Scite 清檔空白 |
function stripTrailingSpaces(reportNoMatch) local count = 0 local fs,fe = editor:findtext("[ \\t]+$", SCFIND_REGEXP) if fe then repeat count = count + 1 editor:remove(fs,fe) fs,fe = editor:findtext("[ \\t]+$", SCFIND_REGEXP, fs) until not fe print("Removed trailing spaces from " .. count .. " line(s).") elseif reportNoMatch then print("Document was clean already; nothing to do.") end return count end function fixIndentation(reportNoMatch) local tabWidth = editor.TabWidth local count = 0 if editor.UseTabs then -- for each piece of indentation that includes at least one space for m in editor:match("^[\\t ]* [\\t ]*", SCFIND_REGEXP) do -- figure out the indentation size local indentSize = editor.LineIndentation[editor:LineFromPosition(m.pos)] local spaceCount = math.mod(indentSize, tabWidth) local tabCount = (indentSize - spaceCount) / tabWidth local fixedIndentation = string.rep('\t', tabCount) .. string.rep(' ', spaceCount) if fixedIndentation ~= m.text then m:replace(fixedIndentation) count = count + 1 end end else -- for each piece of indentation that includes at least one tab for m in editor:match("^[\\t ]*\t[\\t ]*", SCFIND_REGEXP) do -- just change all of the indentation to spaces m:replace(string.rep(' ', editor.LineIndentation[editor:LineFromPosition(m.pos)])) count = count + 1 end end if count > 0 then print("Fixed indentation for " .. count .. " line(s).") elseif reportNoMatch then print("Document was clean already; nothing to do.") end return count end function cleanDocWhitespace() local trailingSpacesCount = stripTrailingSpaces(false) local fixedIndentationCount = fixIndentation(false) if (fixedIndentationCount == 0) and (trailingSpacesCount == 0) then print("Document was clean already; nothing to do.") end end
#This is the same as the next two together. #Probably comment out the others if you uncomment this.*=Clean Document Whitespace #command.mode.31.*=subsystem:lua,savebefore:no,groupundo #command.shortcut.31.*=Alt+Shift+I #command.31.*=cleanDocWhitespace*=Fix Indentation command.mode.31.*=subsystem:lua,savebefore:no,groupundo command.shortcut.31.*=Alt+Shift+I command.31.*=fixIndentation*=Strip Trailing Spaces command.mode.32.*=subsystem:lua,savebefore:no,groupundo command.shortcut.32.*=Alt+Shift+S command.32.*=stripTrailingSpaces