表函式庫教學 |
手冊簡要說明了此函式庫的目的。在此引用:「表函式庫中的大多數函式假設表代表陣列或清單。對於這些函式,當我們討論表的「長度」時,我們指的是長度運算式的結果 [例如 #]。」
串接表的元素以形成字串。每個元素都必須能夠轉換成字串。可以指定連結元素間放置的分隔字元。此外,可以在表中指定範圍,從第 i
個元素開始到第 j
> = table.concat({ 1, 2, "three", 4, "five" }) 12three4five > = table.concat({ 1, 2, "three", 4, "five" }, ", ") 1, 2, three, 4, five > = table.concat({ 1, 2, "three", 4, "five" }, ", ", 2) 2, three, 4, five > = table.concat({ 1, 2, "three", 4, "five" }, ", ", 2, 4) 2, three, 4
在包含表的表上會失敗,因為它們無法轉換成字串。有關轉換的詳細資訊,請參閱 StringsTutorial。
> = table.concat({ 1,2,{} }) stdin:1: bad argument #1 to `concat' (table contains non-strings) stack traceback: [C]: in function `concat' stdin:1: in main chunk [C]: ?
(注意:此函式在 Lua 5.1 中已棄用,但仍可有用於列印表。您應該改用 pairs() 運算式。與 pairs() 相同,table.foreach()
將函式 f
套用至傳入表的元素。在每個反覆運算中,函式 f
> table.foreach({1,"two",3}, print) -- print the key-value pairs 1 1 2 two 3 3 > table.foreach({1,"two",3,"four"}, function(k,v) print(string.rep(v,k)) end) 1 twotwo 333 fourfourfourfour
如果函式 f
傳回非 nil
> table.foreach({1,"two",3}, function(k,v) print(k,v) return k<2 and nil end) 1 1 2 two
會顯示表中的所有元素。若僅要顯示索引值元素,請參閱 table.foreachi()
。有關這個主題的詳細資訊,請參閱 TablesTutorial。
> t = { 1,2,"three"; pi=3.14159, banana="yellow" } > table.foreach(t, print) 1 1 2 2 3 three pi 3.14159 banana yellow
(注意:此函式在 Lua 5.1 中已棄用,但仍可有用於列印表。您應該改用 ipairs()
運算式。與 ipairs()
將函式 f
套用至傳入表的元素。在每個反覆運算中,函式 f
會傳入表中該元素的索引值成對。這類似於 table.foreach()
,但傳入的是索引值成對,而非鍵值成對。如果函式 f
傳回非 nil
> t = { 1,2,"three"; pi=3.14159, banana="yellow" } > table.foreachi(t, print) 1 1 2 2 3 three
> t = { 3,2,5,1,4 } > table.sort(t) > = table.concat(t, ", ") -- display sorted values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
> t = { 3,2,5,1,4; n=3 } -- construct a table with user size of 3 > table.sort(t) -- sort will be limited by user size > = table.concat(t, ", ") -- only specified size is concatenated as well 2, 3, 5
> t = { 3,2,5,1,4 } > table.sort(t, function(a,b) return a<b end) > = table.concat(t, ", ") 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
> table.sort(t, function(a,b) return a>b end) > = table.concat(t, ", ") 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
> t = { 1,3,"four" } > table.insert(t, 2, "two") -- insert "two" at position before element 2 > = table.concat(t, ", ") 1, two, 3, four
> table.insert(t, 5) -- no position given so append to end > = table.concat(t, ", ") 1, two, 3, four, 5
> t = { 1,"two",3 } -- create a table > = # t -- find current size 3 > table.foreach(t, print) -- display the table contents 1 1 2 two 3 3 > table.insert(t, 1, "inserted") -- insert an element at the start > = table.concat(t, ", ") -- see what we have inserted, 1, two, 3 > = # t -- find the size 4 > table.foreach(t, print) -- the indexes have been updated 1 inserted 2 1 3 two 4 3
> t = { 1,"two",3; n=10 } -- create a table with user size > table.insert(t, "end") -- insert with no position inserts at "end" > table.foreach(t, print) -- display the table contents 1 1 2 two 3 3 11 end n 11
> t = { 1,"two",3,"four" } -- create a table > = # t -- find the size 4 > table.foreach(t, print) -- have a look at the elements 1 1 2 two 3 3 4 four > = table.remove(t,2) -- remove element number 2 and display it two > table.foreach(t, print) -- display the updated table contents 1 1 2 3 3 four > = # t -- find the size 3
> t = { 1,"two","three" } > = # t -- find the table size (which is removed) 3 > table.foreach(t, print) -- display contents 1 1 2 two 3 three > = table.remove(t) -- remove the element at position "n" three > table.foreach(t, print) -- display updated contents 1 1 2 two > = # t -- display new size 2
> t = {1,2,3} > table.setn(t,10) -- set user size > table.foreach(t, print) -- display table contents, note size "n" is stored internally 1 1 2 2 3 3 > = # t -- find the size 10 > = table.remove(t) -- remove last element nil > = # t -- find the updated size 9 > table.foreach(t, print) -- display elements 1 1 2 2 3 3
注意,table.remove 只能使用數字索引。對於字典,您可以使用 tablevariable["index"] = nil; 來取消設定表格條目。