可讓步迴圈 |
for msg in eachmsg() do -- handle msg end -- end of messages, clean up
repeat local msg = getmsg() if msg == nil then break end -- handle msg until false -- end of messages, clean up
VM 操作分解成兩個操作碼。第一個操作設定一個一般的 Lua 呼叫,然後進入 OP_CALL 實作。接下來的操作碼執行條件移動並根據第一個操作碼傳回的第一個值進行分支。
一些粗糙的測試似乎顯示這樣的變更實質上稍微改進了效能,雖然結果並不明確。我猜測這是因為 VM 可以無遞迴地處理呼叫,彌補了額外操作碼的額外負擔。
(也可在此取得[1],取自 Google Code Search 快取[2]。)
local yield, resume, create, costatus = coroutine.yield, coroutine.resume, coroutine.create, coroutine.status local function input(prompt) local inf, outf = io.stdin, io.stderr return function() outf:write(prompt," ") return inf:read() end end -- These could be quite a bit more complex function eachmsg() return yield end -- This isn't actually used in this demo, but it could be :) getmsg = coroutine.yield -- This would probably be more complicated in a real app, too. function responder(name) local n = 0 print(name.." is born!") for msg in eachmsg() do n = n + 1 if msg == "goodbye" then break else print(name.." heard "..msg) end end print(name.." departs this vale of tears, after listening to "..n.." utterances") end function driver() local cmd = {} local kids = {} -- the commands we understand function cmd.quit() print "Exiting!" for _, kid in pairs(kids) do resume(kid) end return false end function cmd.kill(arg) local _, _, who = string.find(arg, "(%w+)") if not who then return "Kill who?" elseif not kids[who] then return who.."? I don't know any "..who else local status, result = resume(kids[who]) kids[who] = nil if status then return else return result end end end function cmd.spawn(arg) local _, _, who = string.find(arg, "(%w+)") if not who then return "Spawn who?" elseif kids[who] then return who .. " already exists" else kids[who] = create(responder) local status, result = resume(kids[who], who) if not status then kids[who] = nil return result end end end function cmd.list() print"Currently active:" for k in pairs(kids) do print(" "..k) end end -- main loop starts here -- for msg in input("->") do local _, _, verb, rest = string.find(msg, "%s*(%w+)%s*(.*)") if cmd[verb] then local res = cmd[verb](rest) if res then print(res) elseif res == false then return end elseif kids[verb] then local status, result = coroutine.resume(kids[verb], rest) if not status then print(verb.." exited with error "..result) kids[verb] = nil elseif coroutine.status(kids[verb]) ~= "suspended" then print(verb.." decided to go away") kids[verb] = nil end else print "I don't understand what you're talking about" end end end
> driver() -> list Currently active: -> spawn bob bob is born! -> spawn sally sally is born! -> bob hi bob heard hi -> sally hi sally heard hi -> bob meet sally bob heard meet sally -> fred hi I don't understand what you're talking about -> spawn fred fred is born! -> list Currently active: sally fred bob -> fred how are you fred heard how are you -> fred goodbye fred departs this vale of tears, after listening to 2 utterances fred decided to go away -> kill bob bob departs this vale of tears, after listening to 2 utterances -> sally ? sally heard ? -> spawn sue sue is born! -> quit Exiting! sally departs this vale of tears, after listening to 2 utterances sue departs this vale of tears, after listening to 0 utterances
-- RiciLake