Scite 使用 Unicode |
-- -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -- write some UTF-8 chars <> 20061017 public domain -- (see Markus Kuhn's UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ or RFC3629 for more info) function UnicodeWriteSomething() -- ����� C3 A1 C3 A9 C3 AF C3 B6 C3 BC -- 中文 E4 B8 AD E6 96 87 -- open a new buffer and set encoding as UTF-8 scite.Open("") editor.CodePage = SC_CP_UTF8 -- string is in UTF-8 editor:AppendText("�����\n") editor:AppendText("中文\n") -- string is encoded as escaped sequences editor:AppendText("\195\161\195\169\195\175\195\182\195\188\n") editor:AppendText("\228\184\173\230\150\135\n") end
下列函式有助於在緩衝區中讀取和寫入 UTF-8 字元,它允許使用長達六個位元組的字元序列來支援 UCS-4 範圍。
-- -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -- return value of UTF-8 character <> 20061017 public domain -- (see Markus Kuhn's UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ or RFC3629 for more info) function FromUTF8(pos) local mod = math.mod local function charat(p) local v = editor.CharAt[p]; if v < 0 then v = v + 256 end; return v end local v, c, n = 0, charat(pos), 1 if c < 128 then v = c elseif c < 192 then error("Byte values between 0x80 to 0xBF cannot start a multibyte sequence") elseif c < 224 then v = mod(c, 32); n = 2 elseif c < 240 then v = mod(c, 16); n = 3 elseif c < 248 then v = mod(c, 8); n = 4 elseif c < 252 then v = mod(c, 4); n = 5 elseif c < 254 then v = mod(c, 2); n = 6 else error("Byte values between 0xFE and OxFF cannot start a multibyte sequence") end for i = 2, n do pos = pos + 1; c = charat(pos) if c < 128 or c > 191 then error("Following bytes must have values between 0x80 and 0xBF") end v = v * 64 + mod(c, 64) end return v, pos, n end -- return UTF-8 sequence string <> 20061017 public domain -- (see Markus Kuhn's UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ or RFC3629 for more info) function ToUTF8(v) local math = math local n, s, b = 1, "", 0 -- delete this if your version of SciTE goes beyond UCS-2 if v > 65535 then error("SciTE does not support codes above U+FFFF") end if v >= 55296 and v <= 57343 then error("failed to convert UTF-16 surrogate pairs to UTF-8") end if v >= 67108864 then n = 6; b = 252 elseif v >= 2097152 then n = 5; b = 248 elseif v >= 65536 then n = 4; b = 240 elseif v >= 2048 then n = 3; b = 224 elseif v >= 128 then n = 2; b = 192 end for i = 2, n do local c = math.mod(v, 64); v = math.floor(v / 64) s = string.char(c + 128)..s end s = string.char(v + b)..s return s, n end -- demonstrate use of FromUTF8() function: display the character code -- value of the current character under the cursor in the output window function Demo_FromUTF8() print("Character code: "..(FromUTF8(editor.CurrentPos))) end -- demonstrate use of ToUTF8() function: display two characters based -- on the given unicode value function Demo_ToUTF8() editor:AppendText(ToUTF8(tonumber("0x4E2D", 16))) editor:AppendText(ToUTF8(tonumber("0x6587", 16))) end
下列示範函式會顯示 Unicode 字元的表格,它需要上述的 ToUTF8()
-- -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -- write out a UTF-16 table <> 20061017 public domain function UTF16Table() scite.Open("") editor.CodePage = SC_CP_UTF8 editor:AppendText("-*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n") editor:AppendText(" Dec ( Hex ) : 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF\n") editor:AppendText("-------------------------------------------------\n") for p = 0, 65535, 32 do ln = string.format("%6d (0x%4X): ", p, p) for q = p, p+31 do if q < 32 or (q >= 55296 and q <= 57343) then ln = ln.."?" else ln = ln..ToUTF8(q) end end ln = ln.."\n" editor:AppendText(ln) end end