讀取已定義的片段 |
讀取已定義的片段(直到找到給定的分隔符號)。這是先前版本的完整重寫:現在它的速度很快,不需要串接字串,需要的記憶體更少,且具有彈性。目的是處理:a) 大量的巨量檔案 b) 格式混合的輸入,例如 MIME multipart 訊息結合了 \r\n 行和二進位資料。請注意一個簡單的非 Lua 標準擴充:我使用數字變數 lua.maxread
來設定 io.reads(位元組片段)在中央點使用的片段大小。用您偏好的片段大小取代這個變數,例如 2^13 代表 8KB。
-- a simple example without using all the specials local Handle=io.open('File','r') local ReadUntil=io.readuntil(Handle) repeat Line=coroutine.resume(ReadUntil,'\n',true) if Line then end until Line==nil
-- another example local Handle = io.open('File', 'r') local ReadUntil = io.readuntil(Handle) local Chunk, Found repeat _,Chunk, Found = coroutine.resume(ReadUntil, 'search this string in a huge file',false) if Found then _,Chunk, Found = coroutine.resume(ReadUntil, 'search another string in the same file',true) if Found then break end end until Chunk == nil -- Now if chunk ~= nil, then chunk is the stuff between -- 'search this string in a huge file' and 'search another -- string in the same file'. Yes, it's possible to do the same -- very simply, but the advantage here is that the large file -- isn't loaded at once into memory.
function io.readuntil(Filehandle, Delimiter, Collect, Limit) -- Filehandle (userdata) -- Delimiter (string, optional); max. length is lua.maxread; -- optional because coroutine.resume() also accepts <delimiter> -- Collect (boolean, optional) = true (default); read until -- <delimiter> is found or end of file or <limit> is reached -- and return string at once = false; return string also before -- <delimiter> is found or end of file or <limit> is reached -- Limit (number, optional); number of bytes to read from -- <filehandle>; default is unlimited -- <function> = cooroutine.resume(Function, Delimiter, Collect) -- Function (thread); returned from io.readuntil() -- Delimiter (string, optional); see io.readuntil() -- Collect (boolean, optional); see io.readuntil() -- return (boolean); = true; no error -- = false; an error occured and the second -- argument returned is the errormessage -- (string or nil) = nil; end of file -- (boolean) = true; delimiter found -- = false; delimiter not found -- note: if the coroutine returns true,<string>,false then -- if <collect> = false it does not have to be the end of file -- = true the end of file is reached and the next -- coroutine.resume returns true,nil(,nil) if type(Delimiter) == 'boolean' then Collect,Delimiter = Delimiter,Collect end if type(Delimiter) == 'number' then Limit,Delimiter = Delimiter,nil end if type(Collect) == 'number' then Limit,Collect = Collect,nil end return coroutine.create(function(NewDelimiter,NewCollect) local Next = function(NewDelimiter,NewCollect) if type(NewDelimiter) == 'boolean' then NewCollect,NewDelimiter = NewDelimiter,nil end return NewDelimiter or Delimiter,NewCollect or Collect end Delimiter,Collect = Next(NewDelimiter,NewCollect) local Chunksize,Chunk,Length,First,Second,SearchFrom, GetFrom,FoundFrom,FoundTo = lua.maxread,{},0,1,2,1,1 if Limit and Length+Chunksize>Limit then Chunk[First] = Limit-Length>0 and Filehandle:read(Limit-Length) else Chunk[First] = Filehandle:read(Chunksize) end if Chunk[First] then Length = Length + string.len(Chunk[First]) while true do if string.len(Delimiter)>Chunksize then error('io.readuntil: delimiter to long') end FoundFrom,FoundTo = string.find( Chunk[First],Delimiter,SearchFrom,true) if FoundFrom then -- delimiter found in first chunk Delimiter,Collect = Next(coroutine.yield( string.sub(Chunk[First],GetFrom,FoundFrom-1),true)) SearchFrom,GetFrom = FoundTo+1,FoundTo+1 else if Limit and Length+Chunksize > Limit then Chunk[Second] = Limit-Length>0 and Filehandle:read(Limit-Length) else Chunk[Second] = Filehandle:read(Chunksize) end if Chunk[Second] then Length = Length + string.len(Chunk[Second]) -- concatenate end of first chunk with start of -- second chunk so that a possible splitted delimiter -- must be found FoundFrom,FoundTo = string.find( string.sub(Chunk[First], string.len(Chunk[First])-string.len(Delimiter)+2) .. string.sub(Chunk[Second],1,string.len(Delimiter)-1), Delimiter,1,true) if FoundFrom then -- delimiter is splitted between first and second chunk Delimiter,Collect = Next(coroutine.yield( string.sub(Chunk[First],GetFrom,string.len(Chunk[First])- string.len(Delimiter)+FoundFrom), true )) First,Second = Second,First SearchFrom,GetFrom = FoundFrom+1,FoundFrom+1 else -- delimiter isn't splitted between first and second chunk if Collect then SearchFrom = string.len(Chunk[First])+1 Chunk[First] = Chunk[First]..Chunk[Second] else if string.len(Chunk[First]) >= GetFrom then Delimiter,Collect = Next(coroutine.yield( string.sub(Chunk[First],GetFrom),false)) end First,Second = Second,First SearchFrom,GetFrom = 1,1 end end else -- no delimiter found and no further input break end end end if string.len(Chunk[First]) >= GetFrom then -- return rest of first chunk coroutine.yield(string.sub(Chunk[First],GetFrom),false) end end end) -- return (thread); a coroutine end
-- MarkusHuber