Scite Strip Trailings |
SciteCleanDocWhitespace 有一個類似的腳本。
----------------------------------------------------- -- Strip Trailing Spaces -- Filename endings set here or in scite properties: -- Luax.StripTrailSpaceEnds=.lua|.foo|readme -- Luax.StripTLeaveEmpties=1 to leave empty lines -- Luax.StripTReportStrips=1 to report lines stripped in output local function isTrailingFile() if props["luax.StripsTrailSpaceEnds"]=="" then props["luax.StripsTrailSpaceEnds"]=".lua|.py" end if not fpatts then fpatts={} for v in string.gmatch(props["luax.StripsTrailSpaceEnds"] or"" , "[^|\"]+" ) do table.insert(fpatts,v) end end local flfnd=props["FilePath"].."\\\\" for _,fend in ipairs(fpatts) do if string.find(flfnd , fend.."\\\\",1,true) then return true end end end local function noteSelection() local c,a=editor.CurrentPos , editor.Anchor ntSel = { ['topl'] =editor.FirstVisibleLine, ['ccol'] =c -editor:PositionFromLine( editor:LineFromPosition(c)), ['cline']=editor:LineFromPosition(c), ['acol'] =a -editor:PositionFromLine( editor:LineFromPosition(a)), ['aline']=editor:LineFromPosition(a) } end local function restoreSelection() local c=ntSel.ccol+editor:PositionFromLine(ntSel.cline) local a=ntSel.acol+editor:PositionFromLine(ntSel.aline) if c >editor.LineEndPosition[ntSel.cline] then c = editor.LineEndPosition[ntSel.cline] end if a >editor.LineEndPosition[ntSel.aline] then a= editor.LineEndPosition[ntSel.aline] end editor.CurrentPos= c editor.Anchor= a editor.FirstVisibleLine=ntSel.topl end function stripTrailSpaces() if not isTrailingFile() then return end --(dunno syntax for testing props simply) local LeaveEmptyLines=true if tonumber(props['luax.StripsTLeaveEmpties'])==0 then LeaveEmptyLines=false end local ReportStrips=true if tonumber(props['luax.StripsTReportStrips'])==0 then ReportStrips=false end noteSelection() local e=editor local sfound,se,cnt = -1, 0, 0 sfound,se=e:findtext("[\t ]+$", SCFIND_REGEXP, sfound+1 ) while sfound do if LeaveEmptyLines and e:PositionFromLine(e:LineFromPosition(sfound))==sfound then sfound=se --skip else e:remove(sfound,se) cnt=cnt+1 end sfound,se=e:findtext("[\t ]+$", SCFIND_REGEXP, sfound+1 ) end restoreSelection() if ReportStrips and cnt>0 then print("- "..cnt.." runs of trailing spaces were stripped") end end scite_OnBeforeSave( stripTrailSpaces )
--來自 strainer