遠端連線事件 Sqlite |
--[[ luapersist3.lua 2004-Aug-31 e The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of a legal notice, here is a blessing: May you be healthy and well. May you be free of all suffering. May you be happy, giving more than you take. Lua Persistent Tables loosely based on the wiki page https://lua-users.dev.org.tw/wiki/PersistentTables uses Lua SQLite 3 (see http://luaforge.net/projects/luasqlite/) handles circular structures DB Schema the Lua tables are stored in a single SQL table with five columns TID : Table ID that identifies the Lua table -- string Key : index in the Lua Table -- TID, string, number, or boolean Kyp : the data type of Key Val : value in the Lua Table at index -- TID, string, number, or boolean Vyp : the data type of Val A row is created for each Lua Persistent Table to reserve its TID. The Key, Kyp, Val, and Vyp columns are all set to "_". Both Kyp and Vyp use the following encoding: "b" -- boolean (Key/Val = "t" or "f") "n" -- number "t" -- TID "s" -- string "e" -- encoded string (the raw string has embedded NULs) "_" -- null Caveats 1. Strings used for Key and Val may contain embedded '\0' NUL characters; they are stored using sqlite blobs. Strings used for TIDs must not have embedded NULs. 2. A table may not be used as a key unless the table is already persistent; tables may always be used as vals. 3. Functions, threads, and userdata are not supported as keys or vals. 4. Lua Persistent Tables may not have user metatables (they will not be persisted, and they may conflict with Lua Persistent Table events). Implementation Lua Persistent Tables are represented by an empty Lua Table and a corresponding metatable. Lua Persistent Table Metatable events: "lpt_TID" -- the TID for this table "index" -- handler for unmarshalling Key/Val from the DB "newindex" -- handler for marshalling Key/Val to the DB "lpt_cache" -- a Lua Table that caches Key/Val pairs "lpt_db" -- the Lua Persistent Table database descriptor for this table's db LuaPersist maintains one global weak table, map, that is used to find Lua Persistent Tables that are already open. This insures that there is at most one version of each Lua Persistent Table in memory. ]] require "sqlite3" persist = {} local _persist_make_TID = function (lp,tbl) -- return "TID"..math.random() -- fix me: confirm it's unique local TID repeat lp.seq = lp.seq + 1 TID = string.format('tid%d',lp.seq) until(not lp:exists(TID)) return TID end local _persist_val_vyp = function (lp,k) local ty = type(k) if(ty=="string") then if(string.find(k,"%z")) then return k,"e" else return k,"s" end end if(ty=="number") then return tostring(k),"n" end if(ty=="boolean") then if k then v="t" else v="f" end return v,"b" end if(ty=="table") then local mt = getmetatable(k) local TID if(mt~=nil) then TID = mt.__lpt_TID end if(mt==nil or TID==nil) then TID = _persist_make_TID(lp,k) local t = persist.new_table(lp,TID) persist.set_table(lp,TID,k) end return TID,"t" end assert(nil,"non-persistent type: "..ty.."!?") end local _persist_key_kyp = function (lp,k) if(type(k)=="table") then local mt = getmetatable(k) local TID if(mt~=nil) then TID = mt.__lpt_TID end if(mt==nil or TID==nil) then error("use of non-persistent table as key not supported") end return TID,"t" end return _persist_val_vyp(lp,k) end local _persist_raw_to_val = function (lp,ty,raw) if(ty=="s") then return raw end if(ty=="n") then return raw+0 end if(ty=="b") then return raw=="t" end if(ty=="t") then return lp:get_table(raw) end if(ty=="e") then return raw end assert(nil,"fix me -- what type is: "..ty.."