表格持久化 |
local write, writeIndent, writers, refCount; persistence = { store = function (path, ...) local file, e = io.open(path, "w"); if not file then return error(e); end local n = select("#", ...); -- Count references local objRefCount = {}; -- Stores reference that will be exported for i = 1, n do refCount(objRefCount, (select(i,...))); end; -- Export Objects with more than one ref and assign name -- First, create empty tables for each local objRefNames = {}; local objRefIdx = 0; file:write("-- Persistent Data\n"); file:write("local multiRefObjects = {\n"); for obj, count in pairs(objRefCount) do if count > 1 then objRefIdx = objRefIdx + 1; objRefNames[obj] = objRefIdx; file:write("{};"); -- table objRefIdx end; end; file:write("\n} -- multiRefObjects\n"); -- Then fill them (this requires all empty multiRefObjects to exist) for obj, idx in pairs(objRefNames) do for k, v in pairs(obj) do file:write("multiRefObjects["..idx.."]["); write(file, k, 0, objRefNames); file:write("] = "); write(file, v, 0, objRefNames); file:write(";\n"); end; end; -- Create the remaining objects for i = 1, n do file:write("local ".."obj"..i.." = "); write(file, (select(i,...)), 0, objRefNames); file:write("\n"); end -- Return them if n > 0 then file:write("return obj1"); for i = 2, n do file:write(" ,obj"..i); end; file:write("\n"); else file:write("return\n"); end; if type(path) == "string" then file:close(); end; end; load = function (path) local f, e; if type(path) == "string" then f, e = loadfile(path); else f, e = path:read('*a') end if f then return f(); else return nil, e; end; end; } -- Private methods -- write thing (dispatcher) write = function (file, item, level, objRefNames) writers[type(item)](file, item, level, objRefNames); end; -- write indent writeIndent = function (file, level) for i = 1, level do file:write("\t"); end; end; -- recursively count references refCount = function (objRefCount, item) -- only count reference types (tables) if type(item) == "table" then -- Increase ref count if objRefCount[item] then objRefCount[item] = objRefCount[item] + 1; else objRefCount[item] = 1; -- If first encounter, traverse for k, v in pairs(item) do refCount(objRefCount, k); refCount(objRefCount, v); end; end; end; end; -- Format items for the purpose of restoring writers = { ["nil"] = function (file, item) file:write("nil"); end; ["number"] = function (file, item) file:write(tostring(item)); end; ["string"] = function (file, item) file:write(string.format("%q", item)); end; ["boolean"] = function (file, item) if item then file:write("true"); else file:write("false"); end end; ["table"] = function (file, item, level, objRefNames) local refIdx = objRefNames[item]; if refIdx then -- Table with multiple references file:write("multiRefObjects["..refIdx.."]"); else -- Single use table file:write("{\n"); for k, v in pairs(item) do writeIndent(file, level+1); file:write("["); write(file, k, level+1, objRefNames); file:write("] = "); write(file, v, level+1, objRefNames); file:write(";\n"); end writeIndent(file, level); file:write("}"); end; end; ["function"] = function (file, item) -- Does only work for "normal" functions, not those -- with upvalues or c functions local dInfo = debug.getinfo(item, "uS"); if dInfo.nups > 0 then file:write("nil --[[functions with upvalue not supported]]"); elseif dInfo.what ~= "Lua" then file:write("nil --[[non-lua function not supported]]"); else local r, s = pcall(string.dump,item); if r then file:write(string.format("loadstring(%q)", s)); else file:write("nil --[[function could not be dumped]]"); end end end; ["thread"] = function (file, item) file:write("nil --[[thread]]\n"); end; ["userdata"] = function (file, item) file:write("nil --[[userdata]]\n"); end; }
t_original = {1, 2, ["a"] = "string", b = "test", {"subtable", [4] = 2}}; persistence.store("storage.lua", t_original); t_restored = persistence.load("storage.lua");
範例輸出 (storage.lua)
-- Persistent Data return { [1] = 1; [2] = 2; [3] = { [1] = "subtable"; [4] = 2; }; ["a"] = "string"; ["b"] = "test"; }