較不簡單的 Lua 預處理器 |
local function parseDollarParen(pieces, chunk, s, e) local s = 1 for term, executed, e in string.gfind(chunk, "()$(%b())()") do table.insert(pieces, string.format("%q..(%s or '')..", string.sub(chunk, s, term - 1), executed)) s = e end table.insert(pieces, string.format("%q", string.sub(chunk, s))) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function parseHashLines(chunk) local pieces, s, args = string.find(chunk, "^\n*#ARGS%s*(%b())[ \t]*\n") if not args or string.find(args, "^%(%s*%)$") then pieces, s = {"return function(_put) ", n = 1}, s or 1 else pieces = {"return function(_put, ", string.sub(args, 2), n = 2} end while true do local ss, e, lua = string.find(chunk, "^#+([^\n]*\n?)", s) if not e then ss, e, lua = string.find(chunk, "\n#+([^\n]*\n?)", s) table.insert(pieces, "_put(") parseDollarParen(pieces, string.sub(chunk, s, ss)) table.insert(pieces, ")") if not e then break end end table.insert(pieces, lua) s = e + 1 end table.insert(pieces, " end") return table.concat(pieces) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function preprocess(chunk, name) return assert(loadstring(parseHashLines(chunk), name))() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CGI Stuff --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- perl.pm accepts %uxxxx but that is not in any standard that -- I can find; both the IRI proposal and RFC-2396 say you UTF-8 -- encode and then %-encode byte by byte. So it is not here. local function unUrlEscape(field) field = string.gsub(field, '%+', ' ') return string.gsub(field, '%%(%x%x)', function(xx) return string.char(tonumber(xx, 16)) end) end local function parseQuery(q) local t = {} q = string.gsub(q, "([^&=]+)=([^&;]*)[&;]?", function(name, attr) t[unUrlEscape(name)] = unUrlEscape(attr) end) if q ~= "" then table.setn(t, 0) string.gsub(q, "[^+]*", function(w) table.insert(t, unUrlEscape(w)) end) end return t end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sample driver --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- get settings from the command line ARG = {} for i = 1, #arg do local _, _, k, v = string.find(arg[i], "^(%a%w*)=(.*)") if k then ARG[k] = v end end CGI = {} -- Variable lookup order: globals, parameters, environment, CGI request setmetatable(_G, {__index = function(t, k) return ARG[k] or os.getenv(k) or CGI[k] end}) -- decode CGI query if present -- perl.pm also checks for REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING if QUERY_STRING and QUERY_STRING ~= "" then CGI = parseQuery(QUERY_STRING) end -- preprocess from stdin to stdout preprocess(io.read"*a", "example")(io.write)
以 # 起頭的行會以 Lua 執行。其他行會原樣傳輸出去,只會執行其中出現的 $(...)。(不會解析,所以你使用 $() 時要小心;通常不會進行精密的錯誤檢查,但你還能奢求 30 行的程式碼嗎?
