Scite 自動展開 |
if |
if (|) {
for |
for (|; ; ) {
只會在開啟檔案的副檔名為 c 或標頭檔時進行展開。此外,腳本還會辨識您在已註解節區輸入時,不會自動展開。
local in_word,current_word, substituting local find = string.find -- Expand "if " to -- if () { -- -- } -- And set the cursor between the () -- Also works for "while " function expandIf() -- The text is "if " editor:AddText("(") -- "if (" -- Remember where to bring the cursor to local tmp = editor.CurrentPos editor:AddText(") {") local line = editor:LineFromPosition(editor.CurrentPos) local tmpi = editor.LineIndentation[line] editor:AddText("\n") while tmpi >= 0 do editor:AddText("\t") tmpi = tmpi - 4 end editor:AddText("\n") tmpi = editor.LineIndentation[line] while tmpi > 0 do editor:AddText("\t") tmpi = tmpi - 4 end editor:AddText("}") -- Bring the cursor into the "()" editor:GotoPos(tmp) end function expandElse() local line = editor:LineFromPosition(editor.CurrentPos) local tmpi = editor.LineIndentation[line] editor:AddText("{\n") while tmpi >= 0 do editor:AddText("\t") tmpi = tmpi - 4 end local tmp = editor.CurrentPos editor:AddText("\n") tmpi = editor.LineIndentation[line] while tmpi > 0 do editor:AddText("\t") tmpi = tmpi - 4 end editor:AddText("}") editor:GotoPos(tmp) end function expandFor() local line = editor:LineFromPosition(editor.CurrentPos) local tmpi = editor.LineIndentation[line] editor:AddText("(") local tmp = editor.CurrentPos editor:AddText("; ; ) {\n") while tmpi >= 0 do editor:AddText("\t") tmpi = tmpi - 4 end editor:AddText("\n") tmpi = editor.LineIndentation[line] while tmpi > 0 do editor:AddText("\t") tmpi = tmpi - 4 end editor:AddText("}") editor:GotoPos(tmp) end function expandDo() local line = editor:LineFromPosition(editor.CurrentPos) local tmpi = editor.LineIndentation[line] editor:AddText("{\n") while tmpi >= 0 do editor:AddText("\t") tmpi = tmpi - 4 end editor:AddText("\n") tmpi = editor.LineIndentation[line] while tmpi > 0 do editor:AddText("\t") tmpi = tmpi - 4 end editor:AddText("} while (") local tmp = editor.CurrentPos editor:AddText(");") editor:GotoPos(tmp) end function expandCout() editor:AddText(" << \"") local tmp = editor.CurrentPos editor:AddText("\" << endl;") editor:GotoPos(tmp) end function OnChar(c) if not substituting then return false end -- Only activate on the space character if c == ' ' then -- The currentPos is the character after the cursor -- Get the style of the word that was just typed -- That is, the style of the character before the space cstyle = editor.StyleAt[editor.CurrentPos-2] -- If the typed word is a part of code -- Rather than a part of comments if cstyle == 0 or cstyle == 32 or cstyle == 4 or cstyle == 5 or cstyle == 10 or cstyle == 11 or cstyle == 16 then -- Get the word that was just typed local p, original_pos local lineStart -- get the current position and the start of the current line lineStart = editor:PositionFromLine(editor:LineFromPosition(editor.CurrentPos)) original_pos = editor.CurrentPos -- Find the beginning of the current word p = editor.CurrentPos-2 -- Stop on the space/tab/newline character while (p >= lineStart) and (find(string.char(editor.CharAt[p]), '%w')) do p = p - 1 end -- Increment 1 to get the first character of the current word p = p + 1 -- Select the word and get it editor:SetSel(p, editor.CurrentPos-1) current_word = editor:GetSelText() -- Clear the selection editor:SetSel(original_pos, original_pos) -- Got the word, now expand if current_word == "elseif" then editor:GotoPos(editor.CurrentPos - 3) editor:AddText(" ") editor:GotoPos(editor.CurrentPos + 3) expandIf() -- if and while have the same expansion elseif current_word == "if" or current_word == "while" then expandIf() elseif current_word == "else" then expandElse() elseif current_word == "for" then expandFor() elseif current_word == "do" then expandDo() elseif current_word == "cout" then expandCout() end -- Expansion complete end end -- don't interfere with usual processing! return false end function OnOpen(f) local ext = props['FileExt'] if ext == 'h' or ext == 'c' or ext == 'hpp' or ext == 'cpp' or ext == 'cxx' or ext == 'cs' then substituting = true else substituting = false end end function OnSwitchFile(f) local ext = props['FileExt'] if ext == 'h' or ext == 'c' or ext == 'hpp' or ext == 'cpp' or ext == 'cxx' or ext == 'cs' then substituting = true else substituting = false end end
最初是基於 SteveDonovan 替換字詞的程式碼。