Copas 範例 |
) [1]。伺服器會監聽連線,當收到連線時,它會回傳一個問候,讀取一行,然後關閉連線。
require "copas" function handler(c, host, port) local peer = host .. ":" .. port print("connection from", peer) c:send("Hello\r\n") print("data from", peer, (c:receive"*l")) end copas.addserver(assert(socket.bind("*",2220)), function(c) return handler(copas.wrap(c), c:getpeername()) end ) copas.loop()
require "copas" local function simple(host, port, handler) return copas.addserver(assert(socket.bind(host, port)), function(c) return handler(copas.wrap(c), c:getpeername()) end) end local function example_handler(c, host, port) local peer = host .. ":" .. port print("example connection from", peer) c:send("Hello\r\n") print("data from", peer, (c:receive"*l")) print("example termination from", peer) end local function daytime_handler(c, host, port) print("daytime connection from", host, port) c:send( .. '\r\n') end local function echo_handler(c, host, port) print("echo connection from", host, port) repeat local line = c:receive"*l" if line then c:send(line .. '\r\n') end until not line print("echo termination from", host, port) end local function discard_handler(c, host, port) print("discard connection from", host, port) repeat until not c:receive(100) print("discard termination from", host, port) end -- Use 0 to listen on the standard (privileged) ports. local offset = ... or 10000 simple("*", offset + 7, echo_handler) simple("*", offset + 9, discard_handler) simple("*", offset + 13, daytime_handler) simple("*", offset + 57, example_handler) return copas.loop()