Lua 實作驗證 |
和 lua_assert
請參閱 單元測試,其中連結至 Lua 5.0 至 5.2beta 的測試套件。
許多人使用 Valgrid 等工具進行動態分析([在 lua-l 中搜尋])。
以下是如何使用 [Gimpel PC-lint] 檢查 Lua 的定義集範例。可以做許多改進。遺憾的是,Lua 原始碼的所有型別轉換等特性,使得執行 linting 操作很困難,而且有效進行這項操作可能需要對原始碼進行許多變更。
// lua.lnt // gimpel lint 9.00h on Lua 5.2.0rc1. // David Manura, 2011-11. // safe to ignore -e537 // repeated include file (superfluous warnings) -e801 // use of goto is deprecated -e834 // operator '-' followed by operator '+' is confusing. Use parentheses. -esym(438,argp) // last value assigned to variable not used (debug.c vararg) -esym(123,gch,luai_num*,luaL_checkint) // macro defined with arguments -esym(750,LUA_LIB) // local macro not referenced -esym(750,l*_c) // local macro not referenced -e845 // the right argument to operator is certain to be 0 -e778 // constant expression evaluates to 0 in operation -e835 // a zero has been given as right argument to operator -e730 // boolean argument to function // functions that don't return -sem(cannot, r_no) -sem(luaL_error, r_no) -sem(luaL_argerror, r_no) -sem(luaX_syntaxerror, r_no) -sem(tag_error, r_no) -sem(error_expected, r_no) -sem(errorlimit, r_no) -sem(escerror, r_no) -sem(fileerror, r_no) -sem(lexerror, r_no) -sem(semerror, r_no) -sem(typeerror, r_no) // all below are marked 'l_noret' in the code -sem(luaD_throw, r_no) -sem(luaB_error, r_no) -sem(luaG_typeerror, r_no) -sem(luaG_concaterror, r_no) -sem(luaG_aritherror, r_no) -sem(luaG_ordererror, r_no) -sem(luaG_errormsg, r_no) -sem(luaG_runerror, r_no) -sem(resume_error, r_no) -esym(767,setnvalue,TValuefields,NILCONSTANT,numfield, val_,num_,rttype,ttisnumber,ttisequal,checktag,settt_,setobj) // macro defined differently in another module // -e546 // suspicious use of & // check these later (these are numerous) -e534 // ignoring return value of function -e648 // overflow in computing constant for operation -e508 // extern used with definition -e641 // converting enum to int -e679 // suspicious truncation in arithmetic expression -e818 // Pointer parameter could be declared as pointing to const -e826 // suspicious pointer-to-pointer conversion -e661 // possible access of out-of-bounds pointer -e662 // possible creation of out-of-bounds pointer -e613 // possible use of null pointer -e416 // likely creation of out-of-bounds pointer -e420 // apparent access beyond array for function -e670 // possible access beyond array for function -e669 // possible data overrun for function -e419 // apparent data overrun for function -e415 // likely access of out-of-bounds pointer -e732 // loss of sign -e737 // loss of sign in promotion -e506 // constant value Boolean // note: other warnings (less numerous) also remain // Avoids assembly code not understood by lint (MS_ASMTRICK) -u_M_IX86 // WARNING: undefining this causes problems in setjmp.h -esym(750, _FILE_OFFSET_BITS) // local macro not referenced // This macro not used on non-POSIX systems // TO FIX -esym(760,LUA_FILEHANDLE) /* #define LUA_FILEHANDLE "FILE*" src\lualib.h(15) : Info 760: Redundant macro 'LUA_FILEHANDLE' defined identically at line 183, file src\lauxlib.h, module src\lauxlib.c src\lauxlib.h(183) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message */ //-passes(3) -header(lint.h) src/lapi.c src/lauxlib.c src/lbaselib.c src/lbitlib.c src/lcode.c src/lcorolib.c src/lctype.c src/ldblib.c src/ldebug.c src/ldo.c src/ldump.c src/lfunc.c src/lgc.c src/linit.c src/liolib.c src/llex.c src/lmathlib.c src/lmem.c src/loadlib.c src/lobject.c src/lopcodes.c src/loslib.c src/lparser.c src/lstate.c src/lstring.c src/lstrlib.c src/ltable.c src/ltablib.c src/ltm.c src/lua.c src/luac.c src/lundump.c src/lvm.c src/lzio.c
//lint.h //lint -sem(myexit, r_no) extern int myexit(void); #define LUA_LINT_FALLTHROUGH /*lint -fallthrough*/ // NOTE: edit the Lua source code to add this macro at the end of // switch cases labeled "/* go through */" #define lua_assert(p) ((p) ? 0 : myexit()) #define LUA_LINT_UNREACHABLE /*lint --e{527} */ // NOTE: edit the Lua source code to add this macro at end of // all lines that are unreachable #define LUA_LINT_LOOPVARCHANGED(x) /*lint --e{850} */ // NOTE: edit the Lua source to add add this macro inside any // loop that modifies variable x.
usage: lint lua.lnt
可以使用 [w3c 驗證工具] 等工具檢查 HTML 格式的 Lua 手冊。grep 技術也可以提供幫助。