Scite Xml 自動完成 |
將下列程式碼複製到您的 Lua 啟動指令碼中
function OnChar(c) local nLexer = editor.Lexer if nLexer ~= 4 and nLexer ~= 5 then return false end -- tag completion if c == ">" then local pEnd = editor.CurrentPos - 1 if pEnd < 1 then return false end local nStyle = editor.StyleAt[pEnd - 1] if nStyle > 8 then return false end local nLastChar = editor.CharAt[pEnd - 1] if nStyle == 6 and nLastChar ~= 34 then return false end if nStyle == 7 and nLastChar ~= 39 then return false end if nLastChar == 47 or nLastChar == 37 or nLastChar == 60 or nLastChar == 63 then return false end local pStart = pEnd repeat pStart = pStart - 1 if (editor.CharAt[pStart] == 32) then pEnd = pStart end until editor.CharAt[pStart] == 60 or pStart == 0 if editor.CharAt[pStart + 1] == 47 then return false end if pStart == 0 and editor.CharAt[pStart] ~= 60 then return false end local tag = editor:textrange(pStart + 1, pEnd) editor:InsertText(editor.CurrentPos, "</" .. tag .. ">") end -- attribute quotes if c == "=" then local nStyle = editor.StyleAt[editor.CurrentPos - 2] if nStyle == 3 or nStyle == 4 then editor:InsertText(editor.CurrentPos, "\"\"") editor:GotoPos(editor.CurrentPos + 1) end end return false end
(錯誤修正已張貼:2008 年 7 月 3 日)
類似於上面(只能擇一使用),但以 Dreamweaver 式樣自動關閉標籤。每當您在 XML 或 HTML 檔案中輸入「</」時,它就會尋找相應的開啟標籤,並自動為您完成它。
-------------------------------------------------------------------- -- XML Autocompletion Dreamweaver Style -- Author: Paul Healsey ( -- Version: 1.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- function AutocompleteXmlDW(c) local nLexer = editor.Lexer if nLexer ~= 4 and nLexer ~= 5 then return false end -- tag completion if c == "<" then xmlComplete = true elseif xmlComplete == true and c == "/" then --find last opening tag --local xmlPattern = "<([^%s]-)([^>]-)>" local closedTags = {} ctr = 0 local tag = FindXmlTag(editor.CurrentPos, closedTags) if tag ~= nil then editor:InsertText(editor.CurrentPos, tag .. ">") editor:GotoPos(editor.CurrentPos + string.len(tag) + 1) end xmlComplete = false else xmlComplete = false end return false end function FindXmlTag(pos, closedTags) local tag = nil local startPos, endPos endPos = FindCharReverse(">", pos) if endPos == -1 then return nil end startPos = FindCharReverse("<", endPos) if startPos == -1 then return nil end pos = startPos -- get tag name (first word inside <>) tag = editor:textrange(startPos + 1, endPos) _, _, tag = string.find(tag, "/*([^%s]*)") --print("tag = '"..tag.."'") if CharAt(pos + 1) == "?" then -- this tag doesn't need to be closed (e.g. <?xml?> tag = FindXmlTag(pos, closedTags) elseif CharAt(endPos - 1) == "/" then -- this tag closes itself (e.g. <tag />) tag = FindXmlTag(pos, closedTags) elseif CharAt(pos + 1) == "/" then table.insert(closedTags, tag) --for i,v in ipairs(closedTags) do print(i,v) end --print("---------------") tag = FindXmlTag(pos, closedTags) elseif RemoveItemReverse(closedTags, tag) == true then --for i,v in ipairs(closedTags) do print(i,v) end --print("---------------") tag = FindXmlTag(pos, closedTags) elseif table.getn(closedTags) > 0 then tag = FindXmlTag(pos, closedTags) end return tag end function RemoveItemReverse(tbl, str) for i = table.getn(tbl), 0, -1 do if tbl[i] == str then table.remove(tbl, i) return true end end return false end function FindCharReverse(char, pos) local first = true while pos > 0 do if first then first = false else pos = pos - 1 end if CharAt(pos) == char then return pos end end return -1 end function CharAt(n) return string.char(editor.CharAt[n]) end