-- These are expanded at preprocess time, not compile time. print "$(USER) created this file on $(os.date())" #if DEBUG then function log(fmt, ...) print(string.format(fmt, unpack(arg))) end #else function log() end #end #for i = 0, 10 do var$(i) = $(math.sin(math.pi * i / 10)) #end
$ ./lua preprocess.lua < sample.luap -- These are expanded at preprocess time, not compile time. print "rici created this file on Sat Feb 21 00:27:49 2004" function log() end var0 = 0 var1 = 0.30901699437495 var2 = 0.58778525229247 var3 = 0.80901699437495 var4 = 0.95105651629515 var5 = 1 var6 = 0.95105651629515 var7 = 0.80901699437495 var8 = 0.58778525229247 var9 = 0.30901699437495 var10 = 1.2246467991474e-16
$ ./lua preprocess.lua USER=lpp DEBUG=yes < sample.luap -- These are expanded at preprocess time, not compile time. print "lpp created this file on Sat Feb 21 00:29:27 2004" function log(fmt, ...) print(string.format(fmt, unpack(arg))) end var0 = 0 var1 = 0.30901699437495 var2 = 0.58778525229247 var3 = 0.80901699437495 var4 = 0.95105651629515 var5 = 1 var6 = 0.95105651629515 var7 = 0.80901699437495 var8 = 0.58778525229247 var9 = 0.30901699437495 var10 = 1.2246467991474e-16
這個預處理器不侷限於某種語言。例如,你可以用它來產生 HTML。範例輸入
#start, finish, inc = start or 0, finish or 90, inc or 5 <html><head><title>Sin and Cosine Table</title></head> <body><table><tr><td>theta</td><td>sin theta</td><td>cos theta</td></tr> #for x = start, finish, inc do <tr><td>$(x)</td> <td>$(math.sin(math.rad(x)))</td> <td>$(math.cos(math.rad(x)))</td> </tr> #end </table></body></html>
<html><head><title>Sin and Cosine Table</title></head> <body><table><tr><td>theta</td><td>sin theta</td><td>cos theta</td></tr> <tr><td>0</td> <td>0</td> <td>1</td> </tr> <tr><td>5</td> <td>0.087155742747658</td> <td>0.99619469809175</td> </tr> <tr><td>10</td> <td>0.17364817766693</td> <td>0.98480775301221</td> </tr> <tr><td>15</td> <td>0.25881904510252</td> <td>0.96592582628907</td> </tr> <tr><td>20</td> <td>0.34202014332567</td> <td>0.93969262078591</td> </tr> <tr><td>25</td> <td>0.4226182617407</td> <td>0.90630778703665</td> </tr> <tr><td>30</td> <td>0.5</td> <td>0.86602540378444</td> </tr> <tr><td>35</td> <td>0.57357643635105</td> <td>0.81915204428899</td> </tr> <tr><td>40</td> <td>0.64278760968654</td> <td>0.76604444311898</td> </tr> <tr><td>45</td> <td>0.70710678118655</td> <td>0.70710678118655</td> </tr> <tr><td>50</td> <td>0.76604444311898</td> <td>0.64278760968654</td> </tr> <tr><td>55</td> <td>0.81915204428899</td> <td>0.57357643635105</td> </tr> <tr><td>60</td> <td>0.86602540378444</td> <td>0.5</td> </tr> <tr><td>65</td> <td>0.90630778703665</td> <td>0.4226182617407</td> </tr> <tr><td>70</td> <td>0.93969262078591</td> <td>0.34202014332567</td> </tr> <tr><td>75</td> <td>0.96592582628907</td> <td>0.25881904510252</td> </tr> <tr><td>80</td> <td>0.98480775301221</td> <td>0.17364817766693</td> </tr> <tr><td>85</td> <td>0.99619469809175</td> <td>0.087155742747658</td> </tr> <tr><td>90</td> <td>1</td> <td>6.1232339957368e-17</td> </tr> </table></body></html>
如果你想在 CGILua 程式中使用 SlightlyLessSimpleLuaPreprocessor 語法,你可以將下列檔案安裝到你的 Kepler 安裝中,適當地修改 config.lua:-MarkEdgar
這個版本有些改進,而且更為通用及進階。--DavidManura,2007 年 9 月
-- luapp.lua local M = {} M.VERSION = '0.3.1' -- Lua 5.1 and 5.2 compat local load = pcall(load, '') and load or function(ld, source, mode_, env) local f, err = loadstring(ld, source) if not f then return f, err end return setfenv(f, env or _G) end -- Count number of chars c in string s. local function countchar(s, c) local count = 0 local i = 1 while true do i = string.find(s, c, i) if i then count = count + 1; i = i + 1 else break end end return count end -- In error message string, translate line numbers from -- processed file to source file. -- linenums is translation array (processed line number -> -- source