Phi Lho Soft Lua 範例 |
[!] VersionNotice:下方的程式碼屬於舊版 Lua 版本,Lua 4。它不能在 Lua 5 中直接執行。
-- 99 Bottles of Beer.lua -- -- Tim Robinson -- timtroyr(a) -- Inspiration... -- 10 REM Basic version of 99 bottles of beer -- 20 FOR X=99 TO 1 STEP -1 -- 30 PRINT X;"bottle(s) of beer on the wall,";X;"bottle(s) of beer" -- 40 PRINT "Take one down and pass it around," -- 50 PRINT X-1;"bottle(s) of beer on the wall" -- 60 NEXT -- Added. Shouldn't display 0 bottles(s), above... -- 70 PRINT "No bottles of beer on the wall" -- 80 PRINT "Go to the store and buy some more" -- #!/bin/csh -- # Version #2.1 C-Shell version of 99 Bottles of Beer -- # -- # overhauled 1997-19-3 by Ken Bateman (kbateman(a) -- # -- foreach i (9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 " ") -- foreach j (9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0) -- if ( $i$j != "99" ) echo $i$j " bottles of beer on the wall" -- echo -n $i$j "bottles of beer on the wall, " -- echo $i$j "bottles of beer" -- echo -n "Take one down, pass it around..." -- end -- end -- echo "no more bottles of beer on the wall" -- echo "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer" -- echo "Go to the store, buy some more," -- echo "99 bottles of beer on the wall" -- #end of script -- Lua 99 Bottles of Beer -- by Philippe Lhoste <PhiLho(a)> function PrintBottleNumber(n) local bs if n == 0 then bs = "No more bottles" elseif n == 1 then bs = "One bottle" else bs = n .. " bottles" end return bs .. " of beer" end for bn = 99, 1, -1 do write(PrintBottleNumber(bn), " on the wall, \n") write(PrintBottleNumber(bn), "\n") write("Take one down and pass it around,\n") write(PrintBottleNumber(bn-1), " on the wall, \n\n") end write("No more bottles of beer on the wall,\nNo more bottles of beer\n") write("Go to the store, buy some more!\n")
-- gcd.lua -- Greatest common divisor -- Unnecessary, here just to test argument passing -- use lua -f gcd.lua 1233 12, for example if arg then print("Arguments:") for i, v in arg do print(i, v) end print"" end -- Take numerical arguments if exists, -- then check if there is a value, otherwise take default value local v1 = tonumber((arg and arg[1])) or (v1 or 121) local v2 = tonumber((arg and arg[2])) or (v2 or 1221) function gcd_plain(m, n) -- Using classical temporary variable local t while m ~= 0 do t = m m = mod(n, m) n = t end return n end function gcd_hip(m, n) -- Using parallel assignment while m ~= 0 do m, n = mod(n, m), m end return n end write(format("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d is %d\n", v1, v2, gcd_plain(v1, v2))) write(format("Greatest common divisor of %d and %d is %d\n", v1, v2, gcd_hip(v1, v2)))
-- Process File.lua -- Process a file -- by Philippe Lhoste <PhiLho(a)> -- v. 1.2 -- 2001/07/27 -- Sample processing a bit smarter :-) -- v. 1.1 -- 2001/06/07 -- Standard I/O use -- v. 1.0 -- 2001/06/06 filenameIn = (arg and arg[1]) or "-" -- If absent, use standard input filenameOut = (arg and arg[2]) or "-" -- If absent, use standard output -- This version lowercases CSS identifiers as long as they are -- alone on a line, preceded by a tab. function ProcessLine(line) if not line then return nil end line = gsub(line, "^\t([%u-]*):", function(p) return '\t' .. strlower(p) .. ':' end) return line .. '\n' end function ProcessFile() if filenameIn ~= "-" then if not readfrom(filenameIn) then return nil, filenameIn end end if filenameOut ~= "-" then if not writeto(filenameOut) then return nil, filenameOut end end local processedLine -- Loop on the lines and process them repeat processedLine = ProcessLine(read()) if processedLine then -- ProcessLine returns nil if read line is nil (EOF) write(processedLine) end until processedLine == nil -- OR: -- while (ProcessLine(read())) do -- -- Do nothing, output is done in ProcessLine -- end -- write"That's all folks!" readfrom() -- Restore default reading writeto() -- Restore default writing return 0, nil end result, fn = ProcessFile() if not result then print("Error in parameter: " .. (fn or 'nil')) end
