簡易 Tuple |
或 NaN
-- An interned 2-tuple type, in pure Lua. -- do -- The constructor makes a tuple function, which has its own -- intern table. local setmetatable = setmetatable local function tmaker(a) return {__index = function(t, b) local function tuple() return a, b end t[b] = tuple return tuple end, __mode = "kv" } end local meta = { __index = function(t, a) local v = setmetatable({}, tmaker(a)) t[a] = v return v end, __mode = "k" } return function() local intern = setmetatable({}, meta) return function(a, b) return intern[a][b] end end end
行是可選的;在實務中,我會將它與不會長期存在的 tuple 快取一起使用,並且丟棄整個快取會更容易。
用法:將以上程式碼放入一個檔案中,例如 TupleCache.lua
。建立一個 tuple 函式
local FooTuple = require"TupleCache"()
然後您可以使用 tuple 函式建立新的 FooTuples
local t = FooTuple(obja, objb)
函式本身擁有對快取表的唯一參考,因此一旦 FooTuple
不再有參考,快取表就會被垃圾回收。但是,tuple 本身將繼續存在;您只是無法建立新的 tuple。
要提取 tuple 的值,請呼叫它
local obja, objb = t()
如果您真的需要能夠包含 nil
和 NaN
的 tuple,您可以使用此版本
do -- The constructor makes a tuple function, which has its own -- intern table. local rawget, setmetatable = rawget, setmetatable local NIL, NAN = {}, {} local function check(t, a) if a == a and a ~= nil then return a end local fixa = a and NAN or NIL return fixa, rawget(t, fixa) end local function tmaker(a) return {__index = function(t, b) local fixb, tuple = check(t, b) tuple = tuple or function() return a, b end t[fixb] = tuple return tuple end } end local meta = { __index = function(t, a) local fixa, v = check(t, a) v = v or setmetatable({}, tmaker(a)) t[fixa] = v return v end } return function() local intern = setmetatable({}, meta) return function(a, b) return intern[a][b] end end end