V "space" * V "exp" + V "Name" * V "space" * P "=" * V "space" * V "exp" + V "exp"; fieldsep = P "," + P ";"; binop = K "and" + -- match longest token sequences first K "or" + P ".." + P "<=" + P ">=" + P "==" + P "~=" + P "+" + P "-" + P "*" + P "/" + P "^" + P "%" + P "<" + P ">"; unop = P "-" + P "#" + K "not"; };
另請參閱 LuaFish、Leg[1] 或 [trolledit 中的 Lua 剖析器]。
-- Lua LPeg lexer for C. -- Note: -- Does not handle C preprocessing macros. -- Not well tested. -- -- David Manura, 2007, public domain. Based on ANSI C Lex -- specification in http://www.quut.com/c/ANSI-C-grammar-l-1998.html -- (Jutta Degener, 2006; Tom Stockfisch, 1987, Jeff Lee, 1985) local lpeg = require 'lpeg' local P, R, S, C = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C local whitespace = S' \t\v\n\f' local digit = R'09' local letter = R('az', 'AZ') + P'_' local alphanum = letter + digit local hex = R('af', 'AF', '09') local exp = S'eE' * S'+-'^-1 * digit^1 local fs = S'fFlL' local is = S'uUlL'^0 local hexnum = P'0' * S'xX' * hex^1 * is^-1 local octnum = P'0' * digit^1 * is^-1 local decnum = digit^1 * is^-1 local floatnum = digit^1 * exp * fs^-1 + digit^0 * P'.' * digit^1 * exp^-1 * fs^-1 + digit^1 * P'.' * digit^0 * exp^-1 * fs^-1 local numlit = hexnum + octnum + floatnum + decnum local charlit = P'L'^-1 * P"'" * (P'\\' * P(1) + (1 - S"\\'"))^1 * P"'" local stringlit = P'L'^-1 * P'"' * (P'\\' * P(1) + (1 - S'\\"'))^0 * P'"' local ccomment = P'/*' * (1 - P'*/')^0 * P'*/' local newcomment = P'//' * (1 - P'\n')^0 local comment = (ccomment + newcomment) / function(...) print('COMMENT', ...) end local literal = (numlit + charlit + stringlit) / function(...) print('LITERAL', ...) end local keyword = C( P"auto" + P"_Bool" + P"break" + P"case" + P"char" + P"_Complex" + P"const" + P"continue" + P"default" + P"do" + P"double" + P"else" + P"enum" + P"extern" + P"float" + P"for" + P"goto" + P"if" + P"_Imaginary" + P"inline" + P"int" + P"long" + P"register" + P"restrict" + P"return" + P"short" + P"signed" + P"sizeof" + P"static" + P"struct" + P"switch" + P"typedef" + P"union" + P"unsigned" + P"void" + P"volatile" + P"while" ) / function(...) print('KEYWORD', ...) end local identifier = (letter * alphanum^0 - keyword * (-alphanum)) / function(...) print('ID',...) end local op = C( P"..." + P">>=" + P"<<=" + P"+=" + P"-=" + P"*=" + P"/=" + P"%=" + P"&=" + P"^=" + P"|=" + P">>" + P"<<" + P"++" + P"--" + P"->" + P"&&" + P"||" + P"<=" + P">=" + P"==" + P"!=" + P";" + P"{" + P"<%" + P"}" + P"%>" + P"," + P":" + P"=" + P"(" + P")" + P"[" + P"<:" + P"]" + P":>" + P"." + P"&" + P"!" + P"~" + P"-" + P"+" + P"*" + P"/" + P"%" + P"<" + P">" + P"^" + P"|" + P"?" ) / function(...) print('OP', ...) end local tokens = (comment + identifier + keyword + literal + op + whitespace)^0 -- frontend local filename = arg[1] local fh = assert(io.open(filename)) local input = fh:read'*a' fh:close() print(lpeg.match(tokens, input))
~~ ThomasHarningJr:建議最佳化 C 前處理器中 'op' 匹配器... 由於使用集合而不是進行大量「基本」字串比較,這應該會加快速度。不確定速度會加快多少...