?") end local _persist_vm_setup = function (lp,vm,TID,k) local key,kyp = _persist_key_kyp(lp,k) -- this must come before vm:reset since it might use vm assert(vm:reset()==sqlite3.OK,"db reset error") assert(vm:bind(1,TID)==sqlite3.OK,"db TID bind error") if kyp=="e" then assert(vm:bind_blob(2,key)==sqlite3.OK,"db Key bind error") else assert(vm:bind(2,key)==sqlite3.OK,"db Key bind error") end assert(vm:bind(3,kyp)==sqlite3.OK,"db Kyp bind error") end local _persist_index = function (t,k) assert(k,"key of nil not permitted") local ca = assert(getmetatable(t).__lpt_cache,"there is no __lpt_cache for this persistent table") local v = rawget(ca,k) if(v~=nil) then return v end local lp = assert(getmetatable(t).__lpt_db,"there is no __lpt_db for this persistent table") local TID = assert(getmetatable(t).__lpt_TID,"there is no __lpt_TID for this persistent table") _persist_vm_setup(lp,lp.vm_get,TID,k) local rc = lp.vm_get:step() if(rc==sqlite3.ROW) then local da da = lp.vm_get:get_values() lp.vm_get:reset() -- releases locks afer step assert(da,"db lp.vm_get:data error") v = _persist_raw_to_val(lp, da[2], da[1]) rawset(ca,k,v) else lp.vm_get:reset() -- releases locks afer step v = nil end return v end local _persist_exists = function (lp,TID) _persist_vm_setup(lp,lp.vm_get,TID,"_") assert(lp.vm_get:bind(3,"_")==sqlite3.OK,"db _ bind error") local rc = lp.vm_get:step() lp.vm_get:reset() -- releases locks afer step return(rc==sqlite3.ROW) end local _persist_newindex = function (t,k,v) assert(k,"key of nil not permitted") local ca = assert(getmetatable(t).__lpt_cache,"there is no __lpt_cache for this persistent table") -- local pv = rawget(ca,k) -- if(pv~=nil) then end -- maybe remove tables -- but need gc since there may be circular refs! local lp = assert(getmetatable(t).__lpt_db,"there is no __lpt_db for this persistent table") local TID = assert(getmetatable(t).__lpt_TID,"there is no __lpt_TID for this persistent table") local rc, vm if(v~=nil) then local val,vyp = _persist_val_vyp(lp,v) -- this must come before vm_setup since it might use vm vm = lp.vm_new _persist_vm_setup(lp,vm,TID,k) if vyp=="e" then assert(lp.vm_new:bind_blob(4,val)==sqlite3.OK,"db Key bind error:"..val) else assert(lp.vm_new:bind(4,val)==sqlite3.OK,"db Key bind error:"..val) end assert(lp.vm_new:bind(5,vyp)==sqlite3.OK,"db Kyp bind error:"..vyp) rc = lp.vm_new:step() else vm = lp.vm_del _persist_vm_setup(lp,vm,TID,k) rc = lp.vm_del:step() end vm:reset() -- releases locks afer step if(rc==sqlite3.DONE) then rawset(ca,k,v) else error("bad result code: "..rc.."") end end local _persist_pairs = function (t) assert(type(t)=='table',"arg is not a table") local ca = assert(getmetatable(t).__lpt_cache,"arg is not a persistent table") return pairs(ca) end local _persist_check = function (lp) assert(lp.LPT,"the db must be opened first with persist.open") assert(lp.db,"the db must be opened first with persist.open") end persist.close = function (lp) _persist_check(lp) lp.db:close() lp.db=nil; -- nice for GC? lp.vm_new = nil lp.vm_del = nil lp.vm_get = nil lp.vm_set = nil lp.vm_delt = nil lp.map = nil end local _persist_new_table = function (lp,TID) local t = {} setmetatable(t,{["__lpt_db"] = lp, ["__lpt_TID"] = TID, ["__lpt_cache"] = {}, ["__index"] = _persist_index, ["__newindex"] = _persist_newindex, ["__unm"] = _persist_pairs}) return t end persist.exists = _persist_exists persist.new_table = function (lp,TID) _persist_check(lp) assert(lp.map[TID]==nil,"the table is already created and open") assert(not lp:exists(TID),"a persistent table with TID "..TID.." already exists") local t = _persist_new_table(lp,TID) assert(lp.vm_new:reset()==sqlite3.OK,"reset error") assert(lp.vm_new:bind(1,TID)==sqlite3.OK,"bind 1 error") assert(lp.vm_new:bind(2,"_")==sqlite3.OK,"bind 2 error") assert(lp.vm_new:bind(3,"_")==sqlite3.OK,"bind 3 error") assert(lp.vm_new:bind(4,"_")==sqlite3.OK,"bind 4 error") assert(lp.vm_new:bind(5,"_")==sqlite3.OK,"bind 5 error") local rc = lp.vm_new:step() lp.vm_new:reset() -- release locks if(rc==sqlite3.DONE) then lp.map[TID] = t else error("step error") end return t end persist.cache = function (lp,TID) _persist_check(lp) local t = lp.map[TID] assert(t~=nil,"the table does not exist") local ca = assert(getmetatable(t).