字串教學 |
字串是在手冊的 2.1 段 [1]中介紹的。字串可以使用單引號、雙引號或雙方括號來定義。
> = "hello" hello > = 'hello' hello > = [[hello]] hello
> = 'hello "Lua user"' hello "Lua user" > = "Its [[content]] hasn't got a substring." Its [[content]] hasn't got a substring. > = [[Let's have more "strings" please.]] Let's have more "strings" please.
Lua 也可以處理類似 C 的跳脫序列。手冊 2.1 段有更詳細的內容 [1]。
> = "hello \"Lua user\"" hello "Lua user" > = 'hello\nNew line\tTab' hello New line Tab
> = [[hello\nNew line\tTab]]
hello\nNew line\tTab
> = [[Multiple lines of text >> can be enclosed in double square >> brackets.]] Multiple lines of text can be enclosed in double square brackets.
雙方括號允許巢狀,但它們需要在外層括號中插入一個或多個 =
來區別它們。插入多少個 =
> = [[one [[two]] one]] -- bad stdin:1: nesting of [[...]] is deprecated near '[' > = [=[one [[two]] one]=] -- ok one [[two]] one > = [===[one [[two]] one]===] -- ok too one [[two]] one > = [=[one [ [==[ one]=] -- ok. nothing special about the inner content. one [ [==[ one
字串可以使用串接運算子 "..
" 來結合。例如:
> = "hello" .. " Lua user" hello Lua user > who = "Lua user" > = "hello "..who hello Lua user
> = "Green bottles: "..10 Green bottles: 10 > = type("Green bottles: "..10) string
-- slow local s = '' for i=1,10000 do s = s .. math.random() .. ',' end io.stdout:write(s) -- fast for i=1,10000 do io.stdout:write(tostring(math.random()), ',') end -- fast, but uses more memory local t = {} for i=1,10000 do t[i] = tostring(math.random()) end io.stdout:write(table.concat(t,','), ',')
Lua 在它的標準函式庫中提供了一系列處理字串的有用函式。可以在 字串函式庫教學 中找到更多詳細資訊。以下是使用字串函式庫的一些範例。
> = string.byte("ABCDE", 2) -- return the ASCII value of the second character 66 > = string.char(65,66,67,68,69) -- return a string constructed from ASCII values ABCDE > = string.find("hello Lua user", "Lua") -- find substring "Lua" 7 9 > = string.find("hello Lua user", "l+") -- find one or more occurrences of "l" 3 4 > = string.format("%.7f", math.pi) -- format a number 3.1415927 > = string.format("%8s", "Lua") -- format a string Lua
Lua 會在適當的情況下自動將數字轉換為字串,反之亦然。這稱為強制轉換。
> = "This is Lua version " .. 5.1 .. " we are using." This is Lua version 5.1 we are using. > = "Pi = " .. math.pi Pi = 3.1415926535898 > = "Pi = " .. 3.1415927 Pi = 3.1415927
函式。例如:> = string.format("%.3f", 5.1) 5.100 > = "Lua version " .. string.format("%.1f", 5.3) Lua version 5.3