local shiftOps = P">>" + P"<<" local digraphs = P"<%" + P"%>" + P"<:" + P":>" -- {, }, [, ] local op = C( -- First match the multi-char items P"..." + ((shiftOps + S("+-*/%&^|<>=!")) * P"=") + shiftOps + P"++" + P"--" + P"&&" + P"||" + P"->" + digraphs + S(";{},:=()[].&!~-+*/%<>^|?") ) / function(...) print('OP', ...) end
另請參閱 Peter "Corsix" Cawley 的 https://github.com/CorsixTH/CorsixTH/blob/master/LDocGen/c_tokenise.lua 和 [trolledit 中的 C 剖析器]。
集合函數假設每個位元組都是一個字元,因此您無法用它來比對 UTF-8 字元。然而,您可以使用 + 運算子來模擬它。
local currency_symbol = lpeg.P('$') + lpeg.P('�') + lpeg.P('�') + lpeg.P('�')
同樣地,範圍運算子只能用於單一位元組,因此無法用於比對 ASCII 以外的 UTF-8 字元。
由 lpeg.locale() 提供的字元類別僅用於單一位元組,即使在 UTF-8 環境中也是如此。透過使用 [ICU4Lua],您可以建立等效的字元類別,它將比對 UTF-8 字元(與當前環境無關)。
-- lpeg_unicode_locale.lua local lpeg = require 'lpeg' local U = require 'icu.ustring' local re = require 'icu.regex' local utf8_codepoint do --[=[ Valid UTF-8 sequences (excluding isolated surrogates): Code points Bit patterns Hexadecimal ----------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------- U+0000-U+007F 0xxxxxxx 00-7F U+0080-U+07FF 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx C2-DF 80-BF U+0800-U+0FFF 11100000 101xxxxx 10xxxxxx E0 A0-BF(*) 80-BF U+1000-U+1FFF 11100001 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx E1 80-BF 80-BF U+2000-U+3FFF 1110001x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx E2-E3 80-BF 80-BF U+4000-U+7FFF 111001xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx E4-E7 80-BF 80-BF U+8000-U+BFFF 111010xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx E8-EB 80-BF 80-BF U+C000-U+CFFF 11101100 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx EC 80-BF 80-BF U+D000-U+D7FF 11101101 100xxxxx 10xxxxxx ED 80-9F(*) 80-BF U+E000-U+FFFF 1110111x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx EE-EF 80-BF 80-BF U+10000-U+1FFFF 11110000 1001xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx F0 90-BF(*) 80-BF 80-BF U+20000-U+3FFFF 11110000 101xxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx F0 80-BF 80-BF 80-BF U+40000-U+7FFFF 11110001 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx F1 80-BF 80-BF 80-BF U+80000-U+FFFFF 1111001x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx F2-F3 80-BF 80-BF 80-BF U+100000-U+10FFFF 11110100 1000xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx F4 80-8F(*) 80-BF 80-BF ----------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------- Leading byte values in 0xC0-0xC1 and 0xF5-0xFF are always invalid. The first continuation byte (for UTF-8 sequences of 3 or 4 bytes) has a more restricted range of validity (*), depending on the leading byte. --]=] -- decode a two-byte UTF-8 sequence local function f2 (s) local c1, c2 = string.byte(s, 1, 2) return c1 * 64 + c2 - 12416 end -- decode a three-byte UTF-8 sequence local function f3 (s) local c1, c2, c3 = string.byte(s, 1, 3) return (c1 * 64 + c2) * 64 + c3 - 925824 end -- decode a four-byte UTF-8 sequence local function f4 (s) local c1, c2, c3, c4 = string.byte(s, 1, 4) return ((c1 * 64 + c2) * 64 + c3) * 64 + c4 - 63447168 end local cont = lpeg.R("\128\191") -- unrestricted continuation byte utf8_codepoint = lpeg.R("\000\127") / string.byte + lpeg.R("\194\223") * cont / f2 + (lpeg.P("\224") * lpeg.R("\160\191") + lpeg.R("\225\238") * cont + lpeg.P("\239") * lpeg.R("\128\159")) * cont / f3 + (lpeg.P("\240") * lpeg.R("\144\191") + lpeg.R("\241\243") * cont + lpeg.P("\244") * lpeg.R("\128\143")) * cont * cont / f4 end local cntrl = re.compile('^\\p{cntrl}$') local print = re.compile('^\\p{print}$') local space = re.compile('^\\p{space}$') local graph = re.compile('^\\p{graph}$') local punct = re.compile('^\\p{punct}$') local alnum = re.compile('^\\p{alnum}$') local digit = re.compile('^\\p{digit}$') local alpha = re.compile('^\\p{alpha}$') local upper = re.compile('^\\p{upper}$') local lower = re.compile('^\\p{lower}$') local xdigit = re.compile('^\\p{xdigit}$') return { cntrl = lpeg.Cmt(utf8_codepoint, function(s,i,c) return not not re.match(cntrl, U.char(c)) end); print = lpeg.Cmt(utf8_codepoint, function(s,i,c) return not not re.match(print, U.char(c)) end); space = lpeg.Cmt(utf8_codepoint, function(s,i,c) return not not re.match(space, U.char(c)) end); graph = lpeg.Cmt(utf8_codepoint, function(s,i,c) return not not re.match(graph, U.char(c)) end); punct = lpeg.Cmt(utf8_codepoint, function(s,i,c) return not not re.match(punct, U.char(c)) end); alnum = lpeg.Cmt(utf8_codepoint, function(s,i,c) return not not re.match(alnum, U.char(c)) end); digit = lpeg.Cmt(utf8_codepoint, function(s,i,c) return not not re.match(digit, U.char(c)) end); alpha = lpeg.Cmt(utf8_codepoint, function(s,i,c) return not not re.match(alpha, U.char(c)) end); upper = lpeg.Cmt(utf8_codepoint, function(s,i,c) return not not re.match(upper, U.char(c)) end); lower = lpeg.Cmt(utf8_codepoint, function(s,i,c) return not not re.match(lower, U.char(c)) end); xdigit = lpeg.Cmt(utf8_codepoint, function(s,i,c) return not not re.match(xdigit, U.char(c)) end); }
local lpeg = require 'lpeg' local utf8 = require 'lpeg_utf8_locale' local EOF = lpeg.P(-1) local word = lpeg.C(utf8.alnum^1) local tokenise = (word * (utf8.space^1 + EOF))^0 * EOF print(tokenise:match('�etta eru ��isleg or�'))
LPeg 語法測試器:http://lpeg.trink.com/share/date_time
Nginx 元語法產生器:http://lpeg.trink.com/share/clf
Rsyslog 元語法產生器:http://lpeg.trink.com/share/syslog