Visual Studio 語法檢查 |
将其命名为 LuaCheck.lua
並将其放入您的 lua 目錄中。用法說明包含在文件中
-- uses the lua command line compiler to check the syntax of a lua file -- formats the output so as to MS DevStudio can understand the output -- and jump to the next error line -- -- how to make it work? -- -- just set up a new Tool (Tools/Customize/Tools) with the following options: -- Command : lua.exe -- Arguments : -f LuaCheck.lua "$(FilePath)" -- Initial directory : c:\lua (or wherever your lua.exe is located) -- Use Output Window : (checked) -- -- After that, you can add a keyboard shortcut for this tool: -- (Tools/Customize/Tools) (select from Category: Tools, then from -- Commands: UserToolX (where X is the number of the newly defined tool) -- then assign a new key to it... -- -- Have Fun! -- Peter Prade print("Lua Syntax Checking") print("--------------------") print() -- get argument - the file name if arg and arg[1] then file = arg[1] if strsub(file,-4,-1) ~= ".lua" then print("warning: file has no .lua extension!") end end -- define 3 tool functions out of my "standardlibrary": function readfile(name) local f = openfile(name, "rt") local s = read(f, "*a") closefile(f) return s end function tfind(t, s) return foreachi(t, function(i, v) if v==%s then return i end end) end function tadd(t, v) if not tfind(t, v) then tinsert(t, v) end end -- reformat errors so that visual studio understands them: function outputerror(msg, last, line, file) print(file .. "(" .. line .. "): error: " .. msg ) -- check if the error refers to another line: gsub(msg, "%((.-) at line (.-)%)%;$", function(msg, line) print(%file .. "(" .. line .. "): error: ... " .. msg ) end) print(file .. "(" .. line .. "): error: " .. last) end -- format list of globals nicely: function printnice(t) for i = 1, getn(t) do write(t[i]) if i < getn(t)-1 then write(", ") elseif i < getn(t) then write(" and ") end if mod(i,5)==0 then write("\n") end end if mod(getn(t),5)~=0 then write("\n") end end if file then -- check the specified file: print("Calling lua compiler with "..file.." ...") retval = execute("luac -p "..file.." 2>LuaCheck.log") _, errors = gsub(readfile("LuaCheck.log"), "luac%:(.-)\n (last token read: `.-') at line (.-) in file `(.-)'", outputerror) print(errors .. " compile error(s) found.") if errors == 0 then retval = execute("luac -l "..file.." >LuaCheck.log") s = readfile("LuaCheck.log") names_set = {} gsub(s, "%d+ %[%d+%] SETGLOBAL %d+ ; (.-)\n", function(name) tadd(names_set,name) end) if getn(names_set)>0 then sort(names_set) print(getn(names_set) .. " global variable(s) are created in the file: ") printnice(names_set) end end else print("error: no file to scan specified") end print() -- add empty line