line number) or source line number. local function fix_linenums(message, linenums) message = message:gsub("(%b[]:)(%d+)", function(a,n) n = tonumber(n) local source_linenum = type(linenums) == "table" and (linenums[n] or '?') or type(linenums) == "number" and linenums + n - 1 or '?' return a .. source_linenum end) return message end -- Expands $(...) syntax. local function parse_dollar_paren(pieces, chunk, name, linenum) local is = 1 for ibegin, iend in chunk:gmatch("()$%b()()") do local text = chunk:sub(is, ibegin - 1) local executed = chunk:sub(ibegin+2, iend-2) -- remove parens local name2 = name .. ":" .. executed linenum = linenum + countchar(text, '\n') local may_have_comment = executed:find("%-%-") local nl = may_have_comment and "\n" or "" pieces[#pieces+1] = ("_put(%q)"):format(text) if load("return " .. executed, name2) then -- is expression list pieces[#pieces+1] = "_put(" .. executed .. nl .. ")" else -- assume chunk local status, message = load(executed, name2) if not status then -- unrecognized if message then message = fix_linenums(message, linenum) end return status, message end pieces[#pieces+1] = " " .. executed .. nl .. " " linenum = linenum + countchar(executed, '\n') end is = iend end pieces[#pieces+1] = ("_put(%q)"):format(chunk:sub(is)) return true end -- Expands #... syntax. local function parse_hash_lines(chunk, name, env) local pieces = {} local luas = {} -- for improved error reporting local linenums = {} local linenum = 1 pieces[#pieces+1] = "local _put = ... " local is = 1 while true do local _, ie, lua = chunk:find("^#+([^\n]*\n?)", is) if not ie then local iss; iss, ie, lua = chunk:find("\n#+([^\n]*\n?)", is) local text = chunk:sub(is, iss) local status, message = parse_dollar_paren(pieces, text, name, linenum) if not status then return status, message end if not ie then break end linenum = linenum + countchar(text, '\n') end luas[#luas+1] = lua linenums[#linenums+1] = linenum linenum = linenum + 1 pieces[#pieces+1] = ' ' .. lua .. ' ' is = ie + 1 end local code = table.concat(pieces, ' ') -- Attempt to compile. local f, message = load(code, name, 't', env) if not f then -- Attempt to compile only user-written Lua -- (for cleaner error message) local lua = table.concat(luas) local f2, message2 = load(lua, name, 't', env) if not f2 then message = fix_linenums(message2, linenums) else -- unexpected message = fix_linenums(message, nil) end end return f, message end -- Abstraction of string output stream. local function string_writer() local t = {} local function write(...) local n = select('#', ...) if n > 0 then t[#t+1] = tostring((...)) write(select(2, ...)) end end local function close() return table.concat(t) end return {write=write, close=close} end -- Abstraction of file output stream. local function file_writer(fh, is_close) local function write(...) local n = select('#', ...) if n > 0 then fh:write(tostring((...))) write(select(2, ...)) end end local function close() if is_close then fh:close() end end return {write=write, close=close} end -- Convert output specification to output stream. -- A helper function for C<preprocess>. local function make_output(output) if type(output) == 'string' then output = string_writer() elseif type(output) == 'table' then assert(#output == 1, 'table size must be 1') local filename = output[1] local fh, message = io.open(filename, 'w') if not fh then return false, message end output = file_writer(fh, true) elseif io.type(output) == 'file' then output = file_writer(output, false) else error('unrecognized', 2) end return output end -- Convert input specification to input stream. -- A helper function for C<preprocess>. local function make_input(input) if type(input) == 'string' then input = {text = input, name = 'source'} elseif type(input) == 'table' then assert(#input == 