__lpt_cache,"there is no __lpt_cache for this persistent table") -- whack the vm fn,vm,rc = lp.db:urows("SELECT Key,Kyp,Val,Vyp FROM luat where TID=?") assert(vm,"lp.db:rows failed") vm:bind(1,TID) for Key,Kyp,Val,Vyp in fn,vm,rc do if( Key ~= "_" ) then rawset(ca, _persist_raw_to_val(lp,Kyp,Key), _persist_raw_to_val(lp,Vyp,Val)) end end end persist.get_table = function (lp,TID) _persist_check(lp) local t = lp.map[TID] if(t~=nil) then return t end assert(lp:exists(TID),"no persistent table has the TID "..TID) t = _persist_new_table(lp,TID) lp.map[TID] = t -- this needn't cache the whole table! we can make it lazy -- persist.cache(lp,TID) return t end persist.set_table = function (lp,TID,s) _persist_check(lp) local t = lp.map[TID] assert(t~=nil,"the table does not exist") for k,v in pairs(s) do t[k]=v end return t end persist.delete_table = function (lp,TID) _persist_check(lp) local t = lp.map[TID] if(t~=nil) then lp.map[TID] = nil end --assert(lp:exists(TID),"no persistent table has the TID "..TID) assert(lp.vm_delt:reset()==sqlite3.OK,"db reset error") assert(lp.vm_delt:bind(1,TID)==sqlite3.OK,"db TID bind error") local rc = lp.vm_delt:step() lp.vm_delt:reset() -- releases locks afer step return(rc) -- to do: what is rc supposed to be? 101 --return t end persist.open = function (dbname) local lp = {} lp.LPT = true -- a tag lp.seq = 0 -- tid generator -- would be nice to select max (TID) where TID like 'tid%' lp.db = assert(sqlite3.open(dbname)) -- initialize the db; ignore error from CREATE as it may already have been done local err,str = lp.db:exec("create table luat (TID,Key,Kyp,Val,Vyp, primary key (TID,Key,Kyp) on conflict replace)") if (err==26) then lp.db:close() -- bad database format return nil,str end lp.vm_new = assert(lp.db:compile("insert into luat values (?,?,?,?,?)")) lp.vm_del = assert(lp.db:compile("delete from luat where TID=? and Key=? and Kyp=?")) lp.vm_get = assert(lp.db:compile("select Val,Vyp from luat where TID=? and Key=? and Kyp=?")) --lp.vm_set = assert(lp.db:compile("update luat set Val=?,Vyp=? where TID=? and Key=? and Kyp=?")) lp.vm_delt = assert(lp.db:compile("delete from luat where TID=?")) -- convenience oo functions lp.new_table = persist.new_table lp.get_table = persist.get_table lp.set_table = persist.set_table lp.cache = persist.cache lp.exists = persist.exists lp.delete_table = persist.delete_table lp.close = persist.close -- initialize the in-memory map lp.map = {} setmetatable(lp.map,{["__mode"]="v"}) -- weak on values return lp end
require "luapersist3" lp=assert(persist.open"ptest.db") -- or -- lp=assert(persist.open":memory:") t=lp:new_table("foo") assert(t==lp.map.foo) t["baz"] = 7 for TID,Key,Kyp,Val,Vyp in lp.db:urows("SELECT * FROM luat") do print(TID, Key, Kyp, Val, Vyp) end t["baz"] = 9 t["bar"] = 9 t["baz"] = 3 t.tt = {["a"]=1,["b"]=2} tt[{1,2,3}]="t123" -- error -- close and open t=lp:get_table("foo") for Key,Kyp,Val,Vyp in lp.db:urows("SELECT Key,Kyp,Val,Vyp FROM luat where TID='foo'") do print(Key, Kyp, Val, Vyp) end lp:cache"foo" ca = assert(getmetatable(t).__lpt_cache,"there is no __lpt_cache for this persistent table") for k,v in pairs(ca) do print(k,v) end =t.tt.a t["123\000567"]="abc\000efg" for k,v in pairs(ca) do local x = 0 if(type(v)=='string') then x = string.len (v) end print(k,v,string.len(k),x) end for Key,Kyp,Val,Vyp in lp.db:urows("SELECT Key,Kyp,Val,Vyp FROM luat where TID='tid1'") do print(Key, Kyp, Val, Vyp) end -- debugging for r in lp.db:nrows("SELECT * FROM SQLITE_MASTER") do for k,v in pairs(r) do print(k,v) end end -- maintanance -- LOSES ALL DATA! for r in lp.db:nrows("DROP TABLE luat") do for k,v in pairs(r) do print(k,v) end end