函數元組 |
元組是不可變的物件序列。許多編程語言都支援元組,包括 [Python]、[Erlang],以及大多數的 [函數式語言]。Lua 字串是特定類型的元組,其元素僅限於單一字元。
為了說明此概念,我們實作以元組 <x, y, z>
Lua 提供許多實作元組的方法;以下是改編自優秀教科書 [結構與電腦程式解讀] 的實作。
function Point(_x, _y, _z) return function(fn) return fn(_x, _y, _z) end end function x(_x, _y, _z) return _x end function y(_x, _y, _z) return _y end function z(_x, _y, _z) return _z end
會使用三個引數 (點的座標) 並傳回一個函數;在此目的中,我們將傳回值視為不透明。呼叫含有函數的 Point
> p1 = Point(1, 2, 3) > =p1(x) 1 > =p1(z) 3
function vlength(_x, _y, _z) return math.sqrt(_x * _x + _y * _y + _z * _z) end > =p1(vlength) 3.7416573867739
現在,儘管我們無法修改元組,但我們可以寫入函數,建立具有特定修改的元組 (這類似於標準 Lua 函式庫中的 string.gsub
function subst_x(_x) return function(_, _y, _z) return Point(_x, _y, _z) end end function subst_y(_y) return function(_x, _, _z) return Point(_x, _y, _z) end end function subst_z(_z) return function(_x, _y, _) return Point(_x, _y, _z) end end
與 gsub
> p2 = p1(subst_x(42)) > =p1(x) 1 > =p2(x) 42
> p2(print)
42 2 3
function vadd(v2) return function(_x, _y, _z) return Point(_x + v2(x), _y + v2(y), _z + v2(z)) end end function vsubtract(v2) return function(_x, _y, _z) return Point(_x - v2(x), _y - v2(y), _z - v2(z)) end end > =p1(vadd(p1))(print) 2 4 6
仔細檢視 vadd
和 vsubtract
(還有各種替換函數),會發現它們實際上會建立具有封閉 upvalue (它們的原始引數) 的暫時函數。不過,這些函數沒有必要是暫時的。事實上,我們實際上可能希望多次使用特定轉換,這種情況下我們可以將其儲存起來
> shiftDiagonally = vadd(Point(1, 1, 1)) > p2(print) 42 2 3 > p2(shiftDiagonally)(print) 43 3 4 > p2(shiftDiagonally)(shiftDiagonally)(print) 44 4 5
這可能會讓想要重新檢視 vadd 的定義,以避免建立、然後對引數解構
function subtractPoint(x, y, z) return function(_x, _y, _z) return _x - x, _y - y, _z - z end end function addPoint(x, y, z) return function(_x, _y, _z) return _x + x, _y + y, _z + z end end
function scaleBy(q) return function(_x, _y, _z) return q * _x, q * _y, q * _z end end function rotateBy(theta) local sintheta, costheta = math.sin(theta), math.cos(theta) return function(_x, _y, _z) return _x * costheta - _y * sintheta, _x * sintheta + _y * costheta, _z end end
請注意,在 rotateBy
現在這些函式並非傳回 Point
;它們僅傳回構成 Point
> p3 = Point(p1(scaleBy(10)))
> p3(print)
10 20 30
但首先,讓我們再次檢視 addPoint
> centre = Point(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) > -- This doesn't work > =p1(subtractPoint(centre)) stdin:2: attempt to perform arithmetic on a function value stack traceback: stdin:2: in function <stdin:2> (tail call): ? (tail call): ? [C]: ? > -- But this works just fine: > =p1(centre(subtractPoint)) 0.5 1.5 2.5
-- A complex transformation function transform(centre, expand, theta) local shift = centre(subtractPoint) local exp = scaleBy(expand) local rot = rotateBy(theta) local unshift = centre(addPoint) return function(_x, _y, _z) return unshift(exp(rot(shift(_x, _y, _z)))) end end > xform = transform(centre, 10, math.pi / 4) > =p1(xform) -6.5710678118655 14.642135623731 25.5
這有一個巨大的好處,就是建立 xform
後,它可以在不建立任何堆疊物件的情況下執行。所有記憶體消耗都在堆疊之上。當然,這有點虛偽——為建立組元 (函式封裝和三個上層值) 以及建立個別變壓器做了相當多的儲存空間配置。
若要讓上述方案適用於任意大小的元組,我們可以使用 CodeGeneration,如下所示--DavidManura。