1, 'table size must be 1') local filename = input[1] local fh, message = io.open(filename) if not fh then return false, message end input = {text = fh:read'*a', name = filename} fh:close() elseif io.type(input) == 'file' then input = {text = input:read'*a', name = nil} else error('unrecognized', 2) end return input end function M.preprocess(t) if type(t) == 'string' then t = {input = t} end local input = t.input or io.stdin local output = t.output or (type(input) == 'string' and 'string') or io.stdout local lookup = t.lookup or _G local strict = t.strict; if strict == nil then strict = true end local err; input, err = make_input(input) if not input then error(err, 2) end local name = input.name or "<source>" local mt = {} if strict then function mt.__index(t,k) local v = lookup[k] if v == nil then error("Undefined global variable " .. tostring(k), 2) end return v end else mt.__index = lookup end local env = {} setmetatable(env, mt) local f, message = parse_hash_lines(input.text, name, env) if not f then return f, message end output = make_output(output) local status, message = pcall(f, output.write) local result = output.close() if not result then result = true end if not status then return false, message else return result end end local function command(...) local t = {...} if t[1] == '-t' then os.exit(M.testsuite() and 0 or 1) elseif t[1] == '-d' then print(M.DOC) return elseif t[1] == '-v' then print(M.VERSION) return end local input, output local i=1; while i <= #t do if t[i] == '-e' then i = i + 1 input = assert(t[i]) elseif t[i] == '-' and not input then input = io.stdin elseif t[i] == '-' and not output then output = io.stdout elseif not input then input = {t[i]} elseif not output then output = {t[i]} else error("unrecognized command-line arg " .. tostring(t[i])) end i = i + 1 end if not input then io.stderr:write( "usage: luapp [options] [input] [output]\n\n" .. " -e string input as command-line expression\n" .. " -c command special command ('test' or 'doc')\n" .. " -d print full documentation\n" .. " -t run test suite\n" .. " -v print version\n") os.exit(1) end output = output or io.stdout local status, message = M.preprocess{input=input, output=output, lookup=_G} if not status then io.stderr:write(message .. "\n") os.exit(1) end end -- TEST SUITE function M.testsuite() local preprocess = (M or require "luapp").preprocess local check = {} check['='] = function(a, b, message) message = message or '' if not(a == b) then error(string.format('FAIL: [%s] == [%s] %s', tostring(a), tostring(b), message), 2) end end function check.fail(f) if pcall(f) then error(string.format('FAIL: did not raise'), 2) end end function check.pass(f) local status, message = pcall(f) if not status then error(string.format('FAIL: raised ' .. message), 2) end end check['='](preprocess'', '') check['='](preprocess'$', '$') check['='](preprocess'$("$")', '$') check['='](preprocess'$("$")(', '$(') check['='](preprocess' $ $ $ ', ' $ $ $ ') check['='](preprocess'$()', '') check['='](preprocess'$(\n)', '') check['='](preprocess'$(false)', 'false') check['='](preprocess'$(nil)', 'nil') check['='](preprocess'$(1,2)', '12') check['='](preprocess'$(_put(1,2))', '12') --check.fail(function() preprocess'$(' end) --check.fail(function() preprocess'$(()' end) check['='](preprocess'$(1+2)', '3') check['='](preprocess'$((1+2)*2)', '6') check['='](preprocess'a$(1)$(2)b$(3)c', 'a12b3c') check['='](preprocess'$(local x=2)$(x)$(local x=3)$(x)', '23') check['='](preprocess'$(for n=1,3 do _put(n) end)', '123') check['='](preprocess'$(local function test(x) return x+1 end)$(test(2))', '3') check['='](preprocess'$("$")', '$') check['='](preprocess'#', '') check['='](preprocess'#_put(2)', '2') check['='](preprocess'#x=2\n$(x)', '2') check['='](preprocess'#for x=1,2 