情境排程器 |
預期會包括合適條件的讓出操作,例如 wait()
或 WalkTo()
程式碼可在 檔案:wiki_insecure/users/twrensch/play.lua 中找到。
-- Wait is a function that tells the scheduler to -- wait for some number of seconds before restarting -- the script. function wait(seconds, start) local t = (start or os.clock()) + seconds coroutine.yield( function() return os.clock() >= t end) end -- Two pretty much identical functions that differ -- only in the label they print and the amount of -- time they wait between prints. simsch.start( function () for i=1,10 do wait(1) print("One ", i) end end) simsch.start( function () for i=1,10 do wait(1.6) print("Two ", i) end end) -- Start it up simsch.run()
我想像這在編寫遊戲中的代理腳本時很有用。例如,假設我正在為我的狗 Rover 編寫腳本。我希望他去我家取我的戰斧,然後回來。腳本可能會像這樣
function Rover:fetchAxe() local location = whereAmI(self) Rover:walkTo(self.home) self:pickup(MyAxe) Rover:walkTo(location) self:drop() end
function Agent:walkTo(there) local here = whereAmI(self) local distance = here:distanceTo(there) local arivalTime = now() + distance / self.speed coroutine.yield( function() return now() >= arivalTime end) end