字串查詢 |
)它像個 jQuery,原因在於我們建立一個包含一組選擇的查詢物件,接著進行一連串連結的方法呼叫來逐步調整與變更那些選擇(所有同時做),最後對這些選擇執行一個操作(例如替換或傳回)。請看下方測試套件中的範例。
-- test_stringquery.lua -- test of dmlib.stringquery. local SQ = require "dmlib.stringquery" local sq = SQ.sq local function asserteq(a,b) if a ~= b then error('[' .. tostring(a) .. '] ~= [' .. tostring(b) .. ']', 2) end end assert( sq("this is a test"):match("%w+"):replace('_') == '_ _ _ _' ) assert( sq('<p>this is a <a href="/">test</a> https://lua-users.dev.org.tw https://lua.dev.org.tw </p>') :match("<[^>]*>") :invert() :match('http://[^ ]+') :filter('user') :replace(function(s) return '<a href="' .. s .. '">' .. s .. '</a>' end) == '<p>this is a <a href="/">test</a> <a href="https://lua-users.dev.org.tw">' .. 'https://lua-users.dev.org.tw</a> https://lua.dev.org.tw </p>' ) assert( sq("the red book, the green book, and the blue book") :match("%w+ book") :filter(SQ.any("^green ", "^red")) :replace(string.upper) == 'the RED BOOK, the GREEN BOOK, and the blue book' ) -- solution to problem from https://lua-users.dev.org.tw/wiki/FrontierPattern assert( sq("the QUICK BROwn fox") :match("%w+") :filter("^[A-Z]*$") :get_unpacked() == 'QUICK' ) -- examples in docs asserteq( table.concat(sq'Alpha BETA GammA':match'%w+':match'[A-Z]+':get(), ','), 'A,BETA,G,A' ) asserteq( table.concat(sq'this is a test':match'%w+':filter'^....$':get(), ','), 'this,test' ) asserteq( table.concat(sq'123 abc 234':match'%a+':invert():get(), ','), '123 , 234' ) asserteq( table.concat({sq'this is a test':match'%w+':get_unpacked()}, ','), 'this,is,a,test' ) asserteq( table.concat(sq'hello':get(), ','), 'hello' ) asserteq( SQ.any('%a%d', '%d%a')(' a1 '), true ) asserteq( SQ.all('%a%d', '%d%a')(' a1 2b '), true ) print 'DONE'
-- dmlib/stringquery.lua (dmlib.stringquery) -- -- String matching/replacing library inspired partly by jquery -- -- Warning: preliminary design. -- -- (c) 2009 David Manura, Licensed under the same terms as Lua (MIT license). local M = {} -- Replace array part of table dst with array part of table src. local function tioverride(dst, src) for k in ipairs(dst) do dst[k] = nil end for k, v in ipairs(src) do dst[k] = v end return dst end -- Returns array of substrings in s, paritioned -- by array of ranges (1-based start and end indicies). -- Always returns odd-number of substrings (even indexed -- substrings are inside the ranges). -- Example: -- partition("abcdefg", {{1,2},{4,5}}) -- --> {'','ab', 'c','de', 'fg'} local function partition(s, ranges) local result = {} local i = 1 for _,range in ipairs(ranges) do local ia,ib = unpack(range) table.insert(result, s:sub(i,ia-1)) table.insert(result, s:sub(ia,ib)) i = ib+1 end table.insert(result, s:sub(i)) return result end -- Helper function. -- Processes argument, allowing function or -- pattern matching function represented as string. local function getarg(o) local f if type(o) == 'string' then f = function(s) return s:match(o) end else f = o end return f end local mt = {} mt.__index = mt -- Defines new selections based on matches of -- pattern inside current selections. -- Example: -- sq'Alpha BETA GammA':match'%w+':match'[A-Z]+':get() -- --> {'A', 'BETA', 'G', 'A'} function mt:match(pat) local results = {} for _,range in ipairs(self) do local ia0,ib0 = unpack(range) local stmp = self.s:sub(ia0,ib0) local ia = 1 repeat local ib ia,ib = stmp:find(pat, ia) if ia then table.insert(results, {ia+ia0-1,ib+ia0-1}) ia = ib+1 end until not ia end tioverride(self, results) return self end -- Defines new selections based only on current selections -- that match object o. o can be a function (s -> b), -- return returns Boolean b whether string s matches. -- Alternately o can be a string pattern. -- Example: -- sq'this is a test':match'%w+':filter'^....$':get() -- --> {'this', 'test'} function mt:filter(o) local f = getarg(o) local result = {} for _,range in ipairs(self) do local ia,ib = unpack(range) local si = self.s:sub(ia,ib) if f(si) then table.insert(result, {ia,ib}) end end tioverride(self, result) return self end -- Defines new selections that form the inverse (compliment) -- of the current selections. -- warning: might not be fully correct (e.g. would -- sq(s):invert():invert() == sq(s)?). -- Example: -- sq'123 abc 234':match'%a+':invert():get() -- --> {'123 ', ' 234'} function mt:invert() local result = {} local i=1 for _,range in ipairs(self) do local ia,ib = unpack(range) if ia > i then table.insert(result, {i,ia-1}) end i = ib+1 end if i < #self.s then table.insert(result, {i,#self.s}) end tioverride(self, result) return self end -- Replace selections using o and return string. -- o can be a function (s1 -> s2) that indicates that -- string s1 should be replaced with string s2). -- Alternately, o can be a string that all selections -- will be replaced with. function mt:replace(o) local f if type(o) == 'string' then f = function(s) return o end else f = o end local result = partition(self.s, self) for i=2,#result,2 do result[i] = f(result[i]) or '' end return table.concat(result, '') end -- Returns all string selections as array. -- Example: -- sq'this is a test':match'%w+':get() -- --> {'this', 'is', 'a', 'test'} function mt:get() local parts = partition(self.s, self) local result = {} for i=2,#parts,2 do table.insert(result, parts[i]) end return result end -- Returns all string selections as unpacked list. -- Example: -- sq'this is a test':match'%w+':get() -- --> 'this', 'is', 'a', 'test' function mt:get_unpacked() return unpack(self:get()) end -- Prints selections. -- For debugging. Requires penlight 0.6.3 function mt:print_dump() local dump = require "pl.pretty" . write print(dump(self)) return self end -- Constructor for string query given string s. -- The selection by default is the entire string. -- Example: -- sq'hello':get() --> {'hello'} local function sq(s) return setmetatable({s=s, {1,#s}}, mt) end M.sq = sq -- Returns a predicate function that matches -- *any* of the given predicate functions. -- Predicates can also be represented as string -- patterns. -- Useful for sq(s):filter. -- Example: -- any('%a%d', '%d%a')(' a1 ') --> true local function any(...) local os = {...} for i,v in ipairs(os) do os[i] = getarg(v) end return function(s) for _,o in ipairs(os) do if o(s) then return true end end return false end end M.any = any -- Returns a predicate function that matches -- *all* of the given predicate functions. -- Predicates can also be represented as string -- patterns. -- Useful for sq(s):filter. -- Example: -- all('%a%d', '%d%a')(' a1 2b ') --> true local function all(...) local os = {...} for i,v in ipairs(os) do os[i] = getarg(v) end return function(s) for _,o in ipairs(os) do if not o(s) then return false end end return true end end M.all = all return M