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將下列內容新增至*=Reindent Selected Text command.mode.31.*=subsystem:lua,savebefore:no,groupundo command.shortcut.31.*=Ctrl+I command.31.*=indent_selection
Lua 程式碼
-- startswith("hello world", "hel") -> true -- startswith("hello world", {"hel","blah"}) -> true function startswith(sbig, slittle) if type(slittle) == "table" then for k,v in ipairs(slittle) do if string.sub(sbig, 1, string.len(v)) == v then return true end end return false end return string.sub(sbig, 1, string.len(slittle)) == slittle end -- endswith("hello world", "world") -> true -- endswith("hello world", {"world","blah"}) -> true function endswith(sbig, slittle) if type(slittle) == "table" then for k,v in ipairs(slittle) do if string.sub(sbig, string.len(sbig) - string.len(v) + 1) == v then return true end end return false end return string.sub(sbig, string.len(sbig) - string.len(slittle) + 1) == slittle end -- contains("hello world", "llo wor") -> true -- contains("hello world", {"llo wor","blah"}) -> true function contains(sbig, slittle) if type(slittle) == "table" then for k,v in ipairs(slittle) do if string.find(sbig, v, 1, true) == v then return true end end return false end return string.find(sbig, slittle, 1, true) end function trim(s) return (string.gsub(s,"^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")) end function crappyindent(block, indentation, indent_sequence) local result, line_start, line_end result = "" indentation = 0 indent_sequence = " " line_start = 1 while true do line_end = string.find(block, "\n", line_start, true) if line_end then v = string.sub(block, line_start, line_end-1) else v = string.sub(block, line_start) end v = trim(v) indent = startswith(v, {"function", "if", "for", "repeat"}) or contains(v, {"function (", "function("}) or endswith(v, "do") oddindent = startswith(v, {"else", "elseif"}) unindent = endswith(v, "end") or startswith(v, "until") if indent and not unindent then result = result .. string.rep(indent_sequence, indentation) .. v .. "\n" indentation = indentation + 1 elseif unindent and not indent then indentation = indentation - 1 result = result .. string.rep(indent_sequence, indentation) .. v .. "\n" elseif oddindent then indentation = indentation - 1 result = result .. string.rep(indent_sequence, indentation) .. v .. "\n" indentation = indentation + 1 else result = result .. string.rep(indent_sequence, indentation) .. v .. "\n" end if line_end then line_start = line_end + 1 else break end end return result end function indent_selection() local txt txt = crappyindent(editor:GetSelText()) if string.sub(txt, string.len(txt)) == "\n" then txt = string.sub(txt, 1, string.len(txt)-1) end editor:ReplaceSel(txt) end