以協程作為連線處理器 |
function read() return coroutine.yield() end function write_socket(socket, data) print("i'm writing to socket " .. socket .. ": " .. data) end function connection_handler(socket) write_socket(socket, "hi!") local input = read() write_socket(socket, "the input was: " .. input) local input = read() write_socket(socket, "even more input was: " .. input) if socket == 2 then error("example error in socket 2") end end function create_connection_handler(socket) local handler = coroutine.create(connection_handler) coroutine.resume(handler, socket) return handler end connections = {} function accept_connection(socket) print("accepted socket " .. socket) connections[socket] = create_connection_handler(socket) end function close_connection(socket) connections[socket] = nil -- close your socket here print("socket " .. socket .. " closed") end function handle_socket_data(socket, data) local ok, msg = coroutine.resume(connections[socket], data) if not ok then print("the handler for socket " .. socket .. " failed: " .. msg) close_connection(socket) elseif ok and coroutine.status(connections[socket]) == "dead" then print("the handler for socket " .. socket .. " finished") close_connection(socket) end end -- In a real application, these will be created after you -- accept()ed a new connection accept_connection(1) accept_connection(2) accept_connection(3) -- In a real application, you'll use some dispatcher to read -- data from sockets and then call handle_socket_data. -- Data on socket 1 handle_socket_data(1, "here is some data") -- Data on socket 2 handle_socket_data(2, "here is data for socket 2") -- More Data on socket 1 handle_socket_data(1, "wow. more data") -- hm. socket 3 was closed by the user close_connection(3) -- Data on socket 2 handle_socket_data(2, "ok. enough :)")