基於代理伺服器的封裝 |
local function noProxyNewIndex() error "Cannot set field in a proxy object" end function makeEncapsulator() -- Returns two tables: The first converts from representations to proxies. The -- second converts the other way. The first will auto-generate new proxies. local proxy2rep = setmetatable( {}, { __mode = "kv" } ) local rep2proxy = {} -- This will be made weak later, but we need to construct more machinery local function genMethod( methods, k ) -- Index function for the __index metatable entry local result = function( proxy, ... ) local rep = proxy2rep[ proxy ] return rep[ k ]( rep, ... ) -- Lua 5.1! end methods[ k ] = result return result end local proxyIndex = setmetatable( {}, { __index = genMethod } ) -- __index table for proxies local function makeProxy( rep ) local proxyMeta = { __metatable = "< protected proxy metatable >", rep = rep, -- GC protection, we won't be able to read this __index = proxyIndex, __newindex = noProxyNewIndex } local proxy = setmetatable( {}, proxyMeta ) proxy2rep[ proxy ] = rep rep2proxy[ rep ] = proxy return proxy end setmetatable( rep2proxy, { __mode = "kv", __metatable = "< protected >", __index = function( t, k ) local proxy = makeProxy( k ) t[ k ] = proxy return proxy end } ) return rep2proxy, proxy2rep end
local encapsulator = makeEncapsulator() local foo = { hello = function(self) print("Hello from " .. tostring(self)) end } print("foo = " .. tostring(foo)) local efoo = encapsulator[foo] print("efoo = " .. tostring(efoo)) local efoo2 = encapsulator[foo] print("efoo2 = " .. tostring(efoo)) efoo:hello() local baz = { hello = function(self) print("Greetings from " .. tostring(self)) end } print("baz = " .. tostring(baz)) local ebaz = encapsulator[baz] print("ebaz = " .. tostring(ebaz)) ebaz:hello()
這項實作中沒有任何內容會妨礙使用單一封裝器表格來處理多種物件類型。使用多個封裝器的主要原因會是多個不應能夠看見彼此 repeat 的環境。擁有幾個較小的表格,而非擁有幾個較大的表格,也可能會有速度上的優點。