Scite 雜項指令碼 |
function ToggleBinaryValue() local StartPos = editor.CurrentPos editor:WordRight() editor:WordLeftExtend() local Word = editor:GetSelText() if Word == "FALSE" then editor:ReplaceSel("TRUE") end if Word == "TRUE" then editor:ReplaceSel("FALSE") end if Word == "false" then editor:ReplaceSel("true") end if Word == "true" then editor:ReplaceSel("false") end if Word == "False" then editor:ReplaceSel("True") end if Word == "True" then editor:ReplaceSel("False") end if Word == "YES" then editor:ReplaceSel("NO") end if Word == "NO" then editor:ReplaceSel("YES") end if Word == "yes" then editor:ReplaceSel("no") end if Word == "no" then editor:ReplaceSel("yes") end if Word == "0" then editor:ReplaceSel("1") end if Word == "1" then editor:ReplaceSel("0") end editor:GotoPos(StartPos) end
-- general lua function to alternatingly replace a bool-ish word in a string function ToggleBoolean(str) -- create a 2 colum table with toggle expressions local TogglePairTable = {} TogglePairTable["FALSE"] = "TRUE" TogglePairTable["false"] = "true" TogglePairTable["False"] = "True" TogglePairTable["YES"] = "NO" TogglePairTable["yes"] = "no" TogglePairTable["0"] = "1" -- replace left column string in table with righ column string for findString,replaceString in pairs(TogglePairTable) do if string.find(str, findString) then return string.gsub(str, findString, replaceString) end end -- replace right column string in table with left column string for replaceString,findString in pairs(TogglePairTable) do if string.find(str, findString) then return string.gsub(str, findString, replaceString) end end return str end -- For use in SciTE -- this selects the the word under the caret -- side effect: discards existing selection function scite_ToggleBoolean() --save position local StartPos = editor.CurrentPos editor:WordRight() editor:WordLeftExtend() local sel = editor:GetSelText() editor:ReplaceSel(ToggleBoolean(sel)) -- reset position editor:SetSel(StartPos, StartPos) end
function NumPlusPlus() output:ClearAll() local StartPos = editor.CurrentPos local CurLine = editor:LineFromPosition(StartPos) local fs,fe = editor:findtext("\-*[0-9]+", SCFIND_REGEXP,StartPos) editor:SetSel(fs,fe) local Number = editor:GetSelText() editor:ReplaceSel(Number + 1) editor:GotoPos(fs) end function NumMinusMinus() output:ClearAll() local StartPos = editor.CurrentPos local CurLine = editor:LineFromPosition(StartPos) local fs,fe = editor:findtext("\-*[0-9]+", SCFIND_REGEXP,StartPos) editor:SetSel(fs,fe) local Number = editor:GetSelText() editor:ReplaceSel(Number - 1) editor:GotoPos(fe) end
function transpose_characters() local pos = editor.CurrentPos editor:GotoPos(pos-1) editor.Anchor = pos+1 local sel = editor:GetSelText() editor:ReplaceSel(string.sub(sel, 2, 2)..string.sub(sel, 1, 1)) editor:GotoPos(pos) end*=InsertDate command.12.*=InsertDate command.subsystem.12.*=3 command.mode.12.*=savebefore:no command.shortcut.12.*=Ctrl+d
將以下列加入 Lua 啟動指令碼
function InsertDate() editor:AddText("%Y-%m-%d")) end
--Klaus Hummel--
-- replace current selection with text -- if there is none, insert at cursor position function replaceOrInsert(text) local sel = editor:GetSelText() if string.len(sel) ~= 0 then editor:ReplaceSel(text) else editor:AddText(text) end end -- insert the current date in YYYY-mm-dd format function insertDate() replaceOrInsert("%Y-%m-%d")) end
-- insert the current time in HH:MM:SS Timezone format function insertTime() replaceOrInsert("%H:%M:%S %Z")) end
--Chris Arndt--
將以下列加入使用者選項檔案 (*=InsertDateTimeLog command.12.*=InsertDateTimeLog command.subsystem.12.*=3 command.mode.12.*=savebefore:no command.shortcut.12.*=Enter
將以下列加入 Lua 啟動指令碼
function InsertDateTimeLog() local Linea1, esLog, esLogMayus Linea1 = editor:GetLine(0) if Linea1 == nil then Linea1 = "0000" end esLog = string.sub(Linea1,1,4) esLogMayus = string.upper (esLog) if esLogMayus == ".LOG" then editor:AddText("\n\n--------------------\n") editor:AddText("%d.%b.%Y__%Hh:%Mm")) editor:AddText("\n--------------------\n") else editor:AddText("\n") end end
function SciTECalculator() local expr = editor:GetSelText() if not expr or expr == "" then return end local f, msg = loadstring("return "..expr) if not f then print(">Calculator: cannot evaluate selection") return end editor:ReplaceSel(tostring(f())) end
local findText = editor:GetSelText() local flag = 0 output:ClearAll() if string.len(findText) > 0 then trace('>find: '..findText..'\n') local s,e = editor:findtext(findText,flag,0) local m = editor:LineFromPosition(s) - 1 local count = 0 while s do local l = editor:LineFromPosition(s) if l ~= m then count = count + 1 local str = string.gsub(' '..editor:GetLine(l),'%s+',' ') local add = ':'..(l + 1)..':' local i = 8 - string.len(add) local ind = ' ' while (string.len(ind) < i) do ind = ind..' ' end trace(add..ind..str..'\n') m = l end s,e = editor:findtext(findText,flag,e+1) end trace('>result: '..count..'\n') else trace('! Select symbol and replay') end
function cleanText(reportNoMatch) editor:BeginUndoAction() for ln = 0, editor.LineCount - 1 do local lbeg = editor:PositionFromLine(ln) local lend = editor.LineEndPosition[ln] local text = editor:textrange(lbeg, lend) text = string.gsub(text, "\\t", "\t") text = string.gsub(text, "\\r", "\r") text = string.gsub(text, "\\n", "\n") editor.TargetStart = lbeg editor.TargetEnd = lend editor:ReplaceTarget(text) end--for editor:EndUndoAction() end
function swap_comma() local str = editor:GetSelText() local b = string.gsub(str,".*[,;]","") local c = string.gsub(str,".*([,;]).*","%1") local a = string.gsub(str,c..".*","") editor:ReplaceSel(b..c..a) end