do\n$(x)\n#end', '1\n2\n') check['='](preprocess'$("#")', '#') local t = {a=5} check['=']('5', preprocess {input='$(a)', lookup=t}) check['=']('nil', preprocess {input='$(b)', lookup=t, strict=false}) check.fail(function() assert(preprocess {input='$(b)', lookup=t}) end) -- preprocess {input = {'input.txt'}, output = io.stdout, lookup = _G} check['='](preprocess[[$(local x=5)$("$(x)")]], '$(x)') check['=']([[ testfalsenil16 1 2 3 123 10 nil4 k=1 k=2 6 ]],preprocess[[ test$(false)$(nil)$(1)$(local y=6)$(y) #for n=1,3 do $(n) #end $(for n=1,3 do _put(n) end) #function make(n) # for k=1,n do k=$(k) # end #end #local function inc(n) return n+1 end #local x #do local x=10 $(x) #end $(x)$(local x = 4)$(x) $(make(2))$(inc(5)) ]]) -- docs check['=']([[ x is now 1 y is now 1 y is now 2 x is now 2 y is now 1 y is now 2 x and y are now nil and nil ]], preprocess[[ #local x,y #for x=1,2 do x is now $(x) # for y=1,2 do y is now $(y) # end #end x and y are now $(x) and $(y) ]]) check['=']( [[ASDF]], preprocess{input=[[$( local function ucase(s) return (s:gsub("%l", string.upper)) end )$(ucase("aSdF"))]], lookup=_G} ) -- check line numbers in error messages local _,message = preprocess"$(x=1)$(x = =)" assert(message:find(":1:")) local _,message = preprocess"$(x=1 --)$(x = =)" assert(message:find(":1:")) local _,message = preprocess"$(x=1 --)\n$(x = =)" assert(message:find(":2:")) local _,message = preprocess"$(x=1 --)\n#x=2\n$(x = =)" assert(message:find(":3:")) local _,message = preprocess"$(x=1 --)$(\nx = =)" assert(message:find(":2:")) local _,message = preprocess"$(x=1 --)$(\nx = 3)\n#x= =" assert(message:find(":3:")) -- test of input/output methods -- should output "1+2=3" twice preprocess {input='1+2=$(1+2)\n', output=io.stdout} preprocess {input='1+2=$("$")(1+2)\n', output={'tmp.txt'}} preprocess {input={'tmp.txt'}, output=io.stdout} print 'done' return true end -- DOCUMENTATION M.DOC = [=[ =NAME Luapp - A preprocessor based on Lua. =DESCRIPTION This module is a simple macro preprocessor[1] implemented in Lua. =DESIGN QUALITIES This module has the following characteristics: * This module is intended to be robust and fully tested. * It is implemented entirely in Lua. * For any string C<x> there exist at least one C<y> such that C<preprocess(y) == x>. * The syntax is quite simple and unambiguous. There are two syntaxes available for embedding Lua preprocessor code in your text: $(...) or "#...". The former resembles the "Makefile", M4, or Perl style. The latter resembles the C preprocessor style. $(for x=1,3 do _put(x) end) #for x=1,3 do -- not identical due to spacing differences $(x) #end * The C<"#..."> style allows text to be nested (lexically) in Lua code to be nested to text to be nested in Lua code, etc. For example: #for x=1,2 do x is now $(x) # for y=1,2 do y is now $(y) # end #end x and y are now $(x) and $(y) Outputs: x is now 1 y is now 1 y is now 2 x is now 2 y is now 1 y is now 2 x and y are now nil and nil * The module will try to report an meangingful error if syntax is bad: C<$(if x then then)>. However, there are probaby cases where it fails in this. * It is possible to run the preprocessor on untrusted source. Just set the lookup table to C<nil> or to a custom table. * Currently, the processor loads the entire source into memory. For very large files that exceed available RAM, this might not be suitable. * Speed should be reasonably good, though probabily not optimal due to checks (it has not been performance tested). There may be room for some optimization. =SYNTAX * C<$(chunk)> where I<chunk> is a chunk of Lua code will evalute the chunk output nothing. I<chunk> must NOT call C<return> (not supported--should it be?) * C<$(explist)> where I<explist> is a Lua expression list will evaluate the expression list and output each element of the expression