挖掘 Lua 程式碼 |
-- usage: clone LuaDist repo [1] and then do lua findescape.lua `find /tmp/Repository -name '*.lua'` -- [1] github.com/LuaDist/Repository -- DavidManura lexer = require 'lxsh.lexers.lua' -- https://github.com/xolox/lua-lxsh local function readfile(filename) local fh = io.open(filename, 'r') local text; if fh then text = fh:read'*a':gsub('\r','\n') end fh:close() return text end local counts = {} for _, filename in ipairs{...} do --print(filename) local text = readfile(filename) for kind, text in lexer.gmatch(text) do if kind ~= 'comment' and kind ~= 'whitespace' and kind ~= "string" and kind ~= "number" then counts[text] = (counts[text] or 0) + 1 end end end local names = {} for name, count in pairs(counts) do names[#names+1] = {name, count} end table.sort(names, function(a,b) return a[2] < b[2] end) for _, pair in ipairs(names) do print(pair[1], pair[2]) end
lua test.lua `find /tmp/Repository/ -name '*.lua'`|grep '^string\.' ... string.gfind 27 string.dump 35 string.lower 41 string.upper 41 string.gmatch 46 string.char 83 string.match 106 string.byte 139 string.rep 148 string.len 159 string.sub 332 string.find 400 string.gsub 492 string.format 722
請參閱 LuaList:2010-10/msg00449.html。