-- Split Long Lines.lua -- Process a file to split long lines at blanks -- by Philippe Lhoste <PhiLho(a)> -- v. 1.1 -- 2001/06/07 -- Standard I/O use -- v. 1.0 -- 2001/06/06 filenameIn = (arg and arg[1]) or "-" -- If absent, use standard input filenameOut = (arg and arg[2]) or "-" -- If absent, use standard output cutAt = (arg and arg[3] and tonumber(arg[3])) or 80 method = (arg and arg[4]) or "w" -- Values: "w" (white space) or "r" (raw) lineNb = 0 -- For debug purpose -- Cut at a separator before the cutAt length, or at cutAt size if no separator is found. -- Return the remainder of the line. function CutAtWhiteSpace(chunk) if chunk and chunk ~= "" then local len = min(strlen(chunk), cutAt) --D--print("---" .. lineNb .. "-" .. "len: " .. len) local i, c, remainder local splitPos = 0 -- Search a separator from the end of the chunk for i = len, 1, -1 do c = strsub(chunk, i, i) -- Separators = white space, tabulation, carriage return or line feed if c == ' ' or c == '\t' or c == '\r' or c == '\n' then splitPos = i break end end if splitPos ~= 0 then --D--print("splitPos: " .. splitPos) -- Found, split here write(strsub(chunk, 1, splitPos - 1) .. "\n") remainder = strsub(chunk, splitPos + 1) else -- No separator found --D--print("Dump") write(strsub(chunk, 1, cutAt) .. "\n") -- Arbitrary cut at given size remainder = strsub(chunk, cutAt + 1) end --D--print("remainder len: " .. strlen(remainder)) return remainder else return nil -- chunk is nil or an empty string: EOF end end -- Just dump the chunk, which has already the right size function CutAtLength(chunk) if chunk and chunk ~= "" then write(chunk .. "\n") return "" else return nil end end if method == "r" then ProcessChunk = CutAtLength else ProcessChunk = CutAtWhiteSpace end function ProcessFile() if filenameIn ~= "-" then if not readfrom(filenameIn) then return nil, filenameIn end end if filenameOut ~= "-" then if not writeto(filenameOut) then return nil, filenameOut end end local chunk local remainder = "" -- Loop on the lines and process them chunk = read(cutAt) repeat --D--lineNb = lineNb + 1 if chunk and strlen(remainder) <= cutAt then -- Process remainder of previous line and current chunk remainder = ProcessChunk(remainder .. chunk) chunk = read(cutAt) else -- remainder growed too big, have to split it remainder = ProcessChunk(remainder) end --D--print("%%" .. (remainder or "(nil)") .. "%% " .. lineNb) until not remainder --D--write"That's all folks!" readfrom() -- Restore default reading writeto() -- Restore default writing return 0, nil end result, fn = ProcessFile() if not result then print("Error in parameter: " .. (fn or 'nil')) end
-- Hexa Dump.lua -- Dump a file in hexadecimal form. -- by Philippe Lhoste <PhiLho(a)> -- v. 1.1 -- 2002/02/12 -- Moved the gsub(%c) out of write to avoid dumping the two return values -- v. 1.0 -- 2001/07/27 filenameIn = (arg and arg[1]) or "-" -- If absent, use standard input filenameOut = (arg and arg[2]) or "-" -- If absent, use standard output -- For debugging: --filenameIn = "Fav.ubx" -- My dumb dump function PLDumpString(fileContent) local len = strlen(fileContent) local line = "" for i = 1, len do line = line .. format('%02X', strbyte(strsub(fileContent, i, i))) .. ' ' if mod(i, 16) == 0 then write(line, '\n') line = "" end end if line ~= '' then write(line, '\n') end end -- Roberto Ierusalimschy's dump -- with some "improvements" to make it more flexible. -- Slighly faster despite dumping more data... bytesPerLine = 16 bDumpOffset = 1 bDumpAscii = 1 function DumpString(fileContent) local offset = 0 local line while 1 do line = strsub(fileContent, offset + 1, offset + bytesPerLine) if line == '' then break end if bDumpOffset then write(format("%08X", offset), " ") -- Write offset of the line end -- Smart use of gsub: it doesn't do any replacement, -- but instead is used as an iterator over the string bytes. gsub(line, "(.)", function(byte) write(format("%02X ", strbyte(byte))) end ) if bDumpAscii then write(strrep(" ", bytesPerLine - strlen(line) + 1)) -- align strings line = gsub(line, "%c", '.') -- replace control chars by dot write(line) end write('\n') offset = offset + bytesPerLine end end function ProcessFile() local fileInHandle if filenameIn ~= "-" then -- I must use openfile instead of readfrom because the later doesn't support binary mode fileInHandle = openfile(filenameIn, "rb") if not fileInHandle then return nil, filenameIn end else fileInHandle = _INPUT end if filenameOut ~= "-" then if not writeto(filenameOut) then return nil, filenameOut end end print("Files: ", filenameIn, filenameOut) local fileContent = read(fileInHandle, "*a") -- Read the whole file closefile(fileInHandle) print("fileContent is " .. strlen(fileContent) .. " bytes long") t1 = clock() PLDumpString(fileContent) t2 = clock() print("Time: ", t2 - t1) writeto() if filenameIn ~= "-" then print(remove(filenameOut)) end if filenameOut ~= "-" then if not writeto(filenameOut) then return nil, filenameOut end end t1 = clock() DumpString(fileContent) t2 = clock() print("Time: ", t2 - t1) writeto() -- Restore default writing return 0 end result, fn = ProcessFile() if not result then print("Error in parameter: " .. (fn or 'nil')) end