list as a string (via C<tostring>). Note: if I<x> in C<$(x)> can be interpreted as both a chunk and an expression list, it is interpreted as an expression list. This allows function calls: C<$(f())>. * C<$('$')> allows a C<$> to be outputted literally. Example: C<$('$')(1+2)> outputs C<$(1+2)>. C<$('#')> allows a C<#> the be outputted literally in the first column. Example: C<$('#')if> outputs C<#if>. * C<$(chunk)> may contain calls to the function C<_put>, which stringifies all its arguments and outputs them. For example, C<$(_put(explist))> is the same as C<$(explist)>. This can be useful for things like C<$(for n=1,10 do _put(n, ' ') end)>. * C<$(x)> where I<x> is not a valid Lua expression or statement generates an error. * Any line having C<'#'> in the first column is treated as Lua code. #if DEBUG Debug $(x). #else Release $(x). #end =INTERFACE ==IMPORT local preprocess = require "luapp" . preprocess ==FUNCTION preprocess result, message = preprocess(t) where t = {input=input, output=output, lookup=lookup, strict=strict} or input Preprocesses text. * C<input> - input source. This can be the text itself (as a string), a readable file handle, or a filename (an array with first element being the file name). If omitted, this will be C<io.stdin>. * C<output> - output destination. This can be 'string' (the processed text is returned as a string in result), a writable file handle, or a filename (an array with the first element being the file name). If omitted, this will be 'string' (if input is a string) or io.stdout. * C<lookup> - a lookup table used for retrieving the values of global variables referenced by the preprocessed file. Global writes in the preprocessed file are not written to this table. If omitted, all global accesses will have the value C<nil>. Often, this value is set to C<_G> (the global table). * C<strict> - enable strict-like mode on global variables. Accessing global variables with value C<nil> triggers an error. C<true> or C<false>. Default C<true>. * C<result> - the result. The is normally the processed text (if output is set to 'string') or true. On failure, this is set to false and message is set. * C<message> - the error message string. This is set only if result is C<false>. ==FIELD VERSION version = luapp.VERSION ==Command Line Usage lua luapp.lua [option] [input] [output] Examples: cat in.txt | luapp.lua - > out.txt luapp.lua in.txt out.txt luapp.lua -e '$(1+2)' Version number =EXAMPLES $(local function ucase(s) return s:gsub("^%l", string.upper) end) $(ucase("aSdF")) ($-- outputs "ASDF") =HISTORY 0.3.1 - 2011-11-30 Lua 5.2 compatibility 0.3 - 2007-09-04 preprocess - default lookup to _G preprocess - new "strict" argument. preprocess - remove undocumented #ARGS(...) preprocess - improved error reporting merged into single file. 0.1 - 2007-08-30 initial version adapted from rici's code =AUTHOR NOTES This documentation is formatted in a loose POD[2] style. =REFERENCES [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preprocessor [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plain_Old_Documentation =COPYRIGHT/LICENSE Licensed under the same terms as Lua itself--That is, the MIT license: (c) 2007-2011 David Manura. Derived from previous https://lua-users.dev.org.tw/wiki/SlightlyLessSimpleLuaPreprocessor (SLSLPP) code by RiciLake, which in turn was loosely based on https://lua-users.dev.org.tw/wiki/SimpleLuaPreprocessor . Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]=] -- this hack detects whether the module is run from the command-line. -- also see https://lua-users.dev.org.tw/lists/lua-l/2007-02/msg00125.html local is_run = arg and arg[0]:match'luapp' if is_run then command(...) end return M
問題:要加入與 http://temgen.berlios.de/ 中找到相似的功能難度有多高?
主要是 @emit、@embed、@push、@pop。
我想它們會是 luapp 的一個不錯的進步。