function all(n, ...) return ... end -- return all elements in tuple function size(n) return n end -- return size of tuple function first(n,e, ...) return e end -- return first element in tuple function second(n,_,e, ...) return e end -- return second element in tuple function third(n,_,_,e, ...) return e end -- return third element in tuple local nthf = {first, second, third} function nth(n) return nthf[n] or function(...) return select(n+1, ...) end end local function make_tuple_equals(n) local ta, tb, te = {}, {}, {} for i=1,n do ta[#ta+1] = "a" .. i tb[#tb+1] = "b" .. i te[#te+1] = "a" .. i .. "==b" .. i end local alist = table.concat(ta, ",") if alist ~= "" then alist = "," .. alist end local blist = table.concat(tb, ",") if blist ~= "" then blist = "," .. blist end local elist = table.concat(te, " and ") if elist ~= "" then elist = "and " .. elist end local s = [[ local t, n1 %s = ... local f = function(n2 %s) return n1==n2 %s end return t(f) ]] s = string.format(s, alist, blist, elist) return assert(loadstring(s)) end local cache = {} function equals(t) local n = t(size) local f = cache[n]; if not f then f = make_tuple_equals(n) cache[n] = f end return function(...) return f(t, ...) end end local function equals2(t1, t2) return t1(equals(t2)) end local ops = { ['#'] = size, ['*'] = all, } local ops2 = { ["number"] = function(x) return nth(x) end, ["function"] = function(x) return x end, ["string"] = function(x) return ops[x] end } local function make_tuple_constructor(n) local ts = {} for i=1,n do ts[#ts+1] = "a" .. i end local slist = table.concat(ts, ",") local c = slist ~= "" and "," or "" local s = "local ops2 = ... " .. "return function(" .. slist .. ") " .. " return function(f) " .. " return (ops2[type(f)](f))(" .. n .. c .. slist .. ") end " .. "end" return assert(loadstring(s))(ops2) end local cache = {} function tuple(...) local n = select('#', ...) local f = cache[n]; if not f then f = make_tuple_constructor(n) cache[n] = f end return f(...) end
-- test suite local t = tuple(1,nil,2,nil) ;(function(a,b,c,d) assert(a==1 and b==nil and c==2 and d==nil) end)(t(all)) ;(function(a,b,c,d) assert(a==1 and b==nil and c==2 and d==nil) end)(t '*') assert(t(size) == 4) assert(t '#' == 4) assert(t(nth(1)) == 1 and t(nth(2)) == nil and t(nth(3)) == 2 and t(nth(4)) == nil) assert(t(1) == 1 and t(2) == nil and t(3) == 2 and t(4) == nil) assert(t(first) == 1 and t(second) == nil and t(third) == 2) local t = tuple(3,4,5,6) assert(t(nth(1)) == 3 and t(nth(2)) == 4 and t(nth(3)) == 5 and t(nth(4)) == 6) assert(t(first) == 3 and t(second) == 4 and t(third) == 5) assert(tuple()(size) == 0 and tuple(3)(size) == 1 and tuple(3,4)(size) == 2) assert(tuple(nil)(size) == 1) assert(tuple(3,nil,5)(equals(tuple(3,nil,5)))) assert(not tuple(3,nil,5)(equals(tuple(3,1,5)))) assert(not tuple(3,nil)(equals(tuple(3,nil,5)))) assert(not tuple(3,5,nil)(equals(tuple(3,5)))) assert(tuple()(equals(tuple()))) assert(tuple(nil)(equals(tuple(nil)))) assert(tuple(1)(equals(tuple(1)))) assert(not tuple(1)(equals(tuple()))) assert(not tuple()(equals(tuple(1)))) assert(equals2(tuple(3,nil,5), tuple(3,nil,5))) assert(not equals2(tuple(3,nil,5), tuple(3,1,5))) -- example function trace(f) return function(...) print("+function") local t = tuple(f(...)) print("-function") return t(all) end end local test = trace(function (a,b,c) print("test",a+b+c) end) test(2,3,4) --[[OUTPUT: +function test 9 -function ]]
我認為這個頁面具有誤導性。這些不是元組。只有當元組按值比較時,才會很有用,以便可以在其中編制索引 (即用作表鍵)。如果沒有此屬性,它們就沒有比表更好。請參閱 [1],了解使用內部索引樹的 n 元組實作。--CosminApreutesei。