物件導向教學 |
local MyClass = {} -- the table representing the class, which will double as the metatable for the instances MyClass.__index = MyClass -- failed table lookups on the instances should fallback to the class table, to get methods -- syntax equivalent to "MyClass.new = function..." function MyClass.new(init) local self = setmetatable({}, MyClass) self.value = init return self end function MyClass.set_value(self, newval) self.value = newval end function MyClass.get_value(self) return self.value end local i = MyClass.new(5) -- tbl:name(arg) is a shortcut for tbl.name(tbl, arg), except tbl is evaluated only once print(i:get_value()) --> 5 i:set_value(6) print(i:get_value()) --> 6
在方法中,我們使用「self」參數來取得要操作的實例。這種用法相當常見,因此 Lua 提供了 :
local MyClass = {} MyClass.__index = MyClass setmetatable(MyClass, { __call = function (cls, ...) return cls.new(...) end, }) function MyClass.new(init) local self = setmetatable({}, MyClass) self.value = init return self end -- the : syntax here causes a "self" arg to be implicitly added before any other args function MyClass:set_value(newval) self.value = newval end function MyClass:get_value() return self.value end local instance = MyClass(5) -- do stuff with instance...
我們在類別表格中加入一個包含 __call
元方法的元表格,這個元方法會在一個值被當成函式呼叫時觸發。我們讓它呼叫類別的建構式,因此你在建立實例時不需要使用 .new
。另一個選擇是直接在元方法中放入建構式。在元方法中,"cls" 會指向目前的表格。
此外,為了搭配 :
方法呼叫捷徑,Lua 讓你可以在表格中定義函式時使用 :
,它會隱式地加入 self
local BaseClass = {} BaseClass.__index = BaseClass setmetatable(BaseClass, { __call = function (cls, ...) local self = setmetatable({}, cls) self:_init(...) return self end, }) function BaseClass:_init(init) self.value = init end function BaseClass:set_value(newval) self.value = newval end function BaseClass:get_value() return self.value end --- local DerivedClass = {} DerivedClass.__index = DerivedClass setmetatable(DerivedClass, { __index = BaseClass, -- this is what makes the inheritance work __call = function (cls, ...) local self = setmetatable({}, cls) self:_init(...) return self end, }) function DerivedClass:_init(init1, init2) BaseClass._init(self, init1) -- call the base class constructor self.value2 = init2 end function DerivedClass:get_value() return self.value + self.value2 end local i = DerivedClass(1, 2) print(i:get_value()) --> 3 i:set_value(3) print(i:get_value()) --> 5
我們有一個衍生類別表格和一個 __index
元方法,讓它可以繼承基底類別。另外,我們把實例的建立移到 __call
最後一個可用來進行優化的步驟是將基底類別的內容複製到衍生類別中,而不是使用 __index
。這樣可以避免 __index
長長的鏈條,這可能會讓方法呼叫變慢,另外,如果基底類別有像 __add
這類的方法,它們也會像衍生類別上的適當元方法一樣運作。這是因為在尋找元方法時,並不會遵循 __index
local DerivedClass = {} for k, v in pairs(BaseClass) do DerivedClass[k] = v end DerivedClass.__index = DerivedClass
function (...) -- "cls" is the new class local cls, bases = {}, {...} -- copy base class contents into the new class for i, base in ipairs(bases) do for k, v in pairs(base) do cls[k] = v end end -- set the class's __index, and start filling an "is_a" table that contains this class and all of its bases -- so you can do an "instance of" check using my_instance.is_a[MyClass] cls.__index, cls.is_a = cls, {[cls] = true} for i, base in ipairs(bases) do for c in pairs(base.is_a) do cls.is_a[c] = true end cls.is_a[base] = true end -- the class's __call metamethod setmetatable(cls, {__call = function (c, ...) local instance = setmetatable({}, c) -- run the init method if it's there local init = instance._init if init then init(instance, ...) end return instance end}) -- return the new class table, that's ready to fill with methods return cls end
local function MyClass(init) -- the new instance local self = { -- public fields go in the instance table public_field = 0 } -- private fields are implemented using locals -- they are faster than table access, and are truly private, so the code that uses your class can't get them local private_field = init function self.foo() return self.public_field + private_field end function self.bar() private_field = private_field + 1 end -- return the instance return self end local i = MyClass(5) print(i.foo()) --> 5 i.public_field = 3 i.bar() print(i.foo()) --> 9
語法用於呼叫方法,而非 :
。這是因為 self 變數已經儲存在方法中,作為上值,因此呼叫它的程式碼不需要傳遞它。
local function BaseClass(init) local self = {} local private_field = init function self.foo() return private_field end function self.bar() private_field = private_field + 1 end -- return the instance return self end local function DerivedClass(init, init2) local self = BaseClass(init) self.public_field = init2 -- this is independent from the base class's private field that has the same name local private_field = init2 -- save the base version of foo for use in the derived version local base_foo = self.foo function self.foo() return private_field + self.public_field + base_foo() end -- return the instance return self end local i = DerivedClass(1, 2) print(i.foo()) --> 5 i.bar() print(i.foo()) --> 6
MyClass.method(instance, args)
呼叫方法與絕大多數物件導向 Lua 程式碼更一致。基於封閉的優點