已排序的反覆處理(簡單) |
--[[ LUA 5.1 compatible Sorted Ordered Table keys added will also be stored in a metatable they can be called via for i,k in <this>:ipairs() do where k is they key of <this> sorted by fsort the table holding sorted keys is placed outside the metatable, so one cannot reach it except over the functions variable names inside __index shouldn't be added, if so you must delete these again to access the metavariable or change the metavariable names, , except for the 'del' command. thats the reason why one cannot change its value ]]-- function newT( t ) local mt,_korder = {},{} local fsort = function( a,b ) return tostring(a) < tostring(b) end local isSorted = true -- set methods -- index gets only called if the value is not found in the original table -- overridden values can be accessed again by deleting the variable over t[key] = nil mt.__index = { -- traversal of hidden values hidden = function() return pairs( mt.__index ) end, -- traversal of table ordered: returning index, key ipairs = function( self ) if not isSorted then table.sort( _korder,fsort ) isSorted = true end return ipairs( _korder ) end, -- traversal of table pairs = function( self ) return pairs( self ) end, -- traversal of table sorted: returning key,value spairs = function( self ) if not isSorted then table.sort( _korder,fsort ) isSorted = true end local i = 0 local function iter( self ) i = i + 1 local k = _korder[i] if k then return k,self[k] end end return iter,self end, -- to be able to delete entries we must write a delete function del = function( self,key ) -- check if key exists beforestarting the traversal if self[key] then self[key] = nil for i,k in ipairs( _korder ) do if k == key then table.remove( _korder,i ) return end end end end, } -- set new index handling, is really on new index !!! -- setting an non exisitng key to nil will pass here mt.__newindex = function( self,k,v ) if k ~= "del" and v then rawset( self,k,v ) table.insert( _korder,k ) isSorted = false end end return setmetatable( t or {},mt ) end -- CHILLCODE�
t = newT() t["a"] = "1" t["ab"] = "2" t["abc"] = "3" t["abcd"] = "4" t["abcde"] = "5" t[1] = 6 t[2] = 7 t[3] = 8 t[4] = 9 t[5] = 10 print(">> t:pairs()") for k,v in t:pairs() do print( k,v ) end print(">> t:ipairs()") for i,k in t:ipairs() do print( i,k,t[k] ) end print(">> t:spairs()") for i,v in t:spairs() do print( i,v ) end print(">> t:del( 3 )") t:del( 3 ) print(">> t:del( \"abc\" )") t:del( "abc" ) print(">> t:spairs()") for i,v in t:spairs() do print( i,v ) end print(">> t.abc = 11") t.abc = 11 print(">> t:spairs()") for i,v in t:spairs() do print( i,v ) end
>> t:pairs() 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 a 1 ab 2 abcd 4 abcde 5 5 10 abc 3 >> t:ipairs() 1 1 6 2 2 7 3 3 8 4 4 9 5 5 10 6 a 1 7 ab 2 8 abc 3 9 abcd 4 10 abcde 5 >> t:spairs() 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 a 1 ab 2 abc 3 abcd 4 abcde 5 >> t:del( 3 ) >> t:del( "abc" ) >> t:spairs() 1 6 2 7 4 9 5 10 a 1 ab 2 abcd 4 abcde 5 >> t.abc = 11 >> t:spairs() 1 6 2 7 4 9 5 10 a 1 ab 2 abc 11 abcd